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Revolutionary hero Robert Mathews, founder of the Order

……Pursuant to my two Duke blogs sent to Anglin

…. the revered senior WN Tom Metzger (who WON the Democrat primary for US Congress in 1980 in liberal California, and who worked very closely with Duke in the 1970s,  including in the State of Louisiana)
Thomas Linton Metzger. He informs me he was with the US Army Signal Corps from ’56 to ’59 with top-secret clearances also at Douglas Aircraft in California. He worked on the ICBM program and the Apollo program also — with top-secret clearances, and with microwaves in Germany as part of the relay system that sent all telephone conversations by microwave dishes, including lines to the Pentagon. If those lines went down for more than an hour or so, it was a crisis. He also spent many years as a private businessman in the television business.




wrote me the following (which I slightly edited to protect a likable person with flaws whom I also know, and who IMO has done a lot more good than bad) with regard to David Duke and a onetime friend of Duke:

John, you need background on []. I first met him at a tax-resistance meeting in San Diego in 1975 where he showed up with Duke. I was invited to a meeting at []’s house the next day. [] started out as a Odinist. He couldn’t make any money at that, or not enough. So he jumped into the [Christian Identity group]  which had been started by Col. Gale Bertrand L. Comparete and Richard Butler of Aryan Nations.

I got really interested in Christian Identity as a result, and he was a source of books. He collected around himself a whole lot of true believers and held conferences. On at least two occasions I and my friends fought it out with the JDL [Jewish Defense League] who tried to invade the meeting room.

JdN: Irv Rubin, of amazingly neanderthalic appearance, was the head of the terroristic JDL (


JdN: Rubin’s minions were screeching at me during my protest, with 30 followers, at the opening of the Holocaust Museum in April 1993.


Both Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel and President Bill Clinton ad-libbed against me and us in their speeches. (  and scroll down halfway)

holocaust-museum-city-paper-article 4-30-93-page-1-of-3


Anyhow that’s when I joined the Klan, or David Duke’s business, whichever.

I had some feedback on Duke and [] because it was well known by the National Socialists in Los Angeles [Metzger lived, worked and raised a family in southern California] that [] was bisexual and a cross-dresser whom they had caught red-handed.

After the meeting Duke and [] got real cozy and [] escorted Duke around to several homosexual bars in North Hollywood.

They got along so well that shortly after, one week, they went into business together.

I know because Duke and [] flew to Louisiana and I arranged to drive []’s car to Louisiana and join up with Duke’s campaign for Senate, which he ran out of Baton Rouge. I had a whole lot of other guys worked our asses off on the campaign but we soon discovered Duke was a psychopath. I won’t go into the evidence of that in this email, but I have it.

So on one side of town [] built up his identity thing and on the other side of town his partner Duke ran his Klan scam. That was in ’75 and early ’76. As I recall, in  ’77 I attended Duke’s national meeting in Metairie, Louisiana. (Louis Beam [] was there and a lot of other people.)

We discovered Duke [suspiciously] had no use for security because I had radio equipment scanners and everything, and we detected someone with a bug in the meeting.

I told Duke to stop the meeting; we wanted to strip search everybody in the meeting.

He said, oh no, we can’t do that.

We found out later it was a female agent.

Shortly after this fiasco I quit Duke, recognizing him as a fraud and a womanizer.

Carl Hand said he found several interracial sex magazines under Duke’s bed.

Then there was the Boy Toy he kept down on the Mississippi on houseboat rental. I talked to the owner of the house boat. She didn’t tell me everything but enough. That just barely scratched the surface on his perversion and corruption within the [racial] right wing.

That’s why I quit the [racial] right wing and don’t want anything to do with it. I am purely a white racial separatist and Lone Wolf.

It doesn’t do much good, John, to expose Duke since it’s all been said before. The kind of people he attracts are looking for a daddy. They want to worship somebody and Duke will do. Most of the people the right wing don’t even care if he’s a sex pervert.

