Good video, but sad the videographer mangled the pronunciation of “Heiden,” which was HIDE-n, not “HAY-den.”He also mangled the nickname “Sozi” for “Socialist,” pronouncing it, ridiculously, as “Susie.” It was “SOTE-see.”
And “Nazi,” pronounced correctly “NOT-see,” comes directly from the first two syllables of the word “National” in German, as in “National Socialist.”
So the man does an entire video about Germany with no knowledge of German or the slightest effort to get the key words right. 😉
I find this interesting and reflective of a certain mindset in many people in the anglosphere, who make absolutely ZERO effort to show respect for non-anglo countries by getting foreign names right, even if their video focuses on that foreign person or subject!
Over and over they then mispronounce the name or the key word, whereas every single Wikipedia article gives in the very first sentence the correct pronunciation. Example: They even provide a recording of a German saying the name.
I remember also the French-bashing of 20043 as Jewmerica tried to force France to join in their planned and highly illegal invasion of Iraq for its mythical “weapons of mass destruction.” An orgy of hatred of the French people as an ethnic group was unleashed by the jews, and my own wife at the time, who was French, and who stood only 5’2″, was physically attacked from behind in a Borders bookstore in downtown liberal Boston.
After all, How DARE those “arrogant French” disobey the true masters of the world, the United States? (And that attitude is not arrogant, you see…)
Whole websites sprang up suddenly bashing the French, ALL run by jews, and people would leave comments with their gruesome horror stories of visiting Paris and, get this, “the waiters insisted on speaking FRENCH with me.”
Gee, maybe because they were working in their own country, which is called “France”? 😉
(Not to mention that French is one of the most beautiful languages in this world…)
I can state as a fact that NO Frenchman who comes to America would ever DREAM of expecting American waiters to take his order in HIS language. ! He knows the American view: “If you come to America, speak English!”
…which is correct….
A tourist is just a guest in someone else’s country, and he or she has no right to demand that the natives learn HIS language — in THEIR country! The nerve!
“Well, English is the world language,” anglos think. “The French should just accept that.”
Well, it still is right now, but the way things are going, with China and Russia rising rapidly, power, money, everything is shifting now to the east.
Arrogance comes from the egoic mind, and he makes you both blind to reality and hated by others. Eckhart Tolle has written about this egoic blindness. It is now leading us into WWIII, where the US actually imagines its LGBTQ, multiracial military and clot-shot-vaccinated troops can actually take on both Russia AND China, simultaneously, jumping into an insane, two-front war!
The humble can see reality better!
Johnny Depp wins defamation case against Amber Heard.
The background powers subjected the American man with this special megalomania poisoning, he would then namely sometime really believe to be God’s chosen people and to embody the voice of God. If the USA or the US government embodies the voice of God, then no more questioning, no more thinking is necessary, because God is infallible. The suicidal stupefaction was pre-programmed with it. Also human extermination and predatory wars against Germany were justified, of course. This childish world view is also reflected in the omnipresent slogans, which testify to a childish mind (as well as Mohammedan and Jewish megalomania) (produced by social engineering):
God’s own people * The most moral and greatest nation in the world. * American Exceptionalism * American Moralism * The best in the world * Number 1 * We liberated the world * The greatest, the best, the best! * We are the Greatest! * …
The peak was then the US diplomats or the ambassadors, who traditionally did not speak a word of the language of their host country, apart from a few exceptions: More contempt for people and culture, more disenchantment and embarrassment, than the behavior displayed by US ambassadors really isn’t possible.
And then the many Anglosaxons worldwide (USA, GB, South Africa etc.) who refuse to be classified as “Nazis” because they oppose multicultural knife murders and displacement etc.: “My ancestors fought for freedom, against the Nazis!”. They do not understand until today, that it was exactly their ancestors, who destroyed the last bastion of the White freedom fighters, (in human extermination wars and predatory wars against the German peoples!), that their ancestors made the today’s extermination of the White peoples possible at all.
The USA once were a real cultural nation, just look at the old textbooks on, from over 100 years ago, even the ones from the 19th century. Of course, fragments of the original USA remained, but because of what has been said, the world developed a love-hate relationship with the Americans.
However, the majority of the European peoples also still live in the childish world view of the good father state, which takes care of everything, they also do not question the lying press.
The Best Beobachter in the World! The greatest and most moral Number 1 Beobachter! 🙂
In German:
Vorsätzliche Größenwahntherapie, um selbstmörderische Denkfaulheit zu züchten
Die Hintergrundmächte unterzogen den amerikanischen Menschen mit dieser speziellen Größenwahnvergiftung, er würde dann nämlich irgendwann wirklich daran glauben, Gottes auserwähltes Volk zu sein und die Stimme Gottes zu verkörpern. Wenn die USA bzw. die US-Regierung die Stimme Gottes verkörpert, dann ist kein Hinterfragen, kein Nachdenken mehr erforderlich, denn Gott ist ja unfehlbar. Die selbstmörderische Verblödung war damit vorprogrammiert. Auch Menschenvernichtungs- und Raubkriege an Deutschland waren natürlich gerechtfertigt. Dieses kindliche Weltbild spiegelt sich auch in den omnipräsenten Slogans wieder, die von einem kindlichen Gemüt (sowie mohammedanisches und jüdisches Größenwahndenken) zeugen (per social engineering erzeugt):
God’s own people * The most moral and greatest nation in the world. * American Exceptionalism * American Moralism * The best in the world * Number 1 * We liberated the world * The greatest, the best, the best! * We are the Greatest! * …
Der Gipfel waren dann die US-Diplomaten bzw. die Botschafter, die traditionell kein Wort der Sprache Ihres Gastlandes sprachen, von wenigen Ausnahmen abgesehen: Mehr Menschen- und Kulturverachtung, mehr Entblösung und Peinlichkeit, als das Verhalten, das US-Botschafter an den Tag legten, geht wirklich nicht.
Und dann die vielen Anglosaxen weltweit (USA, GB, Südafrika etc.) die sich dagegen wehren, als “Nazis” klassifiziert zu werden, weil sie sich gegen Multikulti-Messermorde und Verdrängung etc. wehren: “Meine Vorfahren kämpften für die Freiheit, gegen die Nazis!”. Sie begreifen bis heute nicht, das es genau diese ihre Vorfahren waren, die die letze Bastion der Weißen Freiheitskämpfer vernichteten, (in Menschenvernichtungskriegen und Raubkriegen gegen die deutschen Völker!), daß ihre Vorfahren die heutige Vernichtung der weißen Völker überhaupt erst ermöglichten.
Die USA waren einmal eine wirkliche Kulturnation, man schaue sich nur mal die alten Lehrbücher auf an, von vor über 100 Jahren, auch die aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. Natürlich blieben Fragmente der ursprünglichen USA übrig, aufgrund des Gesagten entwickelte die Welt jedoch eine Haßliebe zu den Amerikanern.
Die europäischen Völker leben jedoch mehrheitlich ebenfalls noch im kindlichen Weltbild vom guten Vater Staat, der sich um alles kümmert, auch sie hinterfragen die Lügenpresse nicht.
The Best Beobachter in the World! The greatest and most moral Number 1 Beobachter! 🙂
Aryan inventiveness
This is off topic. With your penchant for history Mr. de Nugent, I thought you may be interested in this video. Ancient maps show the Sahara desert blooming only 5,000 years ago. I was always of the opinion that the Sahara was fertile and blooming during the Ice Age and was populated by white people who repopulated Europe at the end of the Ice Age. But according to these maps, the Sahara may have been blooming thousands of years later than one could imagine.