To some young fellows who want me to join their new WN group

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Rockwell had brains and charisma, but beat his brains out trying to wake up a country that was still 89% white, BUT mostly was ruled by WWII vets who hated Nazis.

….In answer to some young guys who are full of idealism and big plans and are hurt I did not join them

Dear comrade B:

I would be happy to talk to you and respect your idealism and desire to do something. By the way you write, you sound like a young man, or at least under 40.

Let me just be frank, however, and we fmr Marines NCOs are just that way:

People are supporting Trump because he has money, fame and a certain animal charisma and excitement level.


It probably just seems to the recipients of your emails that your group is, sorry, just another bunch of nobodies with no money and no name.

Yes, of course, you are idealists who want to change the world, and yet it seems you have no idea how tough it is.

And we know how the antisemite and car maker Henry Ford, a beloved, famous billionaire, failed;

Charles Lindbergh, a national hero, failed; lindbergh-spirit-st-louis
…..Mel Gibson, possibly the most famous actor on earth, and worth a good $700 mio, piped down after going off on the Jews;
….and now it seems as if even Trump may go down as well,
If only estrogen-ruled women voted, Hillary (blue states) would win today in a landslide…. Trump gets from the females just some of the southern states and cowboy-farmer areas….
……and of course even Adolf Hitler failed, the greatest man of the last 2,000 years,

….well then, deep-down, the comrades who get your emails, my friend, probably are thinking:

These new guys have a good heart, just as WE did when WE got started in all this, but they seem clueless

1) how stupid, degenerate and cowardly the white masses now are,


Democratic supporters Hayley Alderman, left, Sam McNerney, center, and Julie Haefner stand outside the Birch Run Expo Center before Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was scheduled to address a GOP fundraising event, Tuesday, Aug 11, 2015, in Birch Run, Mich. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)

2) how powerful and organized the Jew enemy is.
Goldman-Sachs building in Manhattan
He literally controls almost everything and almost everyone, including many, many WNs (via bribes and blackmail), and other WNs, including leading ones, are outright FBI agents.
And is Andrew Anglin the knight in shining armor? He says himself he is no leader, and though his website traffic is excellent, that is only in relative terms. If it is true that he is getting 100,000 visitors a day, and his site is indeed fun and lively, well, out of 180 million white Americans, that means he is reaching 1 out of every 1,800 whites.
I have a totally different strategy, a new Aryan religion, Virtus.
The Jews, Muslims and Masons all have a religion that unites and fanaticizes them, giving them the appetite, willpower certainly for achieving ultimate victory.
No new white-power group is gonna change anything. I have been at it for 38 years. Believe me, or find out the hard way. 😉
It would be better, meanwhile, to just go out, marry and raise a slew of nice white children. And that is what Rockwell once mused to a bunch of comrades in 1967. “We would have more growth if we just took a bunch of good women out into the woods and bred with them.”

…..White Nationalist Bio of John de Nugent

WHITE NATIONIST Biography of John de Nugent

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