I would love to see the ADL file on him, which must be two feet thick. At one time I had a Deep Throat in the New York ADL office (A TAME JEW) but he was never able to furnish me with Duke’s file.

If Duke runs for Senate and actually goes anywhere, don’t worry — they’ll unloaded it on him.

It makes me tired just to talk about that son of a bitch. Later.


WAR PHONE CENTRAL. 559-670-1473    LONE WOLF CENTRAL 641-715-3800 —                                                                                                  CODE 56800# 


Cash/Check/Money Order
Skype No. tom.metzger                   Tom Metzger Archive
Twitter                          @terribletommy

…..From liberal New Orleans reporter Tyler Bridges’ unfortunately accurate book:


…….From the SPLC, which secretly loves the blackmailable Duke and loathes me, Metzger and other non-sellouts:



A 2003 article by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) exposed in some depth this aspect of the personal behavior of Duke (seen above with one-time girlfriend Lori Eden, who was then a lingerie model),

along with his penchant for spending donor money on his gambling addiction:

Others in the racist movement angrily responded to what would soon become Duke’s notorious womanizing.“I idolized Duke when I was younger. I looked up to him,” the Rev. Johnny Lee Clary, who served as Duke’s bodyguard in the late 1970s but later became an anti-racist activist, said in an interview.

“He would get up and wave the Bible around and talk about Christian values. But when I got to know him on a personal level, I saw what he was really like, and it disgusted me. … I traveled alongside Duke and I watched him at work. I saw him take a Klansman’s wife to his hotel room.”

Duke, then a married man with two children, pursued female sex partners so avidly and so openly that it embarrassed many of his closest colleagues. [Tom] Metzger, then Duke’s state leader in southern California, became livid when Duke showed up for a 1977 Klan anti-immigrant “border watch” stunt and immediately started hitting on women.

“We used to tell people, ‘When Duke comes to town make sure your wife is safely locked up and don’t let him near your daughters,'” Metzger recalled.

…. I personally saw Duke overtly flirt with a WN comrades wife, in his presence and in his kitchen, in Salzburg, Austria in February 2007.

It was surreal. As Dr. Ed Fields has said: “Everyone has their David Duke story.”

If people are too afraid to want to even read my article on Duke as an MK-ULTRA, never mind consider its implications, they will continue to shake their head in puzzlement about the man.

David Duke, whose father was an Army colonel (I met and talked with him), is the clearest example possible of a mind-controlled subject, whose programmed mission is to look good to the most gullible of the right wingers while ensuring that white nationalism goes nowhere.

Dr José Delgado, a pioneer at Yale in US government mind control:

……Mathews’ electrifying and historic 1983 Chicago speech, which I attended and saw live:

I will never forget him saying and repeating: Stand up and fight like MEN!”


As I wrote Tom Metzger:
I met Bob Mathews in 2003 at the National Alliance Chicago convention, and in fact spoke at the podium shortly before him.
His speech about fighting like men, of course, became famous and we in attendance all knew it would go down in history and sensed that somehow this was his swan song with the legal and peaceful National Alliance. I went up and shook his hand afterward and said “great speech.” And you know, he had that faraway look in his eyes, spiritual, as if he were no longer with us, the legal types, the “talkers.”*;) winking
More on my heavy involvement with Dr William Pierce and the National Alliance:


The Solutrean Anthem pays tribute to him at 2:10, and to the other Order men as well at the end:

I pay full tribute to Mathews and the other Order men who followed him in this, the Solutrean Anthem:

