To a bright young German man; my view of Varg, the “gods,” the neanderthals and the eugenic futurism of “Gattaca”

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Why do most Germans NOT look like this positive stereotype?



Hi, A. Thanks for your long and thoughtful missive to me on Skype.

I was surprised, though, at your lack of respect and deference in saying that “you are wrong.”

Es gehört sich nicht für einen jungen Mann, besonders einer Respektsperson gegenüber, so kategorisch zu denken und besonders zu reden. Eventuell habe ich in der Neandersache doch Unrecht, aber ohne Reise in einer Zeitmaschine können wir beide diese Sache mit den Neandertalern und Cro-Magnons, die vor mehreren Jahrzehntausenden lebten, niemals genau wissen!

Nun, die Ausdrucksweise “Ich bin bei aller Achtung der Meinung, dass Sie sich da irren” würde sich für Sie weitaus mehr geziemen. 🙂 …..


It is not appropriate for a young man, especially with someone to be respected, to think so categorically and to speak in such a special way. I might be wrong about the Neander thing, but without a trip in a time machine, neither of us can ever be sure about the Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons who lived tens of thousands of years ago! Well, the phrase “I believe, in all respect, that you are mistaken, John” would be far more appropriate. 🙂

One thing we learn in the military is to respect those with age and experience, and especially those with arms full of battle scars and chests full of medals that were earned with sweat and blood.

And I have had three lifetimes now of both scars and achievements.

But, let us agree that it is the natural calling and function of youth to be dissatisfied with the inadequacies of the past and impatiently demand serious change.

But everything good we desire begins with feeling and showing respect.

I loved my Japanese and Indian students for that: “You are an older man with gray hair, and you are my teacher.”

That is not preaching that we “oldies” enjoy infallibility, just that most older whites merit some recognition.

That is, as the great “Lion King” movie says, “the circle of life.” 🙂

So you can show respect for an older person while disagreeing with him.

………..As for Varg Vikernes, I can see you feel real admiration and affection for him, as I do.

And I also know he got serious harassment from the French police, and that the jews have deplatformed him, as they did with me……

But far from any feeling of rivalry or jealousy, I never think about him at all, having seen too many videos riddled with glaring inaccuracies. He drives his car and films himself talking, sometimes off the top of his head, which is dilettantish.

….And his entire take on the gods (from what I know of him) is missing the stark and vital reality that these beings were (are) very real, these gods, these “shining ones” in Proto-Indo-European — but also it is true that these real beings were often selfish, exploitative, renegade aliens and tyrants lording it over us.

Apollo was a god of culture. Note the remnants of yellow paint on his hair to signify he was blond.

A satyr challenged him to a music contest. Stung, Apollo seized him and hung him upside down. Then he ordered his human slave, a Scythian (they lived in Ukraine, so possibly he was a proto-Slav), to whet his knife.

Then he skinned this fellow alive. Nice gods, eh? 😉

To miss that fact that the gods were real — real aliens — is to miss something truly huge. (If Varg has since revised his views, I am glad to stand corrected.)

….Now as for the neanderthal issue, for decades before publishing my key essay on them I thought about it deeply, researched it thoroughly, and reflected also on my own life experiences in the State of Rhode Island, which my nordic ancestors co-founded in 1636.

I had these experiences with both jews and Sicilians (the product of Aryan Italians and Ancient Greeks being massively mixed, or rather inundated, by genes from arabs, jews and blacks.

A New England mobster

Also, many Sicilians evince the haplogroup J, same as the arabs and jews.

In fact, the map of haplogroup J prevalence and that of the ancient hunter-gatherer range of the neanderthals are identical.

And this is a good part of the reason why, sadly, so many Germans (and Austrians) are, to be blunt, pretty ugly, and not handsome nordics — their partial neander blood.

…..Scandinavia and the British Isles were “neandertalerrein” after the Ice Age — no one lived there back then, natürlich, under three-mile-high glaciers. 😉

Hence, minus the short, ugly neanderthals as forbears, we see to this day the better appearance and height of original-stock Northwestern Europeans.

An American Confederate officer in the “Civil War.” The Southerners were overwhelmingly of excellent British stock.

A wounded British Army officer, convalescing in the company of his wife and children

…..What I experienced as a Nordic WASP in Rhode Island was that both sicilians and jews resented our better appearance, and rather than being humble about their genetic inferiority, they became resentful enemies of the WASPs, and in fact they banded together against us.

….. The “Mafia” in America did start out Sicilian, but soon became full of jews: jewish lawyers, jewish doctors, consiglieri (advisors) and money launderers (and, btw, also some Irish hitmen).

