This is why we have a Joe Biden and Kamala in the White House

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I think the younger Duran (Alex Christoforou) has been right for months to have said courageously that the purpose of Biden is collapse (and then the desired outcome, the Great Reset).

And, right on cue, the libtard and centrist sheeple, as is intended, will ascribe the collapse of Western economies to Biden’s senility and incompetence.

But he and Kamala were chosen BECAUSE he is senile and incompetent and b-e-c-a-u-s-e she is a zero. …

Our kosher masters knew this about them in 2019, and ordered all the other Demoncrap candidates for the presidency suddenly to stand down,  and crown Biden as the nominee.

The Big Jews chose these two for the White House to

1) cause the economic disaster and

2) take the blame, and NOT the real malefactors, the Schwab, Rothschild, Soros, Gates, Fauci crowd.

…..Biden reads out loud his handler’s note “end of message” at Bob Dole Memorial


— 7 December 2021 $90 via PayPal from H in California


  1. That Biden video – LOL! Good Lord, what an embarrassment he is – can’t even read a teleprompter properly. He needs to be sent to a nursing home, stat!

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