The way we were

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Couples really looked like this in the 1950s, I attended a church just like this in Providence, Rhode Island, for which my ancestor, Thomas Angell, gave the land in the 1650s. Every man back then had been drafted or had volunteered, was a military veteran, and a real man with discipline. (The ultimate insult was to be called a “fag.”)
All three presidents during the Baby Boom, which engendered 70 MILLION white kids, were war veterans: Truman (WWI, artillery captain), Eisenhower (five-star general), and Kennedy (an actual war hero).
JFK as a naval officer on the right with his patrol boat crew

Men were macho; every man had been in at least 2-3 fist fights in his youth, in the service, or as an adult. (I saw my father punch a guy who used the f-word in my mother’s presence. He did that several times in fact with louts, with “Let’s step outside and settle this” as the verbal signal.)
And there were lots of good-paying jobs if you were willing to work and had an honorable military discharge. Union jobs paid huge wages. EVERYONE drove an American-made car. Shoes, suits, dresses, hats, socks, sneakers, ties — everything was Made in USA except Scotch.  ZERO Made in China….
White women had 3-6 children; 98% of white births were to married women. (41 of the 49 states banned interracial marriage.)
A parade in San Francisco

With just a high school diploma, a man could afford to buy a small house, a car, and a hunting or fishing cabin — and could support a wife who was a full-time homemaker. He came home every evening to a wife who was not exhausted from some factory job, nor a feminist battle-axe, and he was greeted by a slew of well-behaved kids and the family dog.

Even unhappy marriages stayed together “for the sake of the kids” or until they had at least all left home. (Divorced women especially were shunned by their married female friends as “hubby-snatchers.”)
I was there; I saw it. I lived it. It was real. It seems like a billion years ago. 

All reactions:

Donal Cumhea Mac Namara, Walter D. Bialkowski and 8 others

John De Nugent

The First Baptist Church in America; Thomas Angell gave the land from his apple orchard.
This is Thomas Street, named for his first name, with the church on the right.

Frederick Fromm

I remember those times, John. They had the right ideas then.

John De Nugent

Frederick Fromm We Oldies have to pass this knowledge and experience on, brother Frederick. I feel we are on the verge of the Great Awakening. And Canada, our brother nation, was back then even better than America, because you had, what, 97% Whites, just a few Indians. Your “minority” then was white French Canadians. 
May be a graphic of text

Julieanne Currie

They’ve taken that away from us.


I disagree I was married in the ’60s we had two daughters my husband worked full-time and I was home when the daughters went to school I started working part time it was a wonderful error but everything wasn’t perfect and blacks and white were starting to get along. It WAS a wonderful time but it wasn’t perfect. It was still hard.

John De Nugent

Oh, yes, there were problems which, I think, the liberals and Lyndon Johnson caused in the later 1960s. IMO it all began going to hell right after Kennedy was killed. His murder, then Nam, race riots, sex, drugs and rock’n’roll, anti-war protests, and hippies literally spitting on returning veterans, and calling them “baby killers,” which was mind-blowing. But that was the modern era, from 1966 on, not when the Baby Boomers were kids. When Kennedy died, in a way the country died.


  1. J.F.K was the last hope for America, but the psychotic jew demons had him killed.

    It’s disgusting how so many white people now say how bad it was in the 1950’s for women and other races. They’ve been programmed too much and brainwashed by cultural marxism. Women were much happier as mothers and caring for their children and husbands.

    And it was the jews who brought blacks to America and they should have sent all the negros back to Africa. They don’t belong in a civilised country, and all of our countries should have remained white.
    And anyone attempting to come into our countries — breaking our law and invading our land — should have been shot.

    Only the strongest, most dominant race will survive, and thats how it’s always been.

  2. This was America before Isra-hell became “our greatest ally”, when ministers preached the real Gospel. Now with AIPAC money turning Congress into (((Queen Esther’s))) mega-brothel on the Potomac, the ministers poisoning their congregation with the new modern-age end-stage counterfeit heresy of Judeo-Christian, a term which I as a veteran, never heard until 1985 or later.

