To finally understand the Fed, paper money, and jewish goldsmiths

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A ten-dollar silver certificate from the US Treasury, not the Federal Reserve. President John Kennedy was the last president to print these silver certificates, and you could get an actual silver coin worth ten dollars for this bill —  it was not just paper. I remember as a kid seeing this issue of Life Magazine, depicting our last real president. The white Baby Boom, which the Kennedys exemplified, lasted from 1946-64, until a jew invented “the Pill” and it began to be heavily promoted in 1964. The result was a lot of sleeping around, VD, and very few white babies.


Here are a few basic ideas about private central banking.

The Federal Reserve is a private corporation. Interestingly, you cannot audit them and no investigatory agency can set foot on any of their properties. They agreed to a one- time audit of their activities after the mortgage fiasco and only their activities post-mortgage fiasco.

This, you may remember, happened when Congressman Ron Paul was grilling Fed chairman Ben Bernanke before Congress.

Originally the US Treasury had power to control the money supply. For example,Abraham Lincoln was able to authorize Congress to print and hand out debt-free paper money, which was called greenbacks.

He didn’t like the fact that bankers were loaning money to both sides of the Civil War at interest. In 1913, Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act, which gave the Fed, a private corporation, power to control the money supply. You can read about it in Eustace Mullins’ “Secrets of the Federal Reserve.”

This is where a few years prior a private unmarked train car took a US senator in the middle of the night to a private island off the coast to discuss the act. Congress was out of session at the time. The island was a private hunting club for bankers like the Vanderbilts, Rockefellers and Morgans etc. All of this was done in total secrecy. The senator involved, Nelson Aldrich of New York, had spent time in Europe studying their central banking system which was created by, you guessed it, the Rothschilds.

Private central banking uses the fractional-reserve banking system. This is where new money is created as debt. This is one of the most powerful forces on Earth and only 1 percent of politicians can explain how it works. In years of asking people to explain it to me so far only one ever has.

In fractional-reserve banking, any given bank does not have enough funds on hand to cover its deposits. It has loaned out most of its deposits at interest. So if Joe Blow wants a loan and goes to the bank, 9 times out of 10, the bank doesn’t have the money to loan him. The bank then goes and borrows the money from the Federal Reserve at a low interest rate called the “overnight rate.” Then they loan the money to Joe Blow at a much higher rate. 9 times out of 10, the Federal Reserve just created this loan amount out of thin air — because they can.

When Joe Blow pays back the loan to the bank, the bank pays back its covering loan to the Federal Reserve. So the Fed now has real money paid to it for a credit it issued out of thin air. Paul Hellyer, the former Canadian defense minister, says the Fed can skim 95 percent on loans.

People really get lost when they hear this. A related term is “economic growth.” This is the sum of all the new loans written every year out of thin air. This is money that never existed before. It is aka the “increase in the money supply.” Every year there is more and more money in existence, but where did it come from? The Federal Reserve printed it out of thin air if you are talking about USD. Another interesting factoid is that the total money supply, known as M3, is now secret.

So Federal Reserve banking is like a street-hustling shylock that is authorized to print the money out of thin air which it loans out and then can keep it when it is paid back by the goyim’s sweat.

Here is an explanation of the origins of paper money and fractional reserve banking.  At one time people used gold as a means of exchange. They would keep their gold at the goldsmith’s for safe-keeping. He would give them a piece of paper that said something like “this note entitles the bearer to one piece of gold.” The goldsmiths noticed something interesting where people started trading the notes with each other instead of going back and getting the gold. This is the origin of paper money, which in this case is gold-backed.

Then the goldsmiths figured out that they could just print out more notes than there was gold to back the notes. They could spend them, loan them out or whatever. People only came for the gold maybe only 1 out of 10 times and the goldsmiths could cover it. Now people have no idea how money originates and its original is largely secret.

All money used to be coins made of gold or silver, were beautiful, glorified some famous ruler, and had real value.  Both metals have vital industrial and electronic properties. Gold, for example, cannot rust, conducts electricity almost perfectly, and can be hammered into a sheet so thin you can see through it!


Part of the problem for humanity is that fractional reserve banking requires growth in everything. It requires population growth, more use of land, more roads/ bridges/factories/buildings/cars, increased use of resources, immigration, etc., etc. These are things new loans are written for, so money that gets created out of thin air, loans which central bankers can skim on. There is never enough money in existence to pay back all of the existing loans at interest, so the goy country has to borrow more money at interest forever to pay back all of the old loans. As you can tell from my description, this system is self perpetuating .

