This Jew columnist gets it right: why Trump WILL WIN the presidency of the United States

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I basically agree with this article and analysis below by the Jew Kleinfeld, and believe that, in the privacy of the voting booth, Trump will get a LOT of VOTES from angry, fed-up, job-wanting, muslim-fearing blacks, hispanics and gays. (Especially after the Orlando nightclub massacre, the homosexuals all loathe Islam. Hillary and Obama say muslims are harmless, but no homo believes that.)
Omar Mateen, a Muslim born and raised in New Jersey, did this selfie before he killed 49 homos at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida. He was not some “traumatized Syrian refugee,” he was not an immigrant at all. He was an American muslim who read the Koran and thus hated gays.

ISIS throws 15-year-old homosexual boy off the roof of a three-story building; he did not die on impact, so the muslims then beat him to death.
AND MANY BLACKS ARE VERY TIRED OF JOBS GOING TO CHINA AND TO MEXICO AND TO MEXICANS IN THE US. They do not like the Chinese or any East Asians at all and vice versa.
Koreans on rooftops with rifles protect their neighborhood from blacks in the 1992 East Los Angeles riots, which caused $2 BILLION in damage to white and black neighborhoods.
koreans-protect -stores-south-central-la-1992





Chinese cut this black rapist’s penis off after he raped a Chinese girl. Blacks and East Asians HATE each other, and when Trump says no more US jobs should go to China, Taiwan, the Philippines or Korea, blacks strongly agree.
Chinese gloat about it. NOTICE THE SMILEY FACE.
This black guy, whom I know, even supports the Klan and Missouri Klan leader Frank Ancona. 
Many blacks secretly believe (I know this from conversations and relationships with them) that whites are essential to their own well being, and do NOT want whitey to be wiped out or to die out. And unlike liberal whitey, no Mexican or Chinese feels any guilt over slavery toward blacks. They often have a huge work ethic and see blacks as lazy, useless whiners. There are plenty of conservative blacks, especially prior-military, who hate ghetto clothing styles and disrespectful punks of any race. I predict Trump will get a LOT of their vote. SEE MY MAJOR ESSAY directed at the one-third of sensible blacks:
I did a radio show for a month in July-August 2014 with an educated, pro-white black friend. The smart blacks fear the ghetto blacks, drugs and crime — and want law and order and jobs.  They also do NOT want black self-rule — they do not trust each other at all — but they want whitey to stay involved. And “Go back to Africa”? Hell no, they won’t go. The one third of blacks who are potential allies — and 29% of blacks are antisemitic, according to a 2009 ADL poll  — want strong whites (like Trump) to bring back the economy, lay down the law, and end crime, drugs and chaos in the black community.
Donald Trump with three of his five kids in 2008. None of them are failures, losers, druggies or freaks — unlike so many spoiled, degenerate rich kids in modern America, such as many of the younger Kennedy set.
Real estate developer Donald Trump (R) and his children (L-R) Eric, Ivanka, and Donald Jr., attend a press conference at the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago on September 24, 2008. Trump's 1,360-foot (414.5-meter), 92-story tower is expected to be finished in six months and will stand as the second-tallest building in Chicago, after the Sears Tower. AFP PHOTO/Amanda Rivkin (Photo credit should read Amanda Rivkin/AFP/Getty Images)
Real estate developer Donald Trump (R) and his children (L-R) Eric, Ivanka, and Donald Jr., attend a press conference at the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago on September 24, 2008. Trump’s 1,360-foot (414.5-meter), 92-story tower is expected to be finished in six months and will stand as the second-tallest building in Chicago, after the Sears Tower. AFP PHOTO/Amanda Rivkin (Photo credit should read Amanda Rivkin/AFP/Getty Images)

The Trump Tower & Hotel, Chicago


…… See also my article

This article may astound you, especially if you really read my article also in there on reincarnation.

Trump is Patton, literally.


My yard sign on the main drag in Ontonagon



…..A Simple Explanation Why Trump Will Win

Image: A Simple Explanation Why Trump Will Win

(AP Images)

By Denis Kleinfeld
Sunday, 14 Aug 2016 10:36 PM More Posts by Denis Kleinfeld


While watching Phelps win his 23rd gold medal I realized that wherever he went he was treated with great deference. It was just understood that Phelps, as the dominant athlete, was the leader of the US Olympic team.

