A comrade and loyal, generous donor wrote:
For decades, I have pained over the catastrophe that was WW2. “What if Hitler had done this, what if Hitler had done that”. I have recently come to the rational and logical conclusion that Germany was doomed from the very beginning. It all had nothing to do with Hitler himself.
The Czar and the Kaiser really screwed things up for us all.
I replied:
The Kaiser was certainly undiplomatic, blunt, insecure and hyper-Prussian, but he was the least guilty of all the fools in office back then (for the sin of building a huge navy to rival England’s, exporting “Made in Germany” products that beat Britain’s, and seeking colonies in Africa that Britain coveted.)
Kaiser Bill sought by all means to avoid the war:
And he appealed very earnestly in December 1916 for all sides to simply go home from the battlefield and end the war.
Germany’s approach toward peace negotiations took a new turn in late 1916. On 12 December, declaring that the Central Powers “have given proof of their indestructible strength in winning considerable successes at war,” Germany and its allies publicly called for peace negotiations with their enemies, stating no specific conditions or demands.
“I never wanted it”
Here are some really crazy people:
1) Woodrow Wilson got us into WWI — 97,000 killed — because the top jew lawyer Samuel Untermyer, had in his possession for $250K the president’s erotic, adulterous, x-rated sex letters he had written to his mistress. Well, the jews wanted Germany to be defeated so its ally, Turkey, would be defeated, all so the jews would get Palestine, which worked when Turkey fell apart. But it is just staggering to imagine how a man can be so narcissistic that over blackmail he sent 97,000 of his countrymen to their deaths just to stay in office
2) Italy entered the war to get South Tyrol, which was 90% German, yet the Allies were for “self-determination of all peoples”!
3) France, similarly, entered the war to get Alsace and Lorraine, which were 90% German, yet, again, the Allies were supposedly fighting for “self-determination of all peoples”!
4) With the well-funded Marxists seeking to overthrow him, having already assassinated his grandfather, the tsar, who was married to a German princess, started a pointless pan-Slavic war with Germany, the greatest military power on earth, thereby declaring war on his own cousin!
When the war, predictably, went sour, he was overthrown and then he and all his family were murdered.
5) The King of England did not lift one finger to save his first cousin, and ally, the tsar.
George V and Nicholas II
Instead, the royals confiscated the Russian gold and jewels kept in Scotland.
And though one in three Americans in 1917 was German, and usually abn excellent, law-abiding, hard-working citizen, the newspapers succeeded in just a few months in re-portraying the Germans to the gullible Amurrikins as being a nation of nun-raping, baby-killing, prisoner-crucifying monsters!
Baby speared on a German bayonet — LIE
The world is literally a madhouse, my friend, and it has been for millennia. Every one of these leaders was highly educated.
And insane.
And the insanest thing of all as they did not declare war together on their real foe, the obnoxious, hated, bullying, threatening, common and overt enemy, the jews.
I have read that the position of Drexler and Feder of the precursor of the Nazi Party, i.e. the German Workers’ Party, was that the war (WW1) was launched because Germany was not entirely under control of (Jewish) International Finance — it was launched to eliminate Germany’s freedom in this respect.
Of course getting a Jewish foothold in Israel was also a motive for the war. As a rule big Jewish events have multiple purposes, I believe. Anyhow I think the elimination of Germany’s comparative freedom from Jewish International Finance was a primary motive for the war (WW1).
Yes,very true.
AND the jews wanted to eradicate all the Aryan monarchies in Russia, Austria and Germany, replacing them by faux democracies which they would utterly control via the media, donations, advertising and finance.
The current analysis from the German-language National Journal, „Schlagzeilen Heute“ section (“Headlines Today”) [1] also refers to the “French” revolution and other revolutions for the establishment of the NWO (and to Kaiser Wilhelm and Bismarck and their peace efforts), including the current Corona-BLM revolution and the events in the USA (all in German):
The news dated “Monday”, “Wednesday”, “Friday” usually appear one to one and a half days later after their pro-forma publication date, the one here for Monday (10 August 2020) also appeared just a few hours ago (on Tuesday, 11 August 2020).
[1] http://concept-veritas.com/nj/sz/hauptseite.htm
Thank you. I read it all.
“Better to make than suffer revolution!”
Extreme leftist black-Indian half-breed Kamala Harris is Joe Biden’s VP pick:
The CIA simulated alien abductions in Latin America (especially Brazil and Argentina) as psychological warfare experiments:
The Pentagon’s New UFOS Disclosures: 75 Years of MK Ultra Psy Ops:
These articles fit my theory that ever since the crash of a German Fourth Reich reconnaissance craft in Roswell, NM in 1947, the CIA has been running a massive disinformation campaign to promote the idea that aliens are the pilots of UFOs. The news that the CIA was faking alien abductions calls into question not only the alien abduction phenomenon, but the entire UFO phenomenon, which is built on the premise that UFOs are piloted by aliens.
Interesting, and typical CIA.
But this does not explain UFO sightings in Greece in 300 BC, or over Mt. Washington, New Hampshire in 1871, or above Nuremberg in the 1570s, et cetera.
Also the second article is sloppy with the truth, and spiteful.
Stephen Greer is NOT “a bodybuilding biologist,” but a regular medical doctor who worked in an ER and was in good standing.
And why is it bad, or relevant, that he lifts weights?
So do I. Does that make him or me a “musclehead”?
Would Greer be more credible if he were obese?
This is a ridiculous, ad hominem attack.
What other facts is the author bending or suppressing?
