This is who is behind the decline in white births

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I saw this meme which, while sadly accurate in some cases, has its counterpart in males. Men can destroy women too, even physically!

All of this war-between-the-sexes comes from and serves only the jews. This video has very high production values and a clear, convincing message.



  1. It has become obvious that Jews comprise an international nation and that they intend to eliminate the White race. I grew up a liberal. I regarded Jews as friends of Whites. Observation has taught me otherwise. The COVID vaccine is an example. It has caused heart disease and death in large numbers of Whites, and this vaccine was made and promoted by Jews.

    • Having grown up as a sincere liberal can be a sign of a big heart. 🙂

      Anyone who is not a liberal at 20 lacks a heart, and anyone who is not a conservative at 40 lacks a brain. 😉

      Actually, we must be both.

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