Unless a nuclear WWIII erupts, it would be correct — until now — for the jews to believe that the title of this Washington Compost article is correct FOR THEM:
Ritter and Macgregor DREAD a third world war and have vast military experience as well as courage and insight. But neither will say it is the Jews and Jewkraine (Zelensky, Reznikov, Klitchko, etc.) that want this insane war and escalation against a Russia that jewry has always hated, and owned under Yeltsin 1992-99, that is, until Putin took over almost 23 years ago.
Eisenhower became aware of the jewish problem, yet called it not “the jews” but “the military-industrial complex.”
Others say “the globalists,” “George Soros” or “Klaus Schwab and the WEF.”
But what it boils down to is THE BIG JEWS.
Eisenhower continued to lick jew boots, albeit perhaps with growing regret.
British PM Churchill, financier Bernard Baruch, and Pres. Eisenhower in the year I was reborn. The body language says it all.
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