To a jew reviewing Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut”

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Dear Prof. (((Mikics))):
[Professor of English, University of Houston, Texas]
I grew up as an affluent WASP gentile among many jews in Providence, Rhode Island, dated two girls who turned out to be jewish, and am a student of judaism — the good and the bad.
IMO, in your article in the JTA…
…you have totally missed what Kubrik was really up to with his final film — using the Schnitzler sex-fantasy stuff as a vehicle for his warning adieu to the world about

a vast, very real, non-fantastical,

Jeffrey Epstein-like, jewish-Mossad network

using sex/blackmail/murder

and involving and controlling billionaires

while exploiting Gentile women.

Or are you knowingly suppressing Kubrick’s remarks about Hitler and the jews?  
Interesting how he died right after finishing the film… just as Epstein died by “committing suicide.”
And General George Patton died by jeep “accident” in Dec. 1945 after blasting the jews….

“Eyes Wide Shut” — Kubrick’s heroic dogwhistle that cost him his life



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