It is the calling of youth to innovate and be dissatisfied with the status quo, and especially with stagnation ¦ and that of age to speak from experience, often searingly disappointing and painful.
November 2008 Euro conference; from the left, Henrik Holappa, a Duke minion and now open traitor and antifa with a Chinese wife; myself, Paul Fromm of Canada, looking bored as Duke, next to him, monologued interminably after pointlessly calling the event speakers on stage; Duke’s Russian mistress Maria, a fmr Kremlin lawyer; a nice Danish comrade whose name escapes me now, and whose presentation with slides was cut to ten minutes so Duke could ramble on; Internet radio host James Edwards; Derek Black, the son of Don Black who publicly abandoned our Cause in 2010 in a letter to the SPLC; and Don Black, convicted mercenary, felon,  owner of Stormfront, whose wife Chloe, Derek’s mother, works for the Jews sugar billionaires, the Fanjuls. 
I wrote Andrew Anglin regarding his involvement with Duke:
Your karma will be determined by the choices you make. I just want you to be fully informed about goings-on long, long before you ever got involved with OUR movement, a cause into which people like myself, to borrow from the Declaration of Independence, have invested their “lives, fortunes and sacred honor.”
The houses I as a “Nazi” did not co-inherit.
214 Nayatt Road, Barrington, Rhode Island
At 1785 Coral Way North, Seagrove, Vero Beach FL (gated community on the Atlantic)
James Nugent with two presidents
with Henry Kissinger

…..Wikipedia on Tom Metzger

Thomas Linton “Tom” Metzger (born April 9, 1938) is an American white supremacist.[1][2][3][4] He founded White Aryan Resistance (WAR), which the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) designated as a hate group. Described by the SPLC as “one of the most notorious living white supremacists in the United States”,[5] he was a Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1970s. Metzger has voiced strong opposition to immigration to the United States. In the early 1980s, he was registered with the Democratic Party and sought to be a Democratic candidate for the United States House of Representatives and Senate. He has been incarcerated in Los Angeles County, California, and in Toronto, Canada, and has been the subject of several lawsuits and government inquiries. He, his son John, and WAR were fined $12 million as a result of the murder of an Ethiopian by skinheads affiliated with WAR.[4]


Early life

Metzger was born and raised in Indiana.[6] He served in the U.S. Army from 1961 until 1964 when he moved to Southern California to work in the electronics industry.[6] For a short time, he was a member of the right-wing group the John Birch Society, and attended anti-Communist luncheon meetings sponsored by the Douglas Aircraft Corporation.[6]
By 1968 Metzger had moved to Fallbrook, California, and supported Democrat-turned-independent George C. Wallace for President.[6] Metzger stopped paying taxes in the 1970s, and by 1972 his tax protest over the Vietnam War had destroyed his thriving television business but introduced him to other tax protesters who, he said, were atheist racists, Christian Identity racists, Nazis, all kinds of people.[6]

Ku Klux Klan

During the 1970s he joined the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which was led by David Duke, eventually becoming the Grand Dragon for the State of California. In the summer of 1979, he organized a patrol, the Klan Border Watch[7] to capture illegal Mexican immigrants south of Fallbrook, California.[7] Metzger’s Klan organization also had a security force which was involved in confrontations with Communists and anti-Klan protesters.[8][9]
Metzger’s branch of the Klan split with Duke’s organization in 1980 to form the California Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.[10] Also in 1979, he took Greg Withrow, of the White Student Union “under his wing,” which later became the Aryan Youth Movement (AYM), for youth associated with White Aryan Resistance.[11]


According to Steven Atkins, Metzger “differs from other white supremacists in rejecting the basic tenets of the Christian Identity movement because he considers himself the champion of the Third Position. The Third Position is racism oriented toward attracting the white working class and is anti-capitalist in orientation. Metzger believes in racial separation within designated areas for different racial groups except for Asian Americans, who would be expelled from the United States.” [4] In 1988 Metzger, recorded this message on his “WAR HOTLINE”,
You have reached WAR Hotline. White Aryan Resistance. You ask: What is WAR? We are an openly white-racist movement ”Skinheads, we welcome you into our ranks___The federal government is the number one enemy of our race. When was the last time you heard a politician speaking out in favor of white people?… You say the government is too big; we can’t organize. Well, by God, the SS did it in Germany, and if they did it in Germany in the thirties, we can do it right here in the streets of America_We need to cleanse this nation of all nonwhite mud-races for the survival of our own people and the generations of our children.[4]