    After seeing Israeli genocide on prime time TV for the past year, it is hard for me as a man of average intelligence to square this genocide with a people whom these bought-off ministers call “God’s Chosen” unless that “god” is Satan himself.

    Given an ethnic flavor, I just call him Luciferstein. America is going to hell in front of our very eyes because its civil religion is honestly Satano-Christianity.

    When a school suspends a boy for wearing a shirt that says “There are only two genders”, when I as a veteran go to a VA hospital and see the rainbow ANAL pride flag flying and am asked on a VA questionnaire which of the 57 genders is mine, I know that Don MacLean was on to something when he came out with the popular song in 1972 “American Pie” whose best known line is “Bye Bye Miss American Pie. I drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry.”

    Because of leaders bribed by human demons (AIPAC) our country’s levee is dry “while good old boys drink whisky and rye.” 😉

    George Washington wisely told us in his farewell address to avoid FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS … This country participated in the greatest fratricidal War / Brothers War EVER. (((They))) call it the “Good War” because 50 million dead White men on both sides was GOOD — good for (((Them))).

    Then we had one of their demon-spawn (LBJ) open our borders to the TURD WORLD in 1965. (((Their))) media tells the masses about “the White Majority” when this majority ceased to exist 15 or more years ago.

    We are like Esau, who traded his inheritance for a cold bowl of porridge.
    When we conquered the low-IQ red man, we at least left him reservations for him to live on. We even retained some of his geographical names (Chesapeake, Minnesota, Milwaukee, Potomac, etc).

    I can call the red man low-IQ or a savage, but at least he had the IQ to resist invasion and defend his land, albeit unsuccessfully.

    Jamestown (founded 1607) was the first permanent English colony. Few know that there was an attack mounted by the Powahatan Indians that killed at least one third of the English colonists. If not for a traitor, an Indian who had become friends with the colonists and warned them of the plot, they might have completely extinguished the colonists.

    Nowadays, we see young white women in America, Germany and other lands of ours holding signs saying “Refugees Welcome”.
    Now in Germany, Sweden and other countries, White women are suffering from an epidemic of violent rape at the hands of their pets of misguided altruism.

    You reap as you sowed. You can reap wheat or tares, according to a parable of Jesus.

    But when I hear the term “Judeo-Christianity,” what immediately comes to mind is the hand of our Saviour (the Christianity) and a large nail (the Judeo-) being hammered through his palm!

    When (((They))) are done with us, they will not mercifully leave us some reservations, because mercy is foreign to a demon. It is obvious to any American with an IQ above room temperature that our fate will be the same as the people of Gaza, total genocide.

    • I have a nickname for most Christians –I call them the Holocaust cult.
      Or the holohoax cult from the Jewish Kabbala that says when 6 million jews die, the jews will return to Israel.

      And the word holocaust is also from the jewish Kabbala.
      Plus 6 million jews and holocaust were written 119 times from 1900 to 1944 before the end of ww2.

      But Christians chose to believe the lies of the jews and killed over 11 million Germans…. for a group of savage, nomadic, inbred Turkic, neandothol savages.

      And after they had been kicked out of 109 countries for kidnapping their babies and children and toturing them to death, sacrificing them to Baal and drinking their blood.

      Jews are the most inbred group on earth and have over 150 different genetic diseases from thousands of years of ultra heavy incest with close family members, such as father with daughter, brother with sister, grandfather with granddaughter, and even mother with son.

      Diseases including schizophrenia, psychosis, psychopathy, Tay-Sachs disease, Crohn’s disease etc.
      And they also have 15 percent neanderthl dna, which means they’re not homo sapiens; they’re later-stage neanderthals.

      The Ashkenazi jews are decsendants of the Khazars from an ancient Turkic kingdom that used to be a small part of Khazakstan, Russia, and the Ukraine. Khazaria was around during the end of the Roman Empire, and the Khazarians were a mixture of savage nomadic Turkic tribes.

