Theories on the Nashville bombing; 20,000 views yesterday; Trump puzzled and hurt Pence will not help him on the decisive January 6th

Emergency personnel work near the scene of an explosion in downtown Nashville, Tenn., Friday, Dec. 25, 2020. Buildings shook in the immediate area and beyond after a loud boom was heard early Christmas morning.(AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)
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Delicious Christmas Day meal Margi prepared for me from scratch! Yellow Alaska potatoes in butter; organic green beans with pecans; turkey with mushrooms; and homemade cranberry sauce… always seasoned to subtle perfection. Margi, with her German, Acadian French (Louisiana) and Southern heritages, is a wizard of a chef. 🙂


And her honor is loyalty as much as with any SS man.

How many women are gold-diggers! How many, when harassment and persecution begin, abandon their man if he does not give up his white activism!

Margi in her Kennedy Center days when she knew a young Sandra Bullock and her German mother.

..0…Nashville bombing

On this low-casualty (three injured) bombing with drawn-out, explicit prior warnings:

I think the “gunshots” were just a recording as during (at least some of) the Las Vegas shootings from the hotel window-

1) Few casualties and a warning are the hallmark of groups that want to get attention and not be hated.

One could also put the Unabomber in this category. Ted Kaczinski, a Harvard and MIT graduate, murdered “only” three people with his letter bombs.

He actually, sincerely wanted people to really read his manifesto, which does contain important insights about AI and humans being enslaved to machines. In his own wrong-headed way, he was an “idealist.”

But if you go and kill 30 or 50 innocent people, then everyone just hates you, and no one wants to hear your story.

Lots of property damage….


2) This is a diversion by the Deep State, to get us off Trump vs. Biden (a theory I favor)

3) This is Deep State, and will turn out to be faux “white supremacists” (or an MK-ULTRA zombie like the pitiful Aurora, Colorado supposed cinema shooter)

3) It is a simple criminal diversion, a sleight-of-hand, to lure the cops to one place so some other op/break-in/bank heist could go down without interference elsewhere, a very old tactic. In the military it is called a feint: the attack diverts the foe from a bigger attack elsewhere.

4) It has something to do with whatever is in that AT&T telephone building, which some say is a hardened, reinforced bunker, even relatively nuke-proof, with AT&T working for the NSA… and the NSA, some say, is very, very quietly pro-Trump…..

I have often thought that I am alive because two different factions of spooks (secret agency people) had a kind of understanding: “Kill de Nugent — and we kill one of your people.”

As I said in my last life, “in dealing with jews you state either/or.”

That is, “either you not do this, or we retaliate with that.”

Harassing me is allowed, but not killing.

Anyway, 20,000 views yesterday.  No donations, however. 😉 Ask yourself why you do not donate.  🙂 I gotta hear your excuse.


……Pitiful: Trump actually trusted Pence to save his win on January 6th

A perhaps trivial point:

Shortly after the stolen election, the 74-year-old Trump stopped dying his hair blond, and let it go white. (But now he is back to coloring his hair. Many men do to look younger.  It is almost universal in East Asia, btw.)

Was Trump suddenly feeling his age, feeling betrayed, and saying inwardly “F— it!”?

Patrick Byrne says Trump told him upstairs, clearly hurting, at the WH that he did not need all this grief for trying to help his country, and he could just as well hang it up, go golfing, and enjoy his life again. (Byrne told him it is not about him but his duty to the country and our nation’s entire future.)

FILE – In this Dec. 13, 2016 file photo, President-elect Donald Trump gestures while speaking at a rally in West Allis, Wis. Donald Trump says America cannot let Israel be treated with “such total disdain and disrespect.” The president-elect wrote on Twitter on Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2016, that Israel “used to have a great friend in the U.S., but … not anymore.” (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

On the flight to Palm Beach, accompanied by his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, Trump retweeted a demand for Pence to refuse to certify the Electoral College results on Jan. 6.

My staff writer, Francois Arouet, has written brilliantly on Pence meeting regularly in a kind of Vice Presidents Club (which excludes paleo-conservative Dan Quayle!!) with the wicked Biden and the Dark Lord himself,  Dick Cheney.