White Aryan Resistance

In 1982 he left the Klan to found a new group, the White American Political Association, a group dedicated to promoting “prowhite” candidates for office. After losing the 1982 California Senate Democratic primary, Metzger abandoned the electoral route and reorganized WAPA as White American Resistance in 1983 and then to White Aryan Resistance, to reflect a more “revolutionary” stance.[12][13]
In 1985 Metzger was invited to speak at a rally of the Nation of Islam. Despite Metzger’s open racism towards blacks, the two groups found common ground in their desire for racial separation and in their hate of Jewish people. Metzger donated $100 to the Nation of Islam.[14]
Metzger made numerous television appearances in addition to hosting his own cable TV public-access television show, Race and Reason. In one of his first cable episodes, Metzger invited the gothic rock band Radio Werewolf onto the show, during which a confused Metzger was given an honorary membership in the band.[15][verification needed] In November 1988, his son appeared on an episode of the Geraldo show in which a brawl broke out and Geraldo Rivera‘s nose was broken.[16]

Oregon civil trial

The group was eventually bankrupted as the result of a civil lawsuit centered on its involvement in the 1988 murder of Mulugeta Seraw, an Ethiopian man who had moved to the United States to attend college. In 1988, white power skinheads affiliated with WAR were convicted of killing Seraw and sent to prison. Kenneth Mieske said he and the two others killed Seraw “because of his race”.[17] Metzger declared that they did a “civic duty” by killing Seraw.[18] Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center filed a civil suit against him, arguing that WAR influenced Seraw’s killers by encouraging their group East Side White Pride to commit violence.[19][20]
Metzger’s decision to represent himself at his trial became the source of considerable civic derision through the legal incompetence he displayed – never more so than when he accepted an option for a new trial judge during the initial stages of the trial in preference to the interim appointed judge whom he thought to be Jewish; only after he had made his decision did he discover that the new judge, [Ancer] Haggerty, was African American.[21]
At the trial, WAR national vice president Dave Mazzella testified how the Metzgers instructed WAR members to commit violence against minorities. Tom and John Metzger were found civilly liable under the doctrine of vicarious liability, in which one can be liable for a tort committed by a subordinate or by another person who is taking instructions. The jury returned the largest civil verdict in Oregon history at the time ”$12.5 million ”against Metzger and WAR.[22] The Metzgers’ house was seized, and most of WAR’s profits go to paying off the judgment.

Post-Oregon trial

After the trial, Metzger’s home was transferred to Seraw’s estate for $121,500, while Metzger was allowed to keep $45,000 under California’s Homestead Act.[23] The Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League came up with the $45,000 needed to pay Metzger for the home.[23] Metzger was warned that any damages left in the house would result in a lawsuit, and while he left it in “a mess” with cracked windows, there was no serious damage.[23] As a result of the sale of his home, he was forced to move into an apartment.[23]
In May 1991, Metzger had to agree to stop selling T-shirts of Bart Simpson in a Nazi uniform with the words “Pure Nazi Dude” and “Total Nazi Dude”.[24] He was convicted in 1991 of burning a cross in 1983, and sentenced to six months in prison and 300 hours community service working with minorities.[25] He was released from prison 46 days into his sentence to be with his critically ill wife.[26] In 1992, Metzger and his son violated a court order not to leave the country and entered Canada to speak to the Heritage Front. Soon afterwards, he was arrested for violating Canadian immigration laws by entering the country to “promote racial hatred”.[27]
Since the early 1990s, Metzger has advocated the “lone wolf” method of organization, of which there are many, for white nationalist groups, which states that a person should not outwardly display his/her racist ideology, but must act covertly.[28]
In 2003, Metzger appeared in a documentary by Louis Theroux, titled “Louis and the Nazis“.[29][30] During this documentary, Theroux criticised Metzger for his use of racist language and also for his evidently hypocritical behaviour. On one hand, Metzger was portraying himself as a man totally devoted to his racist viewpoints, and purported to want nothing to do with members of other ethnic groups. However, on the other hand Metzger was filmed seemingly enjoying the fruits of multiculturalism as he was filmed singing in a largely non-white karaoke bar and also went on a day trip to Mexico during the documentary. During the karaoke bar visit, Theroux comments that ” It had been a long, and in some ways, depressing day. I’d found Tom’s attitudes exhausting and I still more confused when the karaoke bar he took me to turned out to be largely non-white. I could only assume that, for Tom, karaoke sometimes took precedence over racism.”.[31]
Metzger moved to Warsaw, Indiana. On June 2, 2009, agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms raided Metzger’s home. No arrests were made and no information was released on what was found inside his house. Metzger was allowed to leave the premises during the search and stated that address books, compact discs, tapes and computers were seized in the raid.[32][33]
Metzger resides near Warsaw, Indiana,[34] and is still mandated to make payments to Seraw’s family.[35] Metzger now hosts an Internet radio talk show.