Regarding the pre-1947 UFO sightings, how do we know that they haven’t all been created by the CIA and inserted into existing historical records, as part of a massive CIA disinformation campaign? When were these supposed ancient UFO references and drawings first discovered? I’m willing to bet they were all “discovered” after the 1947 Roswell crash, which was also the year of the CIA’s creation out of its predecessor intelligence agency, the OSS. It would be very easy for the CIA to create such false historical accounts. Early Christians did exactly that to invent the myth of the Jewish man-god for the Gentiles, Jesus, who never existed. They inserted brief references to Jesus (called interpolations) into the existing records of a few Roman historians, and used those as proof that Jesus existed.
One might ask why the CIA would put so much time and effort into a UFO disinformation campaign, but think of how much time and effort the CIA and the U.S. government in general have put into the Holohoax lie of 6 million Jews gassed to death in non-existent homicidal gas chambers. The Holohoax lie was created in large part to cover up the very real war crimes committed by the All-Lies, such as the murder of 10,000 Poles in Katyn Forest (blamed on the Germans, of course), the firebombing of Dresden, which killed 500,000 or more German civilians (most of them refugees from the Red Army’s advance in the East), and the murder of at least 1 million disarmed German soldiers via starvation in Ike’s killing fields AFTER the war ended in 1945. By creating the Holohoax lie, the All-Lies portrayed the Germans as inhuman, evil monsters who deserved whatever evils we did to them.
If there is a Fourth Reich possessing anti-gravity UFO technology, and if the U.S. government is either secretly at war with them, or even worse (from the Jews’ point of view), is collaborating with them in exchange for anti-gravity technology, one can understand how covering this up would be 10x more important than promoting the Jews’ kabbalistic 6 million Holohoax nonsense, and how the CIA would go to any lengths to prevent the public’s knowledge of such a Fourth Reich.
Why would the Rockefellers (all crypto Jews) be funding UFO disclosure projects, and why would evil Democrat pedophiles like John Podesta be calling for UFO disclosure? To me, this indicates that the U.S. military is hiding something about UFOs that the Jews want revealed. And if the Jews want something, you can bet that it isn’t in the best interests of Gentiles. They certainly aren’t pursuing it for the sake of the truth, or out of love for their fellow man. More likely, it’s so they can get their hands on whatever Fourth Reich anti-gravity technology the U.S. military is hiding, whether such technology was obtained by force or through collaboration.
You make interesting points as always. 🙂
But did the CIA build the Parthenon? Pericles usually gets credit for that. 😉
A nordic angel from the Parthenon. (The wings were attachable.. and were seen and deployed only to fly). Angels are a pagan… not semitic concept.
The Greco-Roman gods (“dei”/”theoi” = “shining ones”) were Nordics…
Their “chariots” could fly…And they stayed immortal — provisionally — by ingesting “ambrosia” and “nectar” at regular intervals.
This has been my conviction for several lifetimes. These stories of gods “did not arise in a void.” And the Greeks were brilliant people.
How to explain the explosion of knowledge in this ONE PEOPLE?
Between 500-300 BC the Greeks exploded mentally with advancements.. and the very words for them are all Greek:
the Spartan army
Here is your answer:
Nordics were fast-forwarding white earthlings due to the jewish threat.
Or maybe it was just that great Greek olive oil. 😉
Interesting points as always, especially about the pagan Greek angels – one more thing that Christianity stole from the pagans. But why invoke aliens to account for the huge advances of the Greeks, and before them, the white Egyptians and white Sumerians?
I think it’s much more plausible that these civilizations were birthed from the remnants of an even more ancient Aryan civilization (Atlantis, if you will), that was destroyed by some planetary disaster. This planetary disaster was the basis of legends like the Great Flood and the sinking of Atlantis. Nearly all cultures have such legends, which cannot be mere coincidence. I believe that the history of mankind – specifically Aryan mankind, is much, much older than commonly taught. Human footprints have been found in rocks hundreds of millions of years old. Solon, who transmitted the Atlantis story to Plato, got it from Egyptian priests, who told Solon that there had been many advanced civilizations which had existed before the Egyptians and Greeks, and that the Greeks were mere children.
I read today in Astronomy magazine about two scientists who in 2018 published a peer-reviewed paper on their “Silurian hypothesis,” which examines the possibility of an industrial civilization that existed on Earth millions of years ago. They speculate that plate tectonics and erosion over millions of years would have completely erased such an ancient civilization from the face of the Earth, but suggest that traces of it may be found in deep sedimentary layers of the geological record. Here are a few links:
Here’s their actual paper:
I think it’s possible that an advanced ancient Aryan civilization may have survived in some form, and may have gone underground, or even off-planet, and may have transmitted some of their knowledge and technology to the ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks, and even the Germans during WWII. This would account for the ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, and Greek legends of gods who came from the sky and kick-started their respective civilizations, and could also account for the amazing German technological advances in WWII.
The “Nazis” (hate that derogatory word) were heavily into the occult and theories of an ancient Aryan civilization (Ultima Thule), and actually mounted expeditions to Tibet, Antarctica, and other places trying to find traces of it. They also used female psychics in an attempt to contact such Aryan beings, and some believe that they succeeded, thus accounting for the Germans’ amazing technological advances in WWII.
I think the above scenario is much more plausible than ancient extraterrestrial aliens, who just so happened to look exactly like Aryan humans, albeit sometimes shown with wings, etc. It’s much more likely that true extraterrestrial aliens would not resemble humans at all, and if they had seeded us, would have seeded us in their own image, as giant insectoids or reptilians, etc.
Hmm, and interesting about the Silurians.
But I think it can be both/and….
Underground Aryans, off-planet Aryans (who left here and returned) AND others as well, not from here but needing gold, titanium, hydrogen, etc….earth as a fueling station.
There are millions of inhabitable planets, about 1% of them being “Goldilocks,” according at least to NASA….. Why would all those worlds be empty?
Of course, I could see many species making a wide detour around earth, even at the price of missing their big chance to meet the jews. 😉