This intelligent WN pessimist is wrong

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Found this online:


“Things have been far worse and whites have survived.”

I beg to differ. What is occurring today is unprecedented in human history. Past warnings of the end of the world have been based on religious lunacy, invoked by religious madmen, pointing to prophetic passages in religious books. However, unlike the times of past prophetic predictions, never before in history have the minds of so many been controlled by so few.

Never before in history has one been able to look skyward to see giant jet aircraft crisscrossing the planet with lacy, ephemeral, trails of toxins. Never before has such a vast array of mind-bending technology been directed against the entire planet. Never before in history has the extinction rate of critical organisms accelerated so rapidly and so violently.

Never before in history has a tiny, elite, cadre of criminal psychopaths focused on genocide, controlled the planet’s wealth and resources.

Unlike times past, where dire predictions of the end of the world were based on nothing more than obscure, religious prophecy, one can now see the potential for an end to the world approaching in every place, in every way.

While this in no way guarantees the end of the world is nigh, this is the first time in history there are vast amounts of empirical evidence that this may in fact be the case.    

“I wish that people like you would start reading more history please” 

I have been a devoted student of history my entire adult life. I wrote a book of historical fiction based on research of a carefully sidestepped period of history that was deferred to religious myths and folderol. What millenniums of past wars have led to is what you live today.

The only thing war ever accomplishes is massive destruction of life and property, while consuming vast amounts of precious resources. Historically, wars have been waged so elite individuals and their small groups can siphon off more of the world than is their just due. 

If one thinks conventional concepts of war are going to effectively resist current levels of A.I. controlled robotic technology, they have failed to study rapidly advancing weapons technology.

As I previously wrote, conventional firearms will be as effective against this emerging robotic technology as lances and horse cavalry were against machine guns in times past. 



…..Why is this wrong?




  1. I think I am not alone in my belief that the Jew and his influence in White society is beginning to be seen.

    I think his launching of the Covid crisis is a reaction to his being seen — I think he feels rushed, that time is running out, and he is hurridly putting in place the foundation stones of his desired world government; and I think he launched the Covid crisis to act as a sort of catalyst that would enable him to more speedily do this work.

    He needs to stay in dark shadows to function, and these needed shadows are being eliminated by sunlight.

    Thus, we are living in a time of hope.

  2. Whites have faced problems in the past . This different, we have the jewish elites controlling the politicians and lefturds.Their aim= eliminate the world’s whites via immigration , promote blacks/browns over whites. Guilt trip whites to ethnically cleanse themselves. Soros gives his Billions to jewish refugee Charities. 70,000 gimmegrants arrived in Dover illegally . Each costs £130 per day to house, feed, cloth , = £60 million pounds a week . None are sent back .Yet we have no money . Jews control politicians to do their dirty work

  3. Damit unser Volk weiterleben kann, brauchen wir wieder Grossfamilien. Dazu muss man als Mann erfolgreich mit Frauen interagieren. Folgende Literatur hilft dabei, tendenziell ein charismatischer Gewinner zu werden. Helft anderen Deutschen! Teilt euer Wissen mit anderen Nationalen. Unsterblichkeit kann jeder von uns nur erlangen, indem unsere Blutlinien unsterblich werden. Dazu brauchen wir Menschen artgleichen Blutes (daher unser Volk). Wer fur das deutsche Volk kampft, kampft in Wirklichkeit auch vor allem fur sich und sein langfristiges Fortbestehen.

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    Wer diese Werke liest, wird einen merklichen IQ-Anstieg von mindestens 14,88 Prozent bei sich selbst feststellen.

    • Brent Spiner (“Data” in Star Trek) and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook are both Jewish – that’s why they look so similar.

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