Actually, it was a jew, btw, who first noticed the toxic traits of the neo-neanderthals (jews, arabs, armenians, etc.). My essay goes into all this.

Neanderthals & Semites

Finally, the movie “Gattaca” goes deeply into eugenics.

One could literally create a Scandinavian from two African-Americans, a man and a woman, if one wanted, because they both are a third British-white from the Old South slave-owners of WASP ancestry. Just use THOSE genes.

And one can also raise the IQ of blacks, lower their aggression-inducing testosterone levels, and also expand their frontal lobes, which regulate self-control.  Yes, blacks can be raised to a much higher level.

Of course, their previous lives were as blacks, so their nature, their souls, will not be the same as ours.

And by relegating them to heir own countries or areas, not letting them mix with us, let them also achieve a better life, and not listen any further to marxist jews, who agitate them against the white man.

Sex in the future will go on for the bonding — and the fun 😉

— but as for making babies, that will be serious business, and this means selecting the very best genes the couple have. 🙂

A friend and advisor said to me once that racialism — even if true, and it is — seems mean-spirited, because it is “picking on people”  for things that are not their fault.

My goal is a rising tide that will raise all the boats. In the right hands, with the jews gone, science can make our world a place of peace, prosperity and growth, as is the case right now on countless planets that have passed through the barbarian stage that we are now stuck in, being mostly young souls misled by jews.

God bless you too, young comrade! 🙂


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  1. Regarding the respect for age: Born in 1970, I can confirm that here, in Rest Germany (FRG), a natural respect for older generations still prevailed until the 1970s and until the mid-1980s, apart from the ’68 rags. Since then the background powers have successfully managed to drive wedges between the generations.

    In the past, there was a completely natural exchange of ideas, even between the very young and the very old. One simply knew that an older person had more years of life behind him and that alone made him interesting as a conversation partner. The older and very old people were open-minded, open-minded and interested. I noticed this, by the way, on a school trip in London in 1992 (at that time there were still people of English origin there), and the old English women were so open-minded and interested in us, asked us where we came from, initiated the conversation, were completely different from the anti-German-minded British lying press, had human interest.

    Conversations between the generations used to happen quite naturally in Germany, even on the street, when you were playing and, for example, a soccer ball rolled away, but also in other ways, such as at the streetcar stop; there was also halfway a folk community. I also noticed at that time that the so-called “Nazis”, i.e. Hitler-friendly people from the 1930s, were among the most culturally open-minded / interested people at all. Just because one rejects the Kalergie Plan and does not want to be destroyed does not mean that one does not appreciate other cultures and races.

    The degree of the current degeneration through social engineering is partly directly measurable. In the past, when someone with a weak walking ability stepped onto the streetcar or bus, he was immediately surrounded by children and young people: “Would you like to have my seat?” Nowadays, children, pupils and young people usually remain seated closed when an elderly lady or gentleman with a weak gait enters the streetcar or bus, although a counter-movement is developing that deeply rejects the NWO-68 scum and anti-German rags.

    This is not supposed to be a disguised multi-cultural propaganda and not an idealization of old age per se, because a large part of the present future old people, especially the anti-German 1968s, are certainly no role models for the future German youth 🙂 : In Normandy there was once a small village at the turn of the millennium, and according to a TV report, a colored mayor there is said to have introduced the “Council of the Wise”, a weekly meeting during which the old people are supposed to express their opinions on current communal affairs and upcoming decisions.

    In a reasonable society, the knowledge of the old is not left lying idle. As Harold A. Covington once said: The present time will later be considered a time of shame. Frictions between young and old have always existed, but what happens now will be incomprehensible later.

    When the NWO forced corset is broken apart, ethnic disentanglement will come all by itself; as someone once said, in about 800 years the German population will look as German as it did during previous centuries. But the transition period will be ultra heavy.


    In German:

    Zum Altersrespekt: Geboren 1970 kann ich bestätigen, daß hier, in Restdeutschland (BRD), noch bis in die 1970er und bis Mitte der 1980er ein natürlicher Respekt für ältere Generationen vorherrschte, abgesehen von den 68er-Lumpen. Seitdem gelang es den Hintergrundmächten erfolgreich, Keile zwischen die Generationen zu treiben.

