To an ally

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To my supporters:
I have been feeling under the weather lately, and Margi as well.
I wrote to an ally:
Btw, I will shortly be returning to the political limelight. Between war danger, inflation, crime, and the genocidal vaxx, a ton of previously blasé people are now paying attention.
He replied:
Yes, get back in the arena.Lots going on, as you are well aware 😉
I responded:
The greatest, most lasting thing I can do for humanity is to address, attack and to destroy that which enables humans to deny the most urgent realities at the peril of their lives and those of their loved ones.
In 2019-21 we have had hard proof of massive conspiracies — involving tens of thousands of criminal agents —via Russiagate (debunked yet still believed), the 50-state massive Stealection, Coronamania measures, the hysterical rejection of hydroxychloroquine (which just got a friend of mine back on his feet in THREE HOURS, whereupon he shoveled heavy snow for three hours at our and another location!), and now the denial of vaxx-caused deaths, miscarriages, and crippling ailments.
No animal denies reality. If it senses approaching danger, it runs or attacks. Period.
Humans use their minds to lie to themselves, and this is why Jesus was actually very profound: it is the truth alone which will set you free. If I succeed, far from dismal times being ahead, then the entire “globalist”-pedo-zionist-Illuminati thing could crash.
And it is a mortal threat to Russia and China as well. Moscow and Beijing too could decided to play at “regime change” and decide to support “moderate rebels.” 😉 …I will attach this for you, not that you will be able to find time for it. This WWI war hero and British MP spent almost the entire war 1940-44 in the miserable Brixton prison without charges, thanks to a drunken pedophile who lived at 10 Downing Street. He lays out that ALL the major and successful revolutions came about because of powerful, sustained, professional outside help.
IF Moscow and Beijing saw a viable new movement arising, they might decide that supporting it would be the best way to avoid WWIII and their own annihilation.
For my prediction is unequivocal: The psychopath-run US regime would be a sore loser of any conventional war, and 100% absolutely would go nuclear in revenge, like Samson tearing down the Philistine temple.

His fellow prisoner at Brixton was Admiral Barry Domvile, former head of British Naval Intelligence and director of the Naval War College, also dubbed a “traitor” by Churchill …..who bankrupted the Empire and saved bolshevism.


Until he opposed war with Germany, he was also known as the commander of this battleship, HMS Royal Sovereign: (approaching Philadelphia in 1943)


By 1943 Churchill understood clearly from FDR and his son that Stalin was to take eastern Europe and the British Empire was to be dissolved. Everything that he opposed was to be implemented. There you have a brilliant and eloquent man, Churchill, engaged in a total denial of reality.

….New way to donate

If in the US, you can use Cash App:

Simply link it to your debit or credit card!

To send a payment:
— Open the Cash App
— Enter the amount
— Tap “Pay”
— Enter an email address (, phone number (if I gave it to you personally), or “$Cashtag” ($JohndeNugent)
— Enter what the payment is for (education)

It works in seconds, and you get an email confirmation!

If in Canada or overseas, set up a TransferWise account! Same basic idea.

Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!



…..Recent donations

— 23 January 2022 300 euros via PayPal from M in France

A striking, short video in French with English subtitles by Léon Degrelle:

— 20 Jan 2022 $100 from K in Massachusetts via CashApp

— 16 January 2022 200 euros (same in dollars) from M in France

— 8 January 2022 300 euros (same in dollars) from M in France


— 4 January 2022 bank wire for US$200 from P in Australia

Activist/hero Nick Folkes (not the donor)


— 1 January 2022 200 euros via PayPal from M in France

A little metal thing by Gustave Eiffel (by his very name a man of obvious germanic blood, France being a mix of Keltic, Mediteranean and Teutonic)  

— 31 December 2021 $30 wire as a test from P in Australia

— 31 December 2021 600 euros via PayPal from S in northern Germany


PP gave me a lifetime ban in 2012, and banned Margi also in 2019, but I have friends with it!

— 31 December 2021 $200 in cash via FedEx from a loyal supporter and fellow former Marine

He is of proud Italian (and other heritage), not unlike this Marine general who dared to say:

“So many good men died, and for what?” my dad moaned once thinking about Korea. “All these no-win wars. You cannot expect a man to die for nothing.”


— 30 December 2021 $50 via PayPal from B in Denmark

— 25 December 2021 $200 via Cash App from K in Massachusetts

– 25 December 2021 300 euros from M in France

— 23 December 2021 $100 gift card from Amazon from J in Nevada

— 16 December 20201 300 euros from M in France

A Paris pastry shop

— 14 December 2021 $95 via PayPal from V in Denmark


The royal Frederiksborg Castle, north of Copenhagen, from an era when Norway and Denmark were under one king

The royal chapel, beautiful but empty, as with most Christian churches in western, central and northern Europe. This is an incredible waste of space, money and beauty at a time when Whites desperately need spiritual guidance but do not find it in the churches or their semitic stories. Christianity has been dead in most of Europe for generations — just as I foresaw and said would eventually happen in Table Talk at Führer Headquarters.



    • A chick like that should have been married at 28 and having nice children, not studying leftist “Germanistik” and getting off on anti-racist virtue-signaling.

      Ego causes suffering.

      And death.

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