The “Yellow Vests” — Paris on fire; why this is only a first step

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The brutal CRS police watch as fires burn on the elegant Champs Élysee avenue that leads from the Arc de Triomphe to the Place de la Concorde. Yellow Vests gather near the Arc de Triomphe on the Champs-Elysées while café furniture is set on fire on November 24, 2018.

Both the left and the right are on the street against “Macrothschild,” blocking traffic, burning stuff, marching and yelling slogans against the arrogant, pretty-boy, spoiled-brat French président, a childless freak (rumored to be gay or bi) married to his own English teacher, who is 20 years older.


Macron (center) with perhaps his real lover, an Arab thug named Benalla (left).

He also was photographed with two insolent black street criminals on a French-controlled tropical island in embarrassing “hugs.”

This 40-y/o multimillionaire literally fulfills without shame every conspiracy theory out there by being an “ex”-employee of the Banque de Rothschild de France.

After months of his sarcastic comments — though he is a politician in a democratic society — against “his own” (?) French people, such as calling them “refractory Gauls who fight all change” —

…then ramming through tax cuts for the rich, and now blasting anyone with a diesel car as an eco-criminal…

(Pres. Macron and his prime minister, Edouard Philippe) yell “Murderer of the planet!” — (The typical white Frenchman, wearing his beret):”But you told me to buy a diesel”

Macron has, unfortunately, a huge majority in the French parliament, the Assemblée nationale, after the jewsmedia praised him to the skies in 2017 as a handsome, brilliantm, exciting and young reformer — and created a new political party just for him, the LFEM (“La France En Marche”) party, in order to stop the very soft-core white nationalist, Marine Le Pen, from becoming president.

In 2017 EVERY magazine owned by the Khazars had glorified this “empty suit” — whose full arrogance and sense of entitlement came out only after he was inaugurated.

…including literally sitting — the president of a republic — on a throne!


Finally, Pretty Boy Emanuel, now nicknamed disrespectfuilly “Manu,” like “Manny,” jacked WAY up the gasoline tax.

But for the “deplorables,” especially the white, rural working class, well, they HAVE to use their car.

The rail system, where you also could relax and let others do the driving while you read the paper and sipped coffee, has been allowed to shrink drastically.

So most Frenchmen cannot take the train to work.

But the subway is too dangerous now, full of muslim blacks and browns, and especially too perilous for women (and for short white men traveling alone who do not look like the Incredible Hulk).

So the whites, who pay 50% in taxes already, with rents skyrocketing due to immigration, and they also have to drive their car through nerve-racking traffic congestion to get to work, are now paying under Manny Macron $5.54 a gallon for gasoline!

Meanwhile, rather than expel the Muslims, instead the French Army patrols the streets…

…..but do they actually stop major muslim terror incidents?? Only now and then.

Bataclan: 130 dead, all young white French kids, many with their throats slit

 A Muslim in a truck ran over 86 French people at a beach festival in Nice, and on their national holiday, Bastille Day — actual video footage


So Manny’s approval rating has crashed to the low 20s.

France has now had three hook-nosed jews or jew puppets in a row as president .. Sarkozy, Hollande…

….and now Emanuel Macron — three men who spent almost their entire five-year reigns, one-term only, in the dismal low 20s.

I read this sarcastic and menacing poem on by a French patriot, “Jackie LeBreton,” against Macron:

(French, then Engl. transl.)

Macron, depuis ton élection tu nous prends pour des cons
Le peuple que tu méprises, aujourd’hui te dit non
Toi l’ami des multi-riches, banquier de ta profession
Ta haine envers nous te mène à la capitulation
Si tu t’entêtes encore à servir tes employeurs
Ton destin futur est de finir chez le fossoyeur 😏

Macron, since your election you take us for fools
The people you despise, today tells you no!
You are the friend of the mega-rich, banker by your profession
Your hatred towards us leads you to capitulation.
If you still go on serving your real employers
Your future destiny will be with the gravedigger.

“Congratulations, ‘Manu,’ you won. France really is ‘on the march’.”

I analyze the problems with the Yellow Vests below. This news report from RT France was translated by me.

…..Yellow Vests – Paris on fire


Several thousand yellow vests gather on the Champs-Elysées (CONTINUOUSLY)

Macron: “Shame on those who have abused other citizens and journalists”




What should we expect this November 24 for the “act two” from the Yellow Vests in Paris? In addition to the authorized gathering on the Champ de Mars, the police seem to have identified eight other places likely to be invested.

  • “The ultra-right networks were very mobilized from 10:30 am on,” said Interior Minister Christophe Castaner at a press conference.

  • “Thank you to our law enforcement for their courage and professionalism. 

    Shame on those who attacked other citizens and journalists.

    Shame on those who have tried to intimidate elected officials.

    No place for this violence in the Republic, “

    tweeted Emmanuel Macron in reaction to the mobilization of yellow vests of November 24.

  • Calm gradually returns to the Avenue des Champs-Elysées.