    Früher gab es noch einen völlig natürlichen Gedankenaustausch, auch zwischen den ganz Jungen und den sehr Alten. Man wußte einfach, daß ein älterer Mensch mehr Lebensjahre hinter sich hat und allein das machte ihn schon interessant als Gesprächspartner. Die Älteren und Hochbetagten waren aufgeschlossen, offen und interessiert. Ich habe das übrigens auch 1992 beim Schulausflug in London mitbekommen (damals gab es dort noch englisches Ursprungsvolk), und die alten Engländerinnen waren uns gegenüber so aufgeschlossen und interessiert, fragten uns, woher wir kamen, initiierten das Gespräch, waren vollkommen anders, als die antideutsch gesonnene britische Lügenpresse, hatten menschliches Interesse.

    Gespräche zwischen den Generationen ergaben sich früher in Deutschland ganz natürlich, auch auf der Straße, wenn man spielte und beispielsweise ein Fußball davonrollte, aber auch so, z.B. an der Straßenbahnhaltestelle; es gab auch noch halbwegs eine Volksgemeinschaft. Auch merkte ich damals, daß die sogenannten „Nazis“, also Hitler wohlgesonnene Menschen aus den 1930er Jahren, zu den kulturell aufgeschlossensten / interessiertesten Menschen überhaupt gehörten. Nur weil man den Kalergie-Plan ablehnt und sich nicht vernichten lassen möchte heißt daß nicht, daß man andere Kulturen und Rassen nicht wertschätzen würde.

    Der Grad der jetzigen Verkommenheit durch Zersetzungsarbeit/„Social Engineering“ ist zum Teil direkt meßbar. Wenn in der Straßenbahn und im Bus früher jemand Gehschwacher die Bahn betrat, dann war er sofort umzingelt von Kindern und Jugendlichen: „Möchten Sie meinen Sitzplatz haben?“ Heutzutage bleiben Kinder, Schüler und Jugendliche meist geschlossen sitzen, wenn eine hochbetagte gehschwache Dame oder ein Herr die Bahn betritt; wiewohl eine Gegenbewegung am entstehen ist, die den NWO-68er-Abschaum und das Antideutsche Gelumpe zutiefst ablehnt.

    Das soll jetzt keine verkappte Multikultipropaganda sein und auch keine Idealisierung des Alters per se sein, denn ein Großteil der jetzigen zukünftigen Alten, insbesondere die antideutschen 1968er, sind ganz sicher kein Vorbild für die zukünftige deutsche Jugend 🙂 : In der Normandie gab es um die Jahrtausendwende mal ein kleines Dorf, und dort soll einem TV-Bericht zufolge ein farbiger Bürgermeister den „Rat der Weisen“ eingeführt haben, eine wöchentliche Versammlung, während derer die Alten ihre Meinungen zu aktuellen kommunalen Angelegenheiten und anstehenden Entscheidungen äußern sollen.

    In einer vernünftigen Gesellschaft läßt man das Wissen der Alten nicht brach liegen. Wie Harold A. Covington mal sagte: Die jetzige Zeit wird später als „Zeit der Schande“ gelten. Reibereien zwischen Jung und Alt gab es schon immer, aber was jetzt stattfindet, wird später unbegreiflich sein.

    Wenn das NWO-Zwangskorsett auseinandergeborsten sein wird, wird die ethnische Entflechtung ganz von alleine kommen; wie mal jemand sagte, in ca. 800 Jahren wird die deutsche Bevölkerung wieder so deutsch aussehen wie während früherer Jahrhunderte. Die Übergangszeit wird jedoch ultraheftig werden.

  2. Interesting post.
    But i would like to pinpoint a couple of things where I disagree with you here.

    Apollo’s encounter with the satyr should be considered with a bit of caution, Satyrs are like the old Norse jotner: very often picturing the subconscious animalistic drives, which needs to treated rather brutally at times.

    And speaking of evil gods or forefathers: the worst of them all in my view is Abraham, who heard funny voices inside his skull telling him to mutilate his penis and burn his son on a fire. These are the forefathers of two billion believers today.

    And then you may argue that if you are to take one story by the letter, then you should take them all. I disagree. Any pagan I have met (not one myself – yet) will be very much aware of the fact that these pagan stories are myths trying to explain our mind and our lives in general. The Christian demands their strange, and often insane, stories to be the absolute truth of what happened. The latter demand leaves the story of Abraham in a rather grotesque light.

    As to Varg – I like him, as you seem to do. He challenges our world view, and I like that, as long as he is clear on the fact that he wants all the best for the white man. I do find a contradiction in his ideas about the neanderthals and the J haplogroup, as you pinpoint. On the other hand, his video on the completely ludicrous mainstream scientific idea that a recessive DNA trait like blue eyes spread throughout Europe in a population with brown eyes is very good.

    Keep up the good work.

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