Mainstream party politics

Metzger has registered at various times as a Democrat. In 1980, Metzger won the Democratic Party nomination for the U.S. House of Representatives with over 40,000 votes in a San Diego-area district.[36] The local Democratic Party chairman disavowed his candidacy, instead endorsing incumbent four-term Republican Clair Burgener.[37] Metzger lost by over 200,000 votes in November 1980 to a several-term incumbent in a heavily Republican district.
In 1982 he sought the Democratic Party’s senatorial nomination, running against then-Governor Jerry Brown and author Gore Vidal, winning almost 76,000 votes (and 2.8% of the vote) in the Democratic Party primary.[citation needed]
In 2010, Metzger took out an advertisement in the Warsaw Times-Union, in order to announce his intention to challenge, as an independent, U.S. Representative Mark Souder, a Republican from Indiana’s 3rd congressional district. “I’d go to Washington and get into Congress, and have a fistfight every day,” Metzger told local news station WANE-TV in Fort Wayne.[38] Metzger did not make it into the ballot for the election, which was ultimately won by Republican Marlin Stutzman.

Electoral history

California’s 43rd Congressional District Democratic Primary election, June 3, 1980[39]
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Tom Metzger 33,071 37.1
Democratic Ed Skagen 32,679 36.6
Democratic Hubert Higgins 23,462 26.3
Total votes 89,212 100.0
Voter turnout  %
United States House of Representatives elections, 1980[40]
Party Candidate Votes %
Republican Clair W. Burgener (incumbent) 298,815 86.6
Democratic Tom Metzger 46,361 13.4
Total votes 345,176 100.0
Voter turnout  %
Republican hold
United States Senatorial Democratic Primary election, June 8, 1982[41]
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown, Jr. 1,392,660 50.7
Democratic Gore Vidal 415,366 15.1
Democratic Paul B. Carpenter 415,198 15.1
Democratic Daniel K. Whitehurst 167,574 6.1
Democratic Richard Morgan 94,908 3.4
Democratic Tom Metzger 76,502 2.8
Democratic Walter R. Buchanan 55,727 2.0
Democratic Bob Hampton 37,427 1.4
Democratic Raymond “RayJ” Caplette 31,865 1.2
Democratic William F. Wertz 30,795 1.1
Democratic May Chote 30,743 1.1
Total votes 2,748,765 100.0
Voter turnout  %


Ray, Nancy (March 6, 1992). “Wife of White Supremacist Tom Metzger Is Dead at 49”. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 16 March 2016.
Fleming, Lorell (March 15, 2006). “White supremacist Metzger no longer living in Fallbrook, he says”. San Diego Union-Tribune. Retrieved 16 March 2016.
Marks, Kathy (2014). Faces of Right Wing Extremism. Branden. pp. eq. ISBN 978-0828320160. Retrieved 16 March 2016.