Unfortunately, we live on a finite planet. A problem is that all of this building of huge infrastructure projects, military and consumer spending isn’t what we need for a livable, sustainable future. There is only so much recoverable oil, clean water, tillable farmland, precious metals, etc. One inference is that, in the future, economic growth is no longer possible. But instead of currencies backed by precious metals we have floating currencies. This is where you can only get another dollar for your dollar or its equivalent in another currency instead of a precious metal. The US went off of the gold standard when Europeans started asking for gold instead of dollars after the Vietnam war. They thought the dollar would drop due to the $500 billion in war debt.

As I said, the Fed is one of the most powerful forces on Earth but it is not directly answerable to Congress. An example of how powerful they are worldwide is the high interest rates of the early 1980s. The Fed wanted to get foreign investors to buy USDs in the form of T bills [ = “Treasury bills”].

By doing this it would increase the value of the USD relative to other currencies and make imported goods cheaper. It increased interest rates to like 20 percent.

Another example is a great expose by This American Life called The Giant Pool of Money Got Too Greedy. This is an explanation for the sub-prime mortgage fiasco. Here the Fed kept interest rates very low. The world money supply had doubled between 2000 and 2006 mostly in the form of Asian currencies. Wall Street wanted a piece of this money. Ordinarily this money outside of the US would be placed into US Treasury bills at modest interest because this is considered safe. By keeping interest rates low, the Fed made Tbill returns too low for most investors .

So Wall Street, seemingly in collusion with the Fed, created a derivative product called the collateralized debt security. These are products based on the performance of groups of mortgages. This was so profitable banks were pressured to loan money to people with low incomes or bad credit who couldn’t normally get mortgages — the subprime group. This was so they could create more mortgages and CDO’s based on them. These derivatives could only handle a 10 percent default rate in the mortgages until the whole thing crashed down — and that is what happen.

So this is the folly of private central banking in the modern finance economy era, all inspired by the Rothschilds.

However,  if all  this is still confusing, then re-read it, or just memorize this:

The Fed is the jews printing money out of thin air —  or nowadays just typing it on a keyboard into their bank account, not even printing it on paper any more — and then they stuff it in their own pockets.

How? We repay loans of our own money back to THEM.

Then, with money we repaid, they buy up OUR media, big business, politicians and generals.

And it all started with jewish goldsmiths giving people a paper deposit slip for their gold, and then realizing that they can print out MORE of these gold deposit slips, even without the gold to cover them, and with them they went out and bought up real things — farms, mansions, and businesses, not to mention real people like kings and counts — with their paper.

Money pops out of nowhere for THEM while the poor goy sweats away to barely pay his bills and feed his family.

If he has one. That’s okay — negro millionaires can have kids with our women. This one, Michael Jordan, is a billionaire. I wonder why he did not marry a woman of his own race?

The only solution:





  1. Goldschmid (Goldsmith), Goldberg (Mountain of Gold), etc.

    “The Etymology of Jewish Names – Harold Covington”, 6 minutes,

    As far as I remember correctly, there were supposedly also Jews who refused to give or choose a surname, so that one was assigned to them.

    “All money used to be coins made of gold or silver, were beautiful, glorified some famous ruler, and had real value.  Both metals have vital industrial and electronic properties. […]”

    Someone once remarked that gold and silver have not only a material (trade) value (for handicraft, industry, technology, electronics, jewelry, water purification, etc.). Both are supposed to have also an energetic value, i.e., somewhat inaccurately expressed, gold and silver have something like a vibration value which is supposed to be very health-promoting, about such aspects one learns however nothing in the mass media.


    In German: Harold A. Covington on the Etymology of Jewish Names

    Goldschmid (Goldsmith), Goldberg (Mountain of Gold), etc.

    “The Etymology of Jewish Names – Harold Covington”, 6 minutes,

    Sofern ich mich richtig erinnere, soll es auch Juden gegeben haben, die sich weigerten, einen Nachnamen anzugeben bzw. zu wählen, so daß ihnen einer zugewiesen wurde.

    “All money used to be coins made of gold or silver, were beautiful, glorified some famous ruler, and had real value.  Both metals have vital industrial and electronic properties. […]”

    Jemand merkte mal an, daß Gold und Silber nicht nur einen materiellen (Handels)Wert haben (für Handwerk, Industrie, Technik, Elektronik, Schmuck, Wasserreinigung etc.). Beide sollen auch einen energetischen Wert haben, d.h., etwas ungenau ausgedrückt, Gold und Silber haben soetwas wie einen Schwingungswert, der sehr gesundheitsförderlich sein soll, über solche Aspekte erfährt man jedoch nichts in den Massenmedien.

    • Thanks. Gold and silver are also proven in medicine, especially in India. Silver is also used effectively as an antidote to poisoning; I know someone who worked with the late FBI whistleblower Ted Gunderson and whose life was saved by colloidal silver, though he took too much, as often happens, and his face got bluish.

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