      The original tribes that made up the Khazars evolved from a late lingering group of neanderthals from the Caucasus, south of Russia. Our ancestors, the Cro Magnons, nearly wiped them out, and they also have a much larger skull then us and a larger ribcage and a smaller skeleton.

      You seem like a good person but i hate most Christians, who are retarded and think that jews are living gods who cannot be criticised.

      And ignore the fact that jewish bolsheviks such as Lenin,Trotsky and Lazar Kaganovich killed over 60 million slavic christians in 40 years.

      I would be embarassed to be a christian when the majority of Christians worship jews and think they’re living gods. Israel’s Mossad did 9/11, and now the jew have had over 5 billion non-jews injected with their mRNA bioweapon.

      And they’re going to cause a mass famine worldwide with geoengineering, which they’ve been doing sice 1964, when the crypto-jew president Lyndon Johnson that had Kennedy assassinated had the U.S military start doimg weather modification.

      He also did a speech two years prior to that, saying “if we can control the weather we can control the world.”

      The U.S military has been doing cloud-seeding and using weather satellites for 60 years to control the weather.

      This is proven with former classified military documents on weather modification since 1964.

      Any Christians who worship jews are either mentally retarded or actual satanists.

  3. It’s very sad what has happened to our people and i don’t think there is any way to beat those psychotic monsters the jews.
    Apart from having a fucked gene pool from thousands of years of inbreeding, but they’ll destroy the planet way before they die out.
    And as long as they keep breeding with other races i don’t think they’ll die out from being inbred later stage neandothols.
    I don’t think they have any other weakness, and i think they’ll cause the destruction of most of the planet with geo engineering.
    Plus evengelical pentacostal and zionist christians worship them and think their living gods.
    And they’ll never allow jews to be prosecuted and face punishment for doing the 911 attack.
    And having over 5 billion people injected with the mrna death bioweapon. Plus most christian politicians are pedophile and involved in satanism.
    The Clintons are demented evil child raping blood drinking satanists, who are zionists as well. Watching that old footage with Hitler and his people saluting him is amazing.
    He was not a dictator like Stalin and his people did not fear him, they loved him.
    1930’s N.S Germany before ww2 was a paradise for it’s people and apart from J.F.K, Hitler was the last leader that truly cared about his people.
    We inherited this hellish jewish controlled world we live in today.
    All because Christians chose to save jews who hate them and killed millions of them and sacrificed their children to baal and drank their adrenaline filled blood.
    To forgive jews for that and after they had been kicked out of 109 countries and to not be aware of their evil behaviour. Especially when it’s been so well documented over thousands of years, is really stupid.

    • Actually, the teaching of Jesus and what the Jews did to him is highly antisemitic.

      Great saints such as John Chrystostom, Louis (a king of France), and also Father Coughlin were ferocious Catholic antisemites, as was the Protestant Martin Luther.

      The First Crusade massacred German Jews while on the way to Palestine.

      The Spanish Inquisition exterminated at least 30,000 Spanish Jews who had faked conversion to Christianity and were still trying to secretly take over Spain.

      The core truth is the Jews murdered Jesus, because He preached truth, peace, love, forgiveness, and humility, and that greed was wrong — while Judaism preaches lies, war, hate, arrogance, vengeance, and that greed is right.

      And the worst traitors serving the Jews are Freemasons, who are anti-Christians, and Military-Industrial types who make billions off jew wars. The Jews make them filthy rich.

      The Jews, like the Devil with Jesus on the mountaintop, dangle riches, fame, power, and sex before the greedy eyes of ANY group that is “on the make.”

      The Jews are in the lookout for any young guy who wants to take shortcuts to the top such as West Point cadet Dwight Eisenhower, whom his classmates ribbed as “the Swedish Jew ” In every photo of him he has a superior glint in his eye. That is the kind of young man (or woman) they reel in. In “Wall Street,” Gordon Gecko (an obvious Jew, named for a lizard and not given a WASP name) thinks the young guy “Bud” (played by Charlie Sheen) is that type.

