FRANCOIS AROUET Thursday’s false-flag bombings in Baghdad near “Green Zone” & US embassy ignite calls for Biden to “re-engage Iraq” from foreign policy establishment. Perhaps our illegitimate Dear Leader can send the NG reservists camped out in the Capitol’s chilly parking garage?

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by François M. Arouet
If you like this exclusive article by François, and others that we publish on a daily basis – that John is paying for while he develops his new spiritual organization – then please write to John at to learn how you can help us. John would genuinely love to hear from you so that you can set up a private SKYPE conversation where he can explain his vision, and you can help him achieve his goals. We are this close to a new noble age.
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In my last article I wrote about Biden’s “aim of returning normalcy to foreign policy” – which I explained meant cozying back up to China, increasing hostilities towards Putin, and “encouraging” NATO to aim more missiles at Russia, among other things.
It seems, though, that Vlad’s going to have to wait a bit longer for WWIII –as Biden has set his immediate sights on destabilizing the Middle East at the behest of his/our owners less than one week into his four-year-term.
I can almost see the body bags and smell the fleeing migrants washing ashore in Greece and Italy as I write this.
Yes, 72 hours in, and Biden is literally already flirting with “troop deployments” in Iraq to deal with the not one, but TWO false flag bombings near the US Embassy that apparently occurred the day after our illegitimate “chump in chief” was sworn in. (I’m still wondering why neither Hunter and daddy Biden didn’t burst into flames the moment they set their eyes upon the Bible used during the inauguration sham). 😉
Yep, you read that right.
War’s back!
Marines in Fallujah, Iraq
While the vile Left rejoice that trans girls (teenage boys with long hair and unwanted penises) will be able to beat the tar out of actual girls on high school wrestling mats from Maine to San Diego – thanks to one of Biden’s first executive orders – and Mexicans will replace whites as the nation’s largest demographic by 2050, the REAL reason Biden was supported by the Deep State (and pushed relentlessly by the likes of the Lincoln Project, military-industrial complex, the foreign policy establishment and all-powerful Deep State establishment elite) is rearing its ugly head even faster than even I could’ve even imagined.
Apparently, less than 24 hours after Beijing Biden’s inauguration, “Islamists” decided it was high time to start killing civilians again by bombing a market just a few kilometers from the US Embassy in Baghdad – something the Jerusalem Post conspicuously makes mention of over and over and over again in their extensive coverage of the “incident”.
After four years of Trump drawing down troops across the Mid East, the Islamists missed our presence so much they felt compelled to send us a warning shot of encouragement to ring in Biden’s inauguration and ask us to come back for seconds.
If you believe that, then I’ve got an igloo full of three-day-old gefilte fish in Haifa to sell you.
The JPost (what are the chances?) writes that:

“The recent Baghdad bombing could be the Biden admin’s first challenge. The bombing was only four kilometers from the US Embassy compound…

…and occurred in an area where there have been protests over the last year and a half.
A twin suicide bombing in Baghdad’s Tayaran square, packed with people shopping, left two dozen dead on Thursday afternoon in the most deadly attack in more than 18 months, local reports said, recalling past years when suicide bombings like this were routine in Iraq. Islamic State perpetrated many attacks and while it is not known if this was an ISIS attack, it has its hallmarks.

The bombing, four kilometers [2.5 miles] from the US Embassy compound, occurred in an area which has witnessed several mass protests over the last year and a half.

[Yeah, they mentioned both those points twice in the first paragraph of the article – no agenda there. Watch as the article goes on to mention the US on several other occasions.]

In the fall of 2019 protesters often besieged security forces on Al Jumhuriya bridge, not far from the market where the bombings took place.
Online video appeared to capture the second of the two reported explosions in which up to 100 were reported wounded near the “Bab al-Sharqi” area of central Baghdad. There have been increasing threats and low-level attacks on convoys that supply the US in Iraq. Last year dozens of attacks with 107mm rockets were fired at the US Embassy compound and at US forces in Iraq.
The US has drawn down most of its troops, leaving only several thousand personnel, many of whom have been relocated to the autonomous Kurdistan region which is more sympathetic to the US. In other areas of Iraq the pro-Iranian militias of the Popular Mobilization Units run checkpoints and have threatened the US. These groups include the Badr Organization, Kataib Hezbollah, Asaib Ahl al-Haq and Harakat Hezbollah al Nujaba. The day before the attack in Baghdad there were reports of an attack on a convoy carrying equipment to the US-led anti-ISIS Coalition

[Yep, hint-hint-hint, they just had to mention the US again.]

The attacks carried out by pro-Iranian groups are often precise and use 107mm rockets. ISIS-style attacks use suicide bombers to kill civilians. Pro-Iranian groups are often more tactical and strategic in their killing, targeting foreigners, journalists, or translators, but not randomly blowing up shoppers.
A source told Al-Ain Al-Akhbariya that “a suicide bomber wearing an explosive belt blew himself up at Tayaran Square in the Bab Al-Sharqi area, followed by the detonation of another suicide bomber meters away from the place of the first explosion.”