FRANÇOIS AROUET: Pence created own “VP club” with Trump enemies BIDEN and CHENEY — men he met and spoke with FREQUENTLY during election campaign on both domestic and foreign policies

What this all points to is that Trump, despite a very real mean streak, a dark side, and a huge ego, is also

1) genuinely naive,

2) just not super-bright, as well as

3) being sealed off by the White House Communications Agency, his own treacherous staff, and daughter Ivanka with her 666 Fifth Avenue (no joke) Jared Kushner from the truth.

But the man is still fighting and did something VERY good, vetoing the NDAA:

He also wrote in evident outrage:

Ann Coulter said she was glad Trump “lost.”

What a fool — and what a liar she is…as well as being a childless white wench who sleeps with black men (by her own boast). Why do white women think they have breasts, btw? Maybe, just maybe not to hypnotize men but to nurse white kids? How does our race go on with all these smart but childless women?

Listen, Ann Coulter, Donald Trump did lots & held 56 huge rallies, giant lovefests, and so, of course, he won in a landslide. And why not against a walking, mumbling cadaver who barely campaigned and no one, even on the Left, was enthused about?  He was accused even by leftist MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski of RAPE!

Four interrogators look at Joe Biden denying Tara Reade rape — his head nods Yes while his mouth says No 😉

Trump won by 16 points! He won 19 of 2o bellwether counties and by 16%! 

And a Biden-Harris WH, you ungrateful, spiteful bitch, would mean either you fall silent OR you are physically stabbed, raped or beaten by BLM or Antifa and you are eventually arrested for hate speech or some other trumped-up allegation.


Loyalty and gratitude are two virtues this wicked age no longer knows. I have experienced it myself. And it hurts like hell when you help someone in THEIR hour of need and then they turn on you. Key takeaway: if some guy pleads with you for help and says he does not have a friend in the world, there may be a real good reason. Maybe he is a selfish user and treacherous asshole who will only despise YOU for the folly of helping him. 😉 Margi told me of a psychopath who would go hitchhiking and then murder kindly motorists who stopped and picked him up.

He told the cops: “Served ’em right for trusting me.”

On the right, a psychopath brain – blue dye means no activity in love and compassion centers

This is the Jews’ gratitude to White America after we defeated Hitler for them at a cost of 400k dead and 2 million wounded:

With Trump gone the floodgates of bolshevism will open.

Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, one of the best rulers Rome ever had — I read his diary at nine — wrote in it:

Your financial support means I can intervene as, tragically, Trump goes down, and the world seeks what it really needs:

  1. the full truth about the jews,
  2. about this genocidal, depopulating GMO, jew-created vaccine!!!!
  3. the truth about ourselves — about what it is in us ourselves that makes us continue to swallow obvious lies cranked out by the ugliest, evilest, most arrantly arrogant people on this earth, being  DIVIDED AND CONQUERED ESPECIALLY BY THEIR SLANDER AGAINST ALL GENUINE LEADERS.

Especially important blogs





  1. The FBI did Nashville. Were on the spot immediately. Dominion machines seized by them. Trump is powerless and captive in the W.H., prevented from public communication and invoking any legal enforcement against the election fraud criminals and the Communist powers at war in the country. Antifa/BLM are still free to be violently active. No doubt more Commie militants are ready and waiting for the coup takeover. For Patriots to wait to be attacked first before being defensive is foolish. Another protest march is insanity, especially in D.C. Guerilla activists need to be active everywhere already before they are sought out and eliminated. Communists kill for power with no mercy for anyone. In D.C. Patriots would be unarmed sitting ducks for a treasonous military. Jim Stone may appear to be too ahead of what is generally known, but is more often right than mistaken.
    “Quite predictably, after the blast in Nashville stopped a Dominion audit, gun toting white supremacists were blamed.”

    “The FBI WAS ON THE SCENE IMMEDIATELY, NOT EVEN SECONDS AFTER THE BLAST, ON CHRISTMAS MORNING, A FEDERAL HOLIDAY, WHICH MEANS THEY DID THIS. They could not possibly have arrived quickly on a federal holiday, let alone instantly. If they did not do this, they’d have taken time to arrive ON CHRISTMAS MORNING. Their INSTANT ARRIVAL on christmas morning says it all. FBI DESTROYED AN AT&T / NSA FACILITY THAT WAS GOING TO AUDIT VOTING MACHINES. THEY DID IT ON BEHALF OF THE SCAMMING LEFT AND IT’S VOTE FRAUD TO MAKE SURE THEIR BUTTS WOULD NOT FRY. And quite predictably, they blamed the American gun owner.”

