German soldier in 1943 — wearily fighting a world full of mentally blind people, kinda like now. 😉 My great task is to take our minds back, and do so before 5G kicks in, which TERRIFIES me. We will be bathed in mind-control frequencies then. (See below.)
Jeff Mock “Traitors everywhere at hand.
Many people who had fought and died
Knowing that they had to win.
Well yet still it sickens my heart
To see the picture of the red flag in Berlin.”
– SAGA, lyrics from “The Snow Fell” song The Second World War – Saga – The Snow Fell – HDApocalypse: The Second World War – Saga – The Snow Fell – HD
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch That is both a beautiful song and a serious bummer. I can’t stand to hear it again, but am glad I experienced it for three listens. It makes me feel so guilty toward our women and kids if we do not move to effective action.
Ottoreich Bilder Jeff Mock great song from Saga
Boogaloo McGee Jeff Mock I love Saga. Her music is beautiful, but sadly she will never be mainstream even though her voice, and natural talent is way beyond the popular stars now.
Steve Clark John De Nugent Aufdeutsch, you & I are basically the same age, but you live in a far more rural Setting. Do you also feel different than a few years ago regarding thought processes? I know some of this is being 65 and having myself had a 70s history of drug abuse. For me I noticed two years ago a metallic taste in my mouth and also a dulling Sensation to my thought process. It seems to have either levelled off or Maybe fully kicked in.-
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Hi, Steve. I have not noticed in myself any slowing of mental functions, but maybe my guardian angels/deceased relatives (in whose existence I fully believe) are protecting me for the specific purpose of fulfilling a special mission…..But, otherwise, hell yeah, I certainly do perceive a noticeable increase in dullness and that so-called “fluoride stare” in others…...It has always existed on the surface of this benighted planet, ruled by the egoic mind. On this earth, “people are crazy,” which is not only a very common expression, if you think about it , but also it is the title of a huge hit country song by Billy Currington, and it is demonstrably and literally true as well…...But, anyways, in my own 65-year life span to date, I have seen a new zombie-ness about white people that was never this bad before…...When I did these two videos in 2012, and challenged the US government at a public hearing of the US Army Corps of Engineers, and then I gazed out over the audience — all cancer victims of the Israelis — with me at the microphone, both I and my camera crew were shocked how mentally stultified the attendees looked…....I mean, there were verbal and almost physical fireworks going on (especially involving the Israeli shill Patty Ameno, who physically assaulted me twice, and then tried to get the cops to bust ME)..Just see the second video..And yet people were just sitting there, slack-jawed, overweight, surreally calm, like lumps of bread dough!…. ..It is even possible the Deep State set up some hidden device to affect people during the hearing..All I do know is that people sick with fatal cancer, or having lost 1, 2 or 3 family members to this horrific disease, were not even upset by anything I said!.1) “THE ISRAELIS CAUSED YOUR CANCER, PEOPLE!.2) THEY WERE ILLEGALLY BUILDING THE ATOMIC BOMB RIGHT HERE IN THIS TOWN!.3) AND THEY MURDERED OUR BELOVED PRESIDENT JOHN KENNEDY, BLOWING HALF HIS SKULL OFF IN HIS WIFE’S PRESENCE IN DALLAS; WHEN HE FOUND OUT! …...The Peepul just sat there and drooled. 😉 …..LOL!…...And now, in 2019, the J-Team has had seven MORE years to chemtrail us even more, to cell-phone us, to fluoridate us, to low-T us, to diabetize us and to obesify us…...90% of the “demos,” Steve, are not just brainwashed with J lies (white male guilt, Holo, etc.), as in the past, but now they also have been NEUROCHEMICALLY TRANSFORMED into inert human blobs…….I am facing the facts when I say I must start an elite new religion for an enlightened, TINY minority..It must grasp how serious our situation is, how there is no alternative to ACTION, and then it must undertake heroic actions — at the conscious, deliberate, eyes-wide-open sacrifice of their own lives..And because I realize this, this is why, so far, IMHO, literal angels have physically protected me....
Charles Talton Actually, 5G emits no stronger radio waves than sunlight through the window. It’s a much finer, compact frequency, so more information can travel in a shorter time. Tesla discovered it two centuries ago, and could turn on lights across town. We only recently discovered how to utilize it to a small degree.John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Charles Talton From your posts you seem very red-pilled. What is the factual source of your apparent certainty that 5G is harmless? Since when does the JWO do anything harmless? 4G is already causing brain cancer. Are vaccines harmless? Chemtrails? Fluoride? I remember when Agent Orange was “perfectly safe.”Charles Talton 4G, 4LTE, and 5G are just different frequency radio waves. They are not microwaves, which emits radiation (heat from rapid molecule separation). Radio waves do not have enough energy to separate atoms, which is why they can travel long distances and retain information and be decoded. Radiation is highly concentrated radio waves in a limited or confined space. It has to be concentrated in order to separate atoms. 5G is simply a division of 4G from one cellular tower to 8-12 mini towers. The 4G signal is rerouted to a mini tower, so that the user has a priority and more efficient line...John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Charles Talton Sounds good, and thanks, BUT this does not answer my primary and direct question. I have a science degree (w/high honors) from Georgetown. What is the non-NWO source, the non-Khazar source, of this information? The same “nothing-to-worry-about” came out about Agent Orange during Vietnam! And now the “experts” tell us giving kids 72 vaccines, — six in one day now to our babies — is “fine.” I remember when autism was 1 in 2000 — and now it is 1 in 52! Your saying it does not make it so, Charles. Are you an electrical engineer or perhaps a physicist? If my justified question irritates your ego, then this is your issue.
Janet McKay What a handsome, kind face..John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Yes, almost like a saint, patient, suffering, giving his all for others..
HuWyatt Earp Amen to that. The world really is inverted and we really do live inside or outside a mind matrix.
Rudolf Covington Gotta be the Eastern Front…..
Rudolf Covington I think there is some kind of nano-metallic and bio-available material in the chemtrail dust….Intended to work in tandem with the 5G frequencies….Basically, installing conductive material into our brains and bodies to act as the “wiring” for whatever they are planning. It may be intended to just KILL US ALL …..outright. I’ve noticed a huge increase in the rate of aerial spraying lately.
….The menace of 5G
” I’ve noticed a huge increase in the rate of aerial spraying lately.”
Well he is not alone in this notice. There is a psychological war on us (media).
A chemical one (chemtrails, pharmacy).
A biological (mass migration and race mixing)
A violent one (wars for the kikes, violence from the invaders)
Every thing that can be used against us, is used by the kikes against us.
“If by the instrument of a governmental power, a race is led to its destruction, then rebellion is not only the right of every member of such a people – it is his duty” Adolf Hitler