    © RT France
    Avenue des Champs-Elysées is empty after clashes between protesters and law enforcement, November 24, 2018.
  • The CRS are trying to pull back the demonstrators on the Champs-Elysées.

    © RT France
    The CRS are facing the demonstrators on the Avenue des Champs-Elysées.
  • “The Yellow Vests are not breakers” insists Hans at the microphone of RT France.

    Integrated video

    RT France


    “The  are not thugs” insists Hans at the microphone of RT France live:
    📺 https: //

  • The violence continues and intensifies on the Avenue des Champs-Elysées.

    © Ruptly
    Several barricades are burned on the Champs-Elysées, on November 24, 2018.
    © Ruptly
    The CRS [a very brutal anti-riot police] are facing the demonstrators on Avenue des Champs-Elysées on November 24, 2018.
  • The Yellow Vests reinvest the Avenue of the Champs-Elysees after having left a few dozen minutes earlier.

    Integrated video

    Stéphane Burlot @Stef_Burlot

    17:30 still thousands of people on the fields. The  reinvest the places. 

    122 people are talking about it

  • At 17h, the situation has not improved near the Arc de Triomphe.

    Integrated video

    RT France


    At 17h, the situation has not improved near the Arc de Triomphe  Live:
    📺 https: //


  • Two journalists, present near the Champs-Elysees, affirm that yellow Vests are currently heading towards the Elysee Palace.

    Integrated video

    Clément Lanot


    DIRECT  – In a few moments all the  forces have just left the Champs Elysees.  are without opponents. They are going down to the Elysee.

    Aubin Laratte @laratteaubin

    “We’ll get you”, chant  at  . They go to the Elysee.

  • Several barricades are burned in the vicinity and on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées.

    Integrated video

    Fabien Rives – #RTFrance @FabienRivesRTFr

    A barricade on fire, among many others, around and on the 

  • One of our correspondents found himself in the middle of a lot of CRS on the Champs-Elysées.

    Integrated video

    RT France


    A journalist from RT France finds himself in the middle of the charge of  on the Champs-Elysées  live:
    📺 https: //


  • Meanwhile, in Lille, the event ends in calm.

    Integrated video

    Mikael Libert @MikaelLibert

    End of the  of  at  . No incidents to report.


  • One of our correspondents is currently on the Champs-Elysées. Follow the situation directly on the Parisian artery.

  • Marine Le Pen responded on RT France to the accusations of the Minister of the Interior: “Christophe Castaner takes the opportunity to make me responsible for the uproar when, in reality, it is he.”

  • A total of 35 people were arrested, 22 were placed in police custody, and eight people were wounded (including two gendarmes), the Interior Ministry said.

  • According to the Ministry of the Interior, 81,000 demonstrators in France, of them 8,000 in Paris were counted at 15h.


…..Why the Yellow Vests, like the Trump-voting “deplorables” of 2016, are just a start

We have seen this before:

–angry Greeks, and nothing at all changed. It has just gotten even worse. More suicides, starvation and bankruptcy. the true altnarnative party, the Golden Dawn, was decapitated when its top leaders were all thrown in prison on an unbelievably trumped-up charge of causing somehow some leftist motorcyclist to get beaten up and die.

Nicholas Michaloliakos


Wiki (

Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos (GreekΝικόλαος Γ. Μιχαλολιάκοςpronounced [niˈkolaos mixaloˈʎakos]; born 16 December 1957) is a Greekpolitician. He is the founder and leader of the far-right Golden Dawn party.

In September 2013, Michaloliakos was arrested on charges of forming a criminal organization. He was released in July 2015.

As of 2018, the trial is ongoing.

As I said to a Greek friend, if you let them arrest you on just any old b-s charge, you are a fool. Better to fight and die, like old King Leonidas, and at least die like a man than submit to arrest and a frame.-up and thus acknowledge tacitly the tyrannical usurpers and bootlickers of the jews as a “government.”

Following the fatal stabbing of left-wing rapper Pavlos Fyssas on 17 September 2013 by a supporter of his party[11], Michaloliakos was arrested in a 28 September 2013 sweep, along with numerous other Golden Dawn leaders on the charges of being involved in a criminal organisation.[12] The charge sheet includes murder, extortion, and involvement in the disappearance of up to 100 immigrants.[13] After 18 months of pretrial detention, the maximum allowed, Michaloliakos was released from jail and placed under house arrest.[14] On 29 July 2015 his house arrest was lifted but he is prohibited from leaving the Attica [capital] region.[15]

In April 2015, the trial of Michaloliakos and 68 other defendants began at the high-security Korydallos prison in Athens,[16] but was adjourned a number of times for technical reasons and to find a more suitable setting.[17]

As for the Trump phenomenon, it too engendered a lot of excitement in 2016.

Trump supporter gets egged by male Antifa punk, but keeps on speaking afterward.

But while Trump is a real fighter and has done SOME good, at least by opening the “Overton Window,” in many ways the left is more dangerous than ever, and the country is still getting more brown, black, gay and Demoncrat every day.

