Tine Thing Helseth from Oslo is both beautiful and a genius at the piccolo trumpet.
She has also apparently, or for now at least, beaten cancer (Hodgkin’s lymphoma) at 35, using chemotherapy.
Maybe she had a doctor who was really rooting for her, unlike the jew oncologist Charles Goodwin, MD.
Below is the video interview conducted yesterday by Jim Rizoli with me and Brian A. on, first of all, the topic of the little jews. My long-time friend Brian was born and raised jewish, buthe has been totally and actively on our side for many years.
From 43:00 on, Jim and I go into Dr. Charles Goodwin, the jewish oncologist under whose “care” (no treatment for five months) my beloved wife Margaret DIED — and I am convinced now that he knew — and both oncologists before him, the black man and the hispanic woman — that she and I opposed the jew agenda of taking over, enslaving and destroying white America.
In Goodwin’s notes, which I only recently obtained, he defamed her as “argumentative” and “non-compliant,” though she had cooperated instantly and cheerfully with every request from the Mayo Clinic!
Margi had done everything that two jewish doctors, one in Asheville, NC, and the other at the Mayo, had wanted her to do! Because they did not have it in for her!
Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/gXsdenxMvstD/
The jew-doctor Charles Goodwin part starts, as already stated, at 43:00….
….A snotty comment under this video against “Boomers” like me
Reading 75% of the comments, I see how many truly WNs are simply blind, negative haters. “God is love” means nothing to them.
8 hours ago
I thought John de Nugent was a heathen and interested in Aryan space aliens? Now, he’s a born again Christian? Tell me this, why do all these old timers become Christians when their mortality is facing them and when their life is not what they thought it would be? Not all of them,but a good portion. Like old programming is resurfacing?
My retort:
You “thought” this and that, and you were wrong. I am so glad that you will never be an old-timer yourself, and that the marvelous younger Whites of today are so superior. (I have heard from many white employers in both Pennsylvania and in Michigan that many young Whites like you are often incredibly unreliable, lazy, and even thieves,
Endlich haben die Macher des sogenannten YouTube den Vortrag von Herrn Prof. Dr. med. Arne Burkhardt freigeschaltet beziehungsweise nicht zensiert – bisher zumindest nicht.
Herr Prof. Burkhardt ist Facharzt für Pathologie und hielt den obigen Vortrag beim zweiten diesjährigen Ärztesymposium im Dr.-Max-Otto-Bruker-Haus, und zwar am 18. September 2022.
Das Video steht gerade mal gute 24 Stunden im Netz und wurde zwischenzeitlich über 56.000 mal aufgerufen, darüber hinaus wurden über 5.000 Daumenhoch gesetzt, und es wurden beinahe 700 Kommentare platziert – es scheint allem Anschein nach nunmehr großes Interesse an Aufklärung vorzuherrschen.
Den Vortrag hörte und sah ich mir heute morgen zweimal an und vermag lediglich zu folgern: arme Ge‘impfte‘!
Mal schauen, womöglich gehe ich zu späterer Stunde auf den einen oder anderen Punkt von Herrn Prof. Burkhardt ein, um die Brisanz der Ergebnisse seiner bisherigen Forschungen zu verdeutlichen – der Dank gilt selbstredend Herrn Prof. Burkhardt und Herrn Prof. Lang sowie der gesamten Mannschaft.
Der Vortrag nebst Anrede erstreckt sich auf ein knappes Stündchen.
Prof. Arne Burkhardt – Aktuelle Erkenntnisse zu Impfnebenwirkungen – 2.Ärztesymposium im Bruker-Haus