  2. Another opinion with alleged evidence about the explosion. If the military dropped a missile to destroy the building, the same military is likely not supporting Trump.

    Nashville explosion was actually a missile strike, and the target was the AT&T / NSA hardened switching facility “spy hub”
    Saturday, December 26, 2020 by: Mike Adams”

    “Incoming missile proves this was a military operation, launched from an aircraft
    The following screen shots from the video (below) show the incoming missile trail, meaning this was a military operation, and the missile was fired from an aircraft:”

    • Thank you.

      Very interesting.

      What this theory would prove is PART of the military is against Trump.

      Jim Stone, as you know, is very good, and I link to him on my site, but he jumps to conclusions.

      For example, he states flat-out that the Chattanooga, Tennessee nurse Tiffany Dover, who fainted on camera after the Covid vaccine, is dead.

      Well, maybe, but this video would suggest she is not. It certainly SEEMS to be the same girl: same face, yes, body and voice:

      HOWEVER, all is not well here for the Deep State. The comments show that people unanimously see her as lying (and certainly lying under duress.)

      My guess is that she is alive, but was very ill for days, hence she did not post anything on Instagram or Facebook.

      Stone is a bit hysterical, though his message is valid and his motives beautiful. I assume he was never in a war, which tends to get a person used to stress.

    • Wow! But I think it may have just been a couple of pieces of smoking debris launched into the air before the primary blast wave became visible over the tops of the buildings. I watched the video several times, and it looks like two white smoke trails moving quickly from bottom left to top right, then disappearing. But who knows? Some type of cruise missile was used on the Pentagon on 9/11/2001, so they could have done the same in Nashville.

      Here are more links on the Nashville explosion:

      Media is now saying that Anthony Quinn Warner, a 63-year old white man, is the prime suspect, and is believed to have committed suicide in the supposed RV bombing (includes photo of him):

      He signed over two of his houses for $0.00 to a woman named Michelle Swing from Los Angeles, who says she knows nothing about it, even though one of the houses was gifted to her for $0.00 last year:

      Michelle Louise Swing – this article says she attended Knoxville Catholic high school, but in the enlarged black & white photo from her LinkedIn profile, she looks Jewish to me. Her name below the black & white photo is a link to her profile. Her job title there is “Director, Artist Development | Global Touring at AEG Presents”:

      Very strange. Anthony Quinn Warner was much older than the 29-year old Michelle Swing, so how did he even know her? And where would a 63-year-old IT contractor and alarm installer get the presumably military-grade explosives, detonator device, and explosives knowledge needed to create such a powerful blast? Whose female voice was on the recorded warning? Was it Michelle Swing’s voice? Why did Warner appear to target the AT&T building?

      Here someone claims that AT&T had a contract to forensically examine the Dominion servers, which were moved to that AT&T building:

      That comment from the above link:

      “Any thoughts?

      I Have not yet done a independent check of this( not using fact-checkers because we all know they manipulate the truth), but if all this is true the deep state and corruption is rampant. This will only stop if we take a stand because most politicians are useless or complacent on both sides of the aisle. Here’s a report on possible connections that have been raised. If anyone else has more to add feel free.

      -NASHVILLE – Jay Bonnie Bea
      AT&T got a contract to do forensic audit on Dominion voting machines and those machines were being moved to Nashville this past week.

      The former owner of the AT&T building in Nashville, William Kennard, is a board member for Cerberus Capital Management and AT&T…. He also was Bill Clinton’s FCC chair, and Obama’s Ambassador to the EU.

      Dominion voting is owned by Cerberus Capital Management…. Cerberus is run by Staple Street Execs. Joe Bidens Brother in Law, Steven Owens, is the cofounder of Staple Street Execs along with William Kennard (mentioned above).

      Super Computer in TN was connected to the AT&T internet in NASHVILLE…. yesterday evening the Cumberland river cooling system was compromised due to internet outage and Supercomputer fried…..

      If you don’t know, “Kraken” is a reference to a supercomputer former prosecuter, Sidney Powell, has been talking about.

