Those who make up — or ignore — facts not welcome here!

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Don’t make up facts on my page. I will call you on it. I hate lies, and have a science degree from Georgetown.

I wrote on FB:

Viktoria Hiesberger, Tammy Liles and 36 others

  • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch I also have a policy of deleting rude and disrespectful people on the first offense, and the word does get around. What I experienced on FB was that people who post nasty or opinionated, dogmatic, egotistical remarks will come back and do so again and again on many topics — because this is who they really are, snide little jerks — until the inevitable day comes when you just get fed up to the max and block them. If you only warn them, they never respond graciously, and never take it the right way, just go “flame-on.” 😉
  • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch And no flat-earth content, CI content, Yahweh, satanism, atheism, Jesus-bashing, or Creativity content. (You can criticize liberal churches, however.)
    • Edward Luther That’s true. She’d make it hell on us. And I’m not happy with Trump. But there is a difference between those two.
      • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch And no “Trump is a Jew” or “Trump is a pedophile.” I looked into both accusations thoroughly in 2015-16. Pure slander. What he is is “scared opposition.” He is terrified of Khazaria, and all his ass-kissing of them is so he can get and stay in power — and do what he can for this country. If Hillary were in now, most of us WNs would be in prison. Think about THAT!
        Edward Luther That’s true. She’d make it hell on us. And I’m not happy with Trump. But there is a difference between those two.
        I at least look at the page to review all friend requests, but sometimes a couple slip through. Being part of non-Mainstream though we atract all sorts. There are also thousands of Israeli or Zionist spies (Sayanim sp?) who Infiltrate those opposing the tribe. This only proves how desperate These Elements are. It we were not such a great threat to lies being told, then our opponents would simply laugh at us openly rather than fight “through deception.”
        • Matthew Rafael At the moment, we have no organization, money or institutions of any kind. Our threat is hypothetical. The Regime’s reaction after Charlottesville shows how frightened they are. You’re certainly right about that. They sent a few people to prison on make believe charges and voila, no more organization. It took, what, a month?
        • Matthew Rafael I pity the honest man who attempts to organize us. His life will be a living hell. The threats from the outside are great, its the threat from inside that’s even greater.
      • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch I learned a long time ago that people who slander others to you will slander you to others. ;
  • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch And those who flatter also slander.
  • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch These are my rules. The Marine has landed. 😉
    • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Alex Kern It is simple respect for the truth and other people I demand. I am also not banning their opinions, just saying “spread them on your own page. This is mine.” And the word ‘friend'” means this (Webster): “One who is attached to another by affection; one who entertains for another sentiments of esteem, respect and affection, which lead him to desire his company, and to seek to promote his happiness and prosperity; opposed to foe or enemy. ‘A friend loveth at all times.’ ” 🙂
    • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch What triggered this was someone claiming Jared Kushner owned Lucent. Well, Kushner was born in 1981, and was just 25 when it was sold in 2006, and it was his daddy who controlled the money. People don’t bother to check facts, just make shit up or repea it without any verification. The Harold Rosenthal papers is another perfect example. There is no proof this guy, who supposedly revealed the whole J master plan, ever existed or worked for US senator Jacob Javits, whom I remember. It was simply invented. But I am one who sees the truth as a sacred thing. And we don’t need to lie and invent anything to prove we are right. “Arya” means “noble”! We must be a noble race! We cannot win at the Js’ game! We must play to our own strengths: love, heroism and truth!
    • Alex Kern John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Lets try to be Aryan 😉 or noble. Ave!
    • Chad Reed Why not use their own tactics against them………asking for a friend


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    • Ian Mcfarland John De Nugent Aufdeutsch, while I must agree that origins of the Rosenthal document are dubious at best, its uncannily accurate in its statements.
      • Alex Kern So many noobies that believe to know it all and then try to correct your views… and nowadays most people online or in real life simply lack the respect
  • Steve Clark Yesterday I had one of your “friends” write some really sick Things About me, my mother etc. Andre Himmler is not a well balanced individual. German is not his mother tongue. Just so you know,
    • Matthew Rafael When I was editor at Barnes Review, I learned the hard way that we attract those who are marginalized because they’re crazy, and those who are crazy because they’re marginalized. Sometimes its tough to tell the difference.
    • Steve Clark I at least look at the page to review all friend requests, but sometimes a couple slip through. Being part of non-Mainstream though we atract all sorts. There are also thousands of Israeli or Zionist spies (Sayanim sp?) who Infiltrate those opposing the tribe. This only proves how desperate These Elements are. It we were not such a great threat to lies being told, then our opponents would simply laugh at us openly rather than fight “through deception.”
  • Matthew Rafael Yeah, its always charming to be “corrected” by an 18 year old on Facebook who hides his name and picture. We’ve both dealt with the decline of basic standards of political discussion and the breakdown of reason. You can disagree without being disagreeable.
  • Ron Ward I love about you guys but I’m pretty upset about the results from yesterday although I’m not surprised I hope in the Senate who are the Republicans are the majority obviously that they do the right thing
  • Ron Ward Didnt come out right stupid voice recognition
  • Dale Beeman If one dose not us Logic and Reason in their thinking then their not THINKING at ALL
    • Matthew Rafael Freedom and reason are two sides of the same coin. Without reason, there’s no freedom and vice vers
    • Margaret A. Young Mike Ervin I think several early people knew the earth was round. No idea which one was first.
      • Mike Ervin Flat earthers are a strange lot,It was the Norse who discovered a round earth long before the columbus voyages and very likely before that. lmao!
  • Image may contain: 1 person, meme and text
  • Margaret A. Young I suppose some people think they are telling the truth. They heard it somewhere and assumed it was true without looking for themselves. But I have also found there are some who will deliberately lost false information knowing by the time it is removed or disproved many people will have already read and believe the lie.

    Personally, I don’t find it polite to post anything on anyone else’s page except in comments as a response, or something you known they will agree with, support or have a strong interest in.

    If I have a message To spread, it belongs on my page, not yours.

  • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Thanks for your very sensible comment.
    Before Faceberg, people posted on forums and the good moderators policed behavior and relevance.




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