*** JdN The Iraq invasion/occupation 2003-10 was a debacle for our jew masters
It created an anti-Israeli Shiite Belt stretching from  Iran to Lebanon and dependent on the fiercely anti-Washington Islamic Republic of Iran. (The Muslims are split between Sunnis and Shiites, who hate each other.]
Saddam Hussein, whom the US illegally overthrew, was a Sunni Muslim, not a Shiite, and he kept the Shiite majority in his country down. This broke up the “Shiite Crescent” which Israel feared, but with his ouster and execution, the majority Shiites took power, and the Shia Muslims now have a huge, continguous belt of military power and communications, and the dominant Shiite country, Iran, with a population of 80 million, can now send its troops, training officers and weapons westward through Iraq to Syria and Lebanon at will.Yes, they pass right through a country which Hussein, a ferocious Iran-hater who waged bloody war on that country for years in the 1980s, had once firmly ruled.
So much for this:
So what do Biden’s foreign policy experts want to happen?
Warmongering – which parrots the Deep State – were literally within 24 hours of Biden’s “infrauduration” calling on Biden to “re-engage the region”, writing,

“On Thursday morning Baghdad witnessed twin suicide bombings in a busy market that killed 32 people and wounded more than 100 others. It was the bloodiest such attack in many years. Coming only a day after the inauguration of U.S. President Joe Biden, the attack is a reminder that the dangers facing Iraq from extremism remain very real and that the country’s situation is still precarious in many ways.
The attack also serves as a reminder that Iraq needs to be on the Biden administration’s agenda, even though it does not appear to be a priority at all. Because of its strategic impact on Middle East politics and the implications Iraq’s success or failure has on the United States’ standing in the world, how Biden and his team handle Iraq will be watched closely in the Middle East and beyond.”

Thanks, liberals!!
As I stated previously and have been saying for the past four years to anyone that would listen to me….

This has never been about Left versus Right, trans issues, Blacks Loot and Murder, George Floyd or Kyle Rittenhouse. It’s never been about “white supremacy” or any of the other bullshit issues the likes of CNN, FOX (apart from Tucker and a few others) and MSNBC have been tricking people into believing.
It has always been about getting the American war machine back on the road.
There was one man standing in our opressors’ way and in order to remove him they needed dumb blacks, Hispanics and traitorous white liberals to believe they wanted him out to create a “kinder, gentler America”.
….when it was ALWAYS just about getting the war machine back on the road.
Although it might feel good to think that it was about purging us, eradicating conservatism and pushing an anti-white agenda, does anyone genuinely think Zionist supremacists like Max Boot and Jake Tapper really care about “raycism”, “Black Lives” and the “civil rights” of a few trans wrestlers?
Like Antifa – who are literally being purged from Twitter (by the thousands) and across social media as I write this – these hot button issues were a means to an end.
Trump was attacked relentlessly for his off-color remarks, not because the Establishment gives a toss about the Trayvons and fudge-packers of this world, but because our true President was bad for the war business.
….while he was good for the rest of us.
Although President Trump had his faults, he was a godsend when it came to foreign policy. The man did exactly as promised – he put America first, shelved existing foreign policy, and brought the ENTIRE world the stability it needed.

As President Trump rightly told us Tuesday in his farewell address, under his remarkable stewardship of the American presidency “the wars stopped and life was better for all”, whether people like to admit it or not.
Although he let us down this past week by not pardoning the Capitol protesters and Julian Assange, not seeing the fight through to the end, and failing to protect us from Big Tech during his time in office, President Trump brought much-needed peace and stability to a monstrous world which our evil Neo-liberal and Neo-Conservative overseers have been undermining for generations.
And as I stated earlier, from a nationalist’s perspective, a safer, happier world means less war, less loss of life and fewer immigrants flooding our shores from lands our own governments obliterated.
Sure, he gave Kushner and Ivanka too much power, appointed evil bastards like John Bolton (to appease the foreign policy establishment), was wrong allowing Israel to influence him on Iran, and was certainly too cozy with Riyad and Tel Aviv, among other things, but make no mistake – compared to Obama and Bush, the man was a peacenik. 😉

The fact President Trump did not win a Nobel Prize for his efforts across the globe is a travesty – although par for the course at this juncture.
So, where is all this headed?
Back to a “woke” world that embraces our State Department’s push for gay black trans colorblind “this and that”, while the Pentagon bombs the planet into oblivion.
Rainbow flags flying high in the desert, displaced desperate migrants flooding our shores, and a discombobulated, bleeding planet plunged into a state of perpetual disarray and chaos.
It’s a Bolshevik/Leftist’s wet dream and JUST what our evil government’s been pining for since noon Eastern Standard Time, January 20th, 2017.
[End article]

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  1. Will Syria let volunteers go there? This so wrong there obsessed with destroying Syria (birthplace of Christianity) Lebanon Iran and Yemen cuz they dont want degeneracy like Saudi Arabia no way can they pull off another Iraq on Iran which they will have to nuke cuz they’ve been building Rockets since 1979 plus jews understand our demographic situation and need war now

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