      So, the explosion “just happened” to be at the AT&T location where they “just so happen” to control the cooling system for the super computer and house the dominion voting machines and drives for forensic audit…

      Does it make sense now why no lives were lost? Does it make sense now why the FBI task lead couldn’t even put together a coherent sentence in the press conference yesterday? Does it make sense why the mayor was making light of the situation, almost laughing yesterday?”

      Another link on the AT&T building’s ownership:

      Hootan Yaghoobzadeh is a director of Dominion Voting Systems (this article from the website of the “conservative” Jewess Pamela Geller):

      Hootan Yaghoobzadeh is married to a Jewish woman named Amy Jill Metzger, and is almost certainly Jewish himself:

      The plot thickens. Will we ever know what really happened, or will it all disappear down the memory hole, as has happened with so many other obvious Deep State actions, like Sandy Hoax, the Boston Marathon bombing, the Las Vegas shootings, etc., etc.?

      • Swing was pretty (with maybe some Amerindian blood, like so many, many Southerners, hence the nose, especially with part-Cherokees) and maybe Warner was infatuated with her. Older men can still fall in love, even if unrequited.

        Giving property away to friends and family is certainly a classic thing a suicidal person might do.

        James von Brunn was giving stuff away before his 2009 storming of the Holocaust Museum.

        Of course, if one wanted to combine the AT&T/Cerberus/Dominion thing with Warner, I could speculate that this guy was an MK-ULTRA, and he was ordered, under mind control, to do this attack on the AT&T building with no understanding of why. His role was to be a white male loner.

        Perhaps he was even shot dead after getting there, or he was driven, already killed and dead, by his Deep State hitman to downtown Nashville. The killer then abandoned the vehicle.

        As I say: blame it on an evil white male loner who thought his cell-phone bil from AT&T was too high. 😉

        • What I’m wondering about is the multiple gunshots, each separated by about 10 minutes, before the recorded warning message started. I don’t think those gunshots were recorded, as you suggested earlier. I think they were real, and someone was killed with each burst of gunfire.

          That AT&T building, as a central switching hub, probably had at least one armed security guard in the lobby area, and if the building did contain the Dominion servers waiting to be forensically analyzed as some have said, maybe a Deep State hitman or team of hitmen killed the security guard(s), stole the Dominion servers, killed Anthony Quinn Warner if he wasn’t already dead inside the RV, then set the timer for the RV to explode. Just a theory, but it seems plausible to me.

          Unrelated, but check out the video at the top of, which shows a black nurse who got the COVID-19 vaccine talking and crying about how she now has Bell’s palsy, and the entire left side of her face is paralyzed.

          • Thank you for your comment.

            A woman was interviewed who said the machine-gun sounds were the exact same firing pattern over and over…….

            On the heart-rending Bell’s Palsy video, many big thanks for that.

            If this video and experience are true, then I weep for this poor, innocent woman –be she black or white — and I must salute her bravery as well.

            (I also think most nurses are great people. My younger daughter is an RN. It is a hard and dangerous job, and vital, obviously.)

            BUT this video, as you know, c-o-u-l-d be a fake, a setup designed by the Gates people and the Deep State to discredit us who are vaccine and Covid truthers, hoping we seize on it and start eagerly spreading it around. It could turn out to be a trap where, after a few days, they prove it is a fake and “Khalilah” steps forward and says she is a crisis actress.

            So…. can anyone verify that this lady, “Khalilah Mitchell,” is a real person, is really a nurse, does live in Nashville, and now is a Bell’s Palsy victim?

            Btw, I have downloaded it and uploaded it to my own website. Also, I was an interrogator in the Marines — and IMO she does come across as honest to me.


  3. Ruth’s comment about the FBI being there almost immediately is spot-on. They had to have known about it in advance to be there so quickly on a Christmas morning. Now the FBI is dropping hints to the media that Anthony Q. Warner was a “conspiracy theorist” who was paranoid about 5G and believed in aliens. Pretty convenient, huh? Two things the government doesn’t want people asking questions about: 5G and aliens, so this seems to be a good way to discredit those topics: “Only crazy people like Anthony Q. Warner believe in 5G conspiracy theories and aliens. Are you crazy like him?”

    This article includes a more recent photo of him – a good-looking, intelligent-looking guy, although he definitely did need a haircut:

    From the above article:

    “ABC News’ Josh Margolin cited multiple law enforcement sources that say 63-year-old Anthony Q. Warner was paranoid over 5G cellular technology and believed in aliens.”

