A brown-skinned alien with a negroid face teaches a blond white boy….
There is a photo of Harriett Tubman, the glorified negro ex-slavewoman, wearing a white headscarf that I noticed bears a striking resemblance to the alien in Steven Spielberg’s «E.T.», particularly when it has a white towel wrapped around its head. Even the wrinkles on the top of its nose resembles those of H.T.
The fact Hollywood chose to give the alien E.T. not grey or white but BROWN skin appears to me to have been an attempt at subliminal programming to counter any subconscious racial bias in the White children of the 1980’s.
Brown skin was also given to a reptilian alien in the 80’s movie “Enemy Mine.” The lengths to which they will go to mold the minds of Whites would be funny were it not so insidious. Good day to you, sir — a comrade wrote me this. ()
I responded: Great catch! The similarities leap out at us, and exemplify how the jews (the Big Jews like Steven Spielberg, the producer of “E.T.”) insert subliminal, negrophilic messages in their movies and other messaging….the wise old black race….a nation of Morgan Freemans…. It is never the Nordics who bring a message of peace, just weirdo aliens who enlighten us…. Nor it is the Nordic starseeds who appear repeatedly throughout white history, choosing to incarnate as regular earthlings to be far more effective, humans leading humans….And they are effective unless they go totally native while building up support, and begin to overly identify with the great, but flawed, white country they are born into, be it Greece, Rome, Italy, France, Germany, Britain, Russia or America…..
Pythagoras “Consider it a sign of the highest education to quietly look past the hopelessly ignorant.”
Jesus of Galilee, meaning in Hebrew “Goyim District” (Wiki: The region’s Hebrew name is גָּלִיל (galíl), meaning ‘district’ or ‘circle’.[2] The Hebrew form used in Isaiah 9:1 (or 8:23 in different Biblical versions) is in the construct state, leading to g’lil ha-goyím (Hebrew: גְּלִיל הַגּוֹיִם), meaning ‘Galilee of the nations’, which refers to gentiles who settled there at the time that the book was written, either by their own volition or as a result of being deported there.[2])
Leonardo da Vinci, self-portrait
John, is Putin the best Aryan leader today ?
He and the Hungarian Viktor Orban, now in his fourth term as prime minister, and he is the only leader of any Eastern European country to not have been a former communist. The Hungarian who did a lot of my graphics for years says he comes across to the masses as very authentic, smart, courageous and strong.
“Can the white masses be cured? Yes, when the burgers are gone. ;-)”.
100% correct! John, in many German cities people actually sold their soul for a bratwurst![1] This even in the literal sense, because the vaccination is supposed to sabotage, according to Rudolf Steiner’s predictions, the communication channels with one’s own Inner Self, with one’s own guardian angel and thus also the communication with the entity (soul). Probably among other things by sabotaging the pineal gland, by chip-based generation of a high frequency field. The caricature with the 99,-Cent-burgers contains so much sad truth.
Hollywood-ET and Negroes: It never occurred to me, but it is absolutely plausible and was most likely intended exactly that way.
The turning upside down of facts as well as the total glorification of foreigners has increased more and more in Germany since the 1970s. Even in children’s movies of the 1970s it is the bad German children versus the good innocent Vietnamese, while many of the Vietnamese were/are often the most brutal Vietnamese ultramachos.
The children and young people from Vietnam were often just as brutal as the Mohammedans, I was able to witness and observe this very often during my own childhood and youth, during the 1970s and 1980s: clan structure; macho ideals; intimidation attempts and physical attacks against German children and young people; quarrels on trivial occasions, even with a brutal attempt at suffocation in public, once I had to come to the aid of a fellow student.
Since the 1990s, the same plot pattern has been repeated in movies and on TV, it is always the same central plot: foreigners are wrongly suspected, wrongly accused. But then it turns out how it really was and in the end the perpetrator is determined: the evil German did it. It is the same movie plot every time.
And make no mistake about it. There are enough white people who believe such nonsense, who run into the open knife because of the indoctrination with multicultural propaganda. Just remember the two young ladies who were beheaded in Morocco a couple of years ago. One of them, I think the Danish one, had participated in a multicultural propaganda video before.
These two ladies are a tragic symbol of the “learning process” now taking place among the white masses.
[1] https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/weird-europe-germans-offered-bratwurst-as-vaccine-incentive/
In German: Die eigene Seele für eine Bratwurst verkauft + Ein Sinnbild für den jetztigen “Lernprozeß” der weißen Völker
“Can the white masses be cured? Yes, when the burgers are gone. 😉 “.
100% korrekt! John, in vielen Deutschen Städten verkauften die Menschen tatsächlich ihre Seele für eine Bratwurst![1] Das sogar im wortwörtlichen Sinne, denn die Impfung soll, gemäß Rudolf Steiner’s Vorhersagen, die Kommunikationskanäle mit dem eigenem Inneren Selbst, mit dem eigenen Schutzengel sabotieren und somit auch die Kommunikation mit der Wesenheit (Seele). Vermutlich unter anderem durch die Sabotage der Zirbeldrüse, durch Chip-basierte Erzeugung eines Hochfrequenzfeldes. Die Karikatur mit den 99,-Cent-Burgern enthält so viel traurige Wahrheit.
Hollywood-ET und Neger: Ich kam nie auf den Gedanken, aber es ist absolut plausibel und wurde höchstwahrscheinlich genau so beabsichtigt.
Das Auf-den-Kopfstellen von Tatsachen sowie die Totalverherrlichung, Totalglorifizierung von Ausländern hat bei uns in Deutschland schon seit den 1970er Jahren immer mehr zugenommen. Sogar in Kinderfilmen der 1970er Jahre sind es die bösen deutschen Kinder versus die guten unschuldigen Vietnamesen, dabei waren/sind viele der Vietnamesen oft brutalste vietnamesische Ultramachos.
Die Kinder und Jugendlichen aus Vietnam waren oftmals genauso brutal wie die Mohammedaner, ich habe das sehr oft während meiner eigenen Kindheit und Jugend miterleben und beobachten können, während der 1970er und 1980er Jahre: Clanstruktur; Machoideale; Einschüchterungsversuche und tätliche Angriffe gegen deutsche Kinder und Jugendliche; bei nichtigen Anlässen Streit, sogar mit brutalem Erstickungsversuch in aller Öffentlichkeit, einmal mußte ich einem Mitschüler zur Hilfe kommen.
Seit den 1990ern wiederholt sich auch immer das gleiche Handlungsschema in Kino und Fernsehen, es ist immer dieselbe zentrale Handlung: Ausländer werden falsch verdächtigt, zu Unrecht beschuldigt. Dann stellt sich aber heraus, wie es wirklich war und zum Schluß steht der Täter fest: Der böse Deutsche war es. Es ist jedesmal dieselbe Filmhandlung.
Und man täusche sich nicht! Es gibt genug weiße Menschen, die solchen Blödsinn glauben, die ins offene Messer rennen aufgrund der Indoktrination mit Multikultipropaganda. Man erinnere sich nur an die zwei jungen Damen, die vor ein Paar Jahren in Marokko enthauptet wurden. Eine von beiden, ich glaube die Dänin, hatte zuvor noch an einem Multikulti-Propagandavideo teilgenommen.
Diese zwei Damen sind ein tragisches Sinnbild für den jetzt stattfindenden “Lernprozeß” der weißen Massen.
[1] https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/weird-europe-germans-offered-bratwurst-as-vaccine-incentive/