That’s the way people act in society. People want and need strong leadership.
What will count to the voters in the presidential race is who they think can be trusted with their future. This perception of the voter of who will best lead is going to be their ultimate voting reality.
As the first leg of the presidential race unfolds, it seems Mrs. Clinton is swimming upstream against a swift current. Even with the entire media industry and an untold number of surrogates standing in for Mrs. Clinton, every day brings new revelations of her lying, cheating, bribery and the faint possibility of a criminal indictment.
It weighs her campaign down like lead weights.
Mr. Trump is swimming through choppy waters to be sure. But he seems to power through and gets stronger and more energetic as the race goes on. He radiates an aura of power and charisma which infuriates his detractors and delights his supporters.
*** Patton was a fierce and angry man, and a prima donna too
JdN: It is not just the physical resemblance that makes me believe Trump is Patton reincarnated. It is also the whole personality, the driving character, and the hatred for the system that Patton also showed at the end, and which got him murdered by the Jews in December 1945 when he openly expressed it. Trump was born in June 1946.
Paton came in fifth in the pentathlon in the 1912 Olympics in Sweden (here on the right, fencing), and should have won it but in the marksmanship, one bullet went right into the hole of another — and the judges wrongly counted it as missing the target entirely, which caused a huge markdown.
Much as the Mrs. Clinton supporters and the anti-Trump crowd would like to call the race over and unilaterally declare that Mrs. Clinton is the winner, the race for the presidency is just getting started.
September 26 will be the first time Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump will compete mano-a-mano, if you will pardon the expression. I’m planning on having a pizza/sushi party at my house.
What will happen when they are finally just one on one with no place to hide?
Past performance is no guarantee of future results, but the Democratic and Republican primary races shows us how Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump may perform.
Mrs. Clinton only won the Democrat Party primaries against an aged, underfunded socialist/communist by literally rigging the election.
If the primary were straight up, she would most likely would have lost. What is not speculation is that 21% fewer Democrats turned out to participate in the primaries this time around.
JdN: Hideous Jewess Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Democratic National Chairperson, as emails hacked by the Russians reveal, conspired to give Killary the nomination.
Trump dominated the Republican primaries, where the major media was unmistakably biased against him, as were the ruling Republican Political Establishment figures.
The attractive but arrogant, nose-jobbed and bottle-blonded Megyn Kelley caused a catastrophic drop in FOX News Channel ratings by attacking Trump.
In the Republican primary, 62% more voters turned out than any previous Republican primary contest. Trump himself got the largest number of primary votes ever in the history of the Republican Party.
What about the issues and past accomplishments?
The political issues of the 1960s so engrained in Mrs. Clinton are in sharp contrast to the new voter’s desire for financial security, opportunity, and having a strong military and police for protection from the dangers of radical Islamic terrorists. A highly politically correct generation is being horrified by the proliferation of Black Lives Matter generated riots. The promise of getting union-controlled factory jobs is not overly enticing.
Mrs. Clinton’s campaign is doing its best to run away from her actual record as a Senator, Secretary of State, and head of the Clinton Foundation. She has made it her life’s work to sell influence and government favors at the expense of the taxpayers. They certainly want to avoid reminding potential voters that Mrs. Clinton’s lies, cheats, and invariably has disastrous judgment.
Mr. Trump’s life is an open book. It’s all been played out publicly for his entire career. He is running on his actual record of performance. In a highly competitive global world, his name goes on everything he does. People eagerly pay extra to buy a Trump condo or stay in a Trump hotel. He grew up in the building trades and understand that a construction business is only as successful as the talent of its people.
Mr. Trump speaks in the language of working people ” not the Washington, D.C. or elitist Orwellian double-speak. Working people relate to what Mr. Trump is saying not much differently than they would if Joe the Plumber was a billionaire and running for high office.
Old guy at Trump rally to a Jewy-looking NBC reporter: “I am a patriot; you are a traitor!”
On September 26th, Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump will be one-on-one with no place to hide.
What really matters in this debate (and most decisions in life) is optics not policy. People do not systematically process information, and decisions are made emotionally. In the animal kingdom the pack always instinctively choses its alpha dog to lead.
Mrs. Clinton’s shrill voice is not a pleasant sound to which to listen. She comes across as a mix between a mid-level policy wonk and snake-oil salesperson. Bernie Sanders appeared to be genuine and thereby dominated the primary debate almost at will.
Outside the debates Mrs. Clinton lets surrogates act in her place. Unless she has a complete make-over, she will appear on stage against Mr. Trump as a tired old 5’2”stiff faade of an over-rehearsed politician promoting special interest agenda’s.
Trump is a 6’2′ vigorous male whose voice and tone are most engaging when speaking carefully. When he walks onto a stage it is as if he owns the whole studio. He dominated every primary debate against all the other well-funded and experienced Republican contenders. And he controls the news today. His campaign, like everything else he has done in life, is all Trump.
Why do I think Mr. Trump will win the debates and ultimately the presidential election?
My explanation is simple.
In this election cycle, Mr. Trump is the Alpha Dog of the pack.

… If I taught you something you did not know….




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