    Warner’s RV also played Petula Clark’s 1965 hit “Downtown” before the blast went off. Too weird:

    This article says that Warner’s RV doesn’t even match the RV in the surveillance camera photo:

    Too many unanswered questions on this event, like:

    1) How did a 63-year old IT contractor and alarm installer get hold of presumably military-grade explosives, a detonating device, and the explosives knowledge necessary to build such a powerful bomb?

    2) Who was the female voice on that recorded warning, and why would anyone agree to make such a recording, even for a friend, which Warner supposedly didn’t have, since he’s described as being a loner. Warner: “Say, can I record you saying that my RV has a bomb in it and will explode in x number of minutes, with you then counting down the minutes?” Unknown female: “Sure, no problem!” Right.

    3) Why was an upbeat song like “Downtown” used as part of the recorded warning, if you’re about to commit suicide by bomb, and blow yourself to bits?

    5) Of course, the main question is why he targeted the AT&T building, which was a central switching station. Even if he was a conspiracy theorist who was paranoid about 5G, what purpose would blowing up one building serve?

    6) As I mentioned earlier, that AT&T central switching station had to have at least one armed guard in its lobby area, and the blast destroyed the entire front of the building. So why have we not heard anything about a security guard being seriously injured or killed? Possibly because he was killed in the first burst of gunfire heard, with the Dominion servers then stolen?

    • Thanks for your comment.

      My teachings –among them 5G and aliens, but much more than that — make me also susceptible to being labeled a dangerous nut, of course.

      This is why the belief in both honor and in life after death is so important.

      I am about to republish my article on the tragic fate of Lord Northcliffe, founder of the huge Daily Mail newspaper in Britain, which is still rightwing and popular today.

      When he ran the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the jews got to his personal doctor, and to one single judge — and, the next thing you know, suddenly the man was declared “insane” — a major press baron! — and was hauled away to an insane asylum — and there he “died” — within 30 days!

      With me, however, you will never read “He was taken peacefully into custody without incident.”

      Oh no. There will be a BIG incident, and dead cops, which they do not want.

      Anyone, let me be clear, who surrenders to ZOG is a despicable fool and an idiotic coward. Why would you want to get raped in prison in the ass by n—ers, and suck their d–k on your knees while other n–ers film it for the later delight of a jew?

      (Just slightly off-topic: the jews loved degrading Marilyn Monroe, and, several years back, some secret video recording sold for $2 million of her sucking off some Hollywood jew on her knees for 15 minutes. The khazar sadistically had the whole thing filmedso he could enjoy over and over his degrading as a jew of a top shiksa.)

      It is infinitely better to go boldly into the next world — and I am 66 anyway — and go through the tunnel of light, leave this horrible jew-ridden planet (chock full of fools, slanderers, traitors and cowards) behind you, see your life-review video, learn and grow from it, spend good time on the other side in a beautiful setting discussing higher thing with your guardian angels and your most advanced deceased loved ones, and then return to the battle, whether here or elsewhere.

      I was flabbergasted in the 1980s when every single member of the white revolutionary Order surrendered, despite having massive, heavy weaponry with them.

      Guess what? They all got the max, and they all gave each other up, with the sole exception of Richard Scutari, an Italian-American of the old school, btw, who got 200 years!

      Why not just be a man and, when your time comes to check out, die bravely and defiantly like Leonidas????

      Or like Davy Crockett at the Alamo, for that matter???

      We’re all going to die anyway!!!

      God gives us gradually more and more reminders, in the form of wrinkles on our face, and more and more gray and white hairs come to remind us gently to start wrapping things up, and to remember to achieve something related to our calling before we go.

      Once you really grasp the details of reincarnation, you know that your goal is a good life and then a good death.

      When Donald Trump called Haiti and other countries “sh–h–le countries,” he was right — but guess what?

      This whole earth is a sh–h-le PLANET, and only the extension of national socialism to everywhere can save it.

      The honest truth is that I would not miss more than 1% of the people I know.

      Most are forgettable people with wasted incarnations. They came here to learn and failed.

      They have the exact same gigantic character flaws as they had back in high school, decades ago. They suffered and others suffered from them, without learning a thing.

      But those others, those golden 1%ers — they are wonderful. 🙂 Everything I do, and will do, I do it so gladly …. for them. 🙂


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