      How about the gentile stockholders in Pfizer and Moderna? They got rich while the world got jabbed. Nothing Christian there.

      This is what my own medieval relative said, and he was a Christian:

  4. So christians killed 11 to 16 million Germans to save a group of inbred Turkic people who have tortured, and slaughtered over 100 million of them.
    And that kidnapped their babies and children and tortured them to death. Drawing their adrenaline filled blood out of them while their still alive and drinking it. And why did christians keep letting jews back into their countries after kicking them out.

    And why didn’t they neutralise the threat, and implement a F.S instead of kicking the jews out of their counties. And forgiving them, then letting them back in again.

    It’s full-on mental retardation and it shows what stupid morons our christian ancestors were.

  5. Sean “Diddy” Combs arrested for being a pedophile, sex trafficker, and blackmailer. Video describes him as being much worse than Jeffrey Epstein. Also mentions how “Diddy,” Barack Obama, and “Michelle” Obama (a man who has a larger penis than Barack), raped the young pop star Justin Bieber multiple times at “Diddy’s” sex parties:

    18 music industry CEOs and executives step down within 24 hours of “Diddy’s” sex trafficking arrest. Most of them are “house niggers” taking the fall for their Jewish masters behind the scenes, like Lyor Cohen:

    • I will make time to study this if, in your opinion, the link to the Obamas is truly credible.

      The impact would be like a thousands pounds of dynamite if they raped Justin Bieber, who is from our neighbor country, Canada, and this would make it potentially an international thing.

      And this would also explain the slight effeminacy of his music. There is no rough male edge in the way he sings, a girliness, a pretty-boy thing.

  6. I graduated high school in 1963, so I experienced the 1950s culture. On the negative side, there was an oppressive conformity and a sense of being trapped. The writings of Kerouac express a longing to break free from this sense of being trapped.

    • Very true. Things were good materially, but there was a vapid, empty feeling. And Eisenhower was not the man to awaken us.

      I remember the ridiculous, gauche tail fins on the cars. 😉

      The one with the magic was Kennedy, though he was a fool on race. He was evolving rapidly into a worldwide phenomenon, and the Jews saw that. He was beginning to see the Jews as more than just an irritant, and Israel as a menace by seeking nuclear weapons. JFK was growing, changing, and becoming one of the greats of history. One could see that in how he reached out to Khrushchev via his peace speech at American University. He had learned tons from the Cuban Missile Crisis, such as not demonizing the opponent, or believing the Pentagon and CIA, but seeing the enemy’s side of things, and his humanity.

      I strongly recommend the film “13 Days.”

      Of course, as in my own case, to accept the Russians, to feel their fears, and appreciate their greatness, was a spiritual step forward.

      The Germans and the Americans both have a national ego problem, a hubris. The gods hate hubris in mortals, and eventually will summon a deadly nemesis.

      And of course the US is in insane denial.

      The Jews especially are in denial, and there can be no surprise at that. They are the most hubristic people on earth and of all millennia. If any group or individual said God had chosen him, it would be dangerous megalomania, a report would be filed, and the orderlies would come for him with the net and put him on psych meds in a ward!
      So take American “exceptionalism” and add Jew arrogance, and the harvest is nuclear ashes.

  7. Amalek Jones … oh how so endearing. It was I, your friendly proprietor of hell who coined the expression “Amalek will come in every generation”. Very funny, I’m laughing my arse off. When the I.D.F. remotely detonates Mr. “Jones'” computer me and my chosen people will be popping the cork on a cold bottle of Maneschevits grape. We always gets the last laugh. An alcoholic devil? So be it. If I had no vices I’d be a pretty poor devil.

  8. Regarding the term “exceptionalism” as it applies to the United States, I believe this term was coined by the Jewish author, Lindemann, who said that the country was exceptional because unlike Europe its middle classes had no anti-Semitism.

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