To a JewTube warmongerer who called me a “Putin-lover”

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Nasty 2003 meme: French cowards in pantomime face-paint load baguette into a cannon….

My second wife, attractive, petite, 5’2″, and with beautiful blue eyes, was French, and was physically assaulted twice by some Amurrikin hero in Boston during this French-bashing phase, at the then Borders bookstore on School Street. I will never forget her shock, or forgive the rat who did it. (I was not there.)

The French in 2003 were the hate object of the entire media (as being cowards), after the media villains of yesteryear:


–the South,


— Germany (2X)…..

….and now it is the Russians over whom we should foam at the mouth…..

To an warmongering idiot on JewTube who called me a “Putin lover”:
“Putin lover” — that koolaid must be delicious. On to WWIII and “nuke them Rooskis,” ehh? What other media lies have you swallowed unquestioned?

Did Saddam have WMDs? I would bet $100 you believed that lie too.
And in Trump’s “Russian collusion” too, though after a $42 million FBI investigation — by a former FBI director, Robert Mueller, who hated Trump, nota bene, and who was really out to find something, anything, to “get” Trump — they found NO evidence. NO evidence. It was a media lie. But, of course, you believed in it, right?
I ask you: with WWIII at stake, do you want a full thermonuclear war? Yes, then keep on hating away on command at Wicked Putin and his Evil Russians, and you will get your lovely mushroom clouds, and you can die, loyal to the end, for your beloved Fox — or it is MSNBC or CNN koolaid that you slurp?
By way of illustration, look back at how, in 2003 (from Fox on the right to CNN on the left, and with the NY Times and Wash Post chiming in their full support of Bush’s WMD bovine manure) the New Yawk/LA media got Americans to hate and vilify the innocent French for not joining in on our illegal invasion of Iraq!
We began eating “freedom fries” and “freedom toast,” and reviling the French as “cheese-eating surrender monkeys”!
Because they refused to attack an innocent country THAT WAS TELLING THE TRUTH THAT IT HAD NO WMDs!

What did we get out of that war?


If you love death, then you will adore World War Three!



  1. The countries that supplied the Ukraine with anti tank missiles will suffer when Russia turns the gas back on. The West has regime change , Russia are aggressive child murderers. Hypocrisy, send more weapons to the zionists in Kiev.

  2. Quante accuse ho ricevuto a causa di Putin LOL eppure so di aver ragione…
    Anche i socialisti nazionali mi attaccano ma io sono irremovibile 😉
    Mi godo la scena..
    Ora abbiamo la Cina con il problema Taiwan, l’India, tra poco l’Iran…tutti alleati con madre Russia.

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