Of course, Trump in foreign policy has been a total disaster, abandoningg “America First” for Jewry First, and threatening a Russia and a China which both have enough hydrogen bombs to vaporize the American people in thirty minutes.


Trump loves to bully — and that just ain’t possible any more for the US.

Would-be tough guy Barry

Would-be tough guy Pence


If you try to bully a tough guy, he will push back, or maybe take a swing and deck you.

If US  weapons were so good, then why does IsraHell (which has them all, including the $120 million F-35 fighter jets) not dare to attack Syria with its new Russian S-300 missiles any more?


So anyway, Trump is a bust, too.

Someone has to bite the bullet, and both 1) name the jew and 2) rally the masses explicitly against this lethal human tumor called jewry


…..Great video on Adolf versus the Jews and their bogus democracy


…..Are these “Yellow Vests” the dawn of a renewed France?

Oh no, though they are truly good and brave people!

But they have neither a charismatic leader nor a fresh new ideology , nor serious financing or any planning either.

I learned a lot about the successful revolutions carried out since Oliver Cromwell (and especially about the “Revolution of 1789” in France, the execrable fruit of a Jewish conspiracy with Freemasonic human tools) … while reading and recording an audiobook on “The Nameless War” by Scottish captain Ramsay.

Stanislas Marie Maillard, the hooked-nosed leader of the pack at the Bastille who, in addition, never washed, just like the Jews of the ghetto

First I learned that all regimes that are powerful and competent in their management of the economy are not easy to overturn.

They all have a trained secret police whose job is to fight 24/7 against subversion, and thus watch, infiltrate and divide all dissident groups, especially thwarting, corrupting, or killing all potential leaders.


JFK had it all — looks, wealth, fame, charisma, great Irish sense of humor, popularity, beautiful family — and he was a secret antisemite, admirer of Hitler and enemy of Israel.

The charismatic, eloquent, educated Marcus Garvey was targeted and destroyed by the FBI — framed, imprisoned and expelled back to Jamaica — at the direct order of J.Edgar Hoover, because Garvey wanted the blacks to give up on living alongside white America — and go back to Africa!

This swarthy cross-dresser “J. Edgar Hoover, a mystery man like Obama  – he could not produce any birth certificate until 1940, when he was already 45 years old — a man whose actions and appearance suggest he may have been a closet Jew — kept “dirt files” on everyone and had many, many dissidents murdered. 

Text of the Marcus Garvey Neutralization Memo

Federal Bureau of Investigation

October 11, 1919.

MEMORANDUM FOR MR. RIDGELY.I am transmitting herewith a communication which has come to my attention from the Panama Canal, Washington office, relative to the activities of MARCUS GARVEY.Garvey is a West-Indian negro and in addition to his activities in endeavoring to establish the Black Star Line Steamship Corporation he has also been particularly active among the radical elements in New York City in agitating the negro movement.Unfortunately, however, he has not as yet violated any federal law whereby he could be proceeded against on the grounds of being an undesirable alien, from the point of view of deportation.It occurs to me, however, from the attached clipping that there might be some proceeding against him for fraud in connection with his Black Star Line propaganda, and for this reason I am transmitting the communication to you for your appropriate attention.

The following is a brief statement of Marcus Garvey and his activities:

Subject a native of the West Indies and one of the most prominent negro agitators in New York;

He is a founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association [ the UNIA] and African Communities League;

He is the promulgator of the Black Star Line [to ship blacks back to Africa!!!!] and is the managing editor of the Negro World [newspaper];

He is an exceptionally fine orator, creating much excitement among the negroes through his steamship proposition;

In his paper, the “Negro World,” the Soviet Russian Rule is upheld and there is open advocation of Bolshevism. [JdN: There you go — everyone whom Hoover feared was tarred as a “communist sympathizer.”]


J.E. Hoover

On the other hand, unlike the Yellow Vests or the Trump “deplorables,” mostly “the little people,” the Jews have 3,000 years of experience in this field of the art and science of revolution– as well as the money by the millions and billions to make those revolutions succeed that are in their own sinister interest.

And above all the Jews know how to paralyze — render passive and inactive — the targeted Gentile regimes at the key moment at the beginning of the armed revolt.

I rcorded this audiobook and online book with 230 photographs and explanations for modern readers of this 1952 masterpiece:

Captain Ramsay, Scottish nobleman, wounded (in France) of World War I with the elite Coldstream Guards Regiment, who also guard the Queen’s Windsor Palace

He served eleven years in the British Parliament – then he was thrown in jail for four years, 1940-44, by the Judeophile psychopath Churchill to punish him for opposing his idiotic white-fratricide war against Hitler

But so few people also understand how powerful so-called “chemtrails” are to make people anxious, lazy and timid!



So, no, none of these secular movements, no matter how fed up the powerless “little people” get, will overthrow the diablical and genocidal jews.





…..Captain Archibald Ramsay’s “The Nameless War” — how the Jews plan, finance and run revolutions against the goyim

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