Tom Metzger is researching the book that states that David Duke was on the Order death list, and has informed me that several Order members told him that David Ernest Duke, your Daily Stormer partner, was on this list.
It is the calling of youth to innovate and be dissatisfied with the status quo, and especially with stagnation ¦ and that of age to speak from experience, often searingly disappointing and painful.
November 2008 Euro conference; from the left, Henrik Holappa, a Duke minion and now open traitor and antifa with a Chinese wife; myself, Paul Fromm of Canada;  Duke, who monologued interminably; his mistress Maria, a Russian lawyer; a Danish comrade; Internet radio host James Edwards; Derek Black, son of Don Black; he abandoned our Cause in 2010; and Don Black, owner of Stormfront. 
Your karma will be determined by the choices you make. I just want you to be fully informed about goings-on long, long before you ever got involved with OUR movement, a cause into which people like myself, to borrow from the Declaration of Independence, have invested their “lives, fortunes and sacred honor.”
The houses I did not inherit.
214 Nayatt Road, Barrington, Rhode Island
1785 Coral Way North, Seagrove, Vero Beach FL (gated community on the Atlantic)
James Nugent with two presidents
with Henry Kissinger
John de Nugent
Thomas Linton “Tom” Metzger (born April 9, 1938) is an American white supremacist.[1][2][3][4] He founded White Aryan Resistance (WAR), which the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) designated as a hate group. Described by the SPLC as “one of the most notorious living white supremacists in the United States”,[5] he was a Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1970s. Metzger has voiced strong opposition to immigration to the United States. In the early 1980s, he was registered with the Democratic Party and sought to be a Democratic candidate for the United States House of Representatives and Senate. He has been incarcerated in Los Angeles County, California, and in Toronto, Canada, and has been the subject of several lawsuits and government inquiries. He, his son John, and WAR were fined $12 million as a result of the murder of an Ethiopian by skinheads affiliated with WAR.[4]


Early life

Metzger was born and raised in Indiana.[6] He served in the U.S. Army from 1961 until 1964 when he moved to Southern California to work in the electronics industry.[6] For a short time, he was a member of the right-wing group the John Birch Society, and attended anti-Communist luncheon meetings sponsored by the Douglas Aircraft Corporation.[6]
By 1968 Metzger had moved to Fallbrook, California, and supported Democrat-turned-independent George C. Wallace for President.[6] Metzger stopped paying taxes in the 1970s, and by 1972 his tax protest over the Vietnam War had destroyed his thriving television business but introduced him to other tax protesters who, he said, were atheist racists, Christian Identity racists, Nazis, all kinds of people.[6]

Ku Klux Klan

During the 1970s he joined the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which was led by David Duke, eventually becoming the Grand Dragon for the State of California. In the summer of 1979, he organized a patrol, the Klan Border Watch[7] to capture illegal Mexican immigrants south of Fallbrook, California.[7] Metzger’s Klan organization also had a security force which was involved in confrontations with Communists and anti-Klan protesters.[8][9]
Metzger’s branch of the Klan split with Duke’s organization in 1980 to form the California Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.[10] Also in 1979, he took Greg Withrow, of the White Student Union “under his wing,” which later became the Aryan Youth Movement (AYM), for youth associated with White Aryan Resistance.[11]


According to Steven Atkins, Metzger “differs from other white supremacists in rejecting the basic tenets of the Christian Identity movement because he considers himself the champion of the Third Position. The Third Position is racism oriented toward attracting the white working class and is anti-capitalist in orientation. Metzger believes in racial separation within designated areas for different racial groups except for Asian Americans, who would be expelled from the United States.” [4] In 1988 Metzger, recorded this message on his “WAR HOTLINE”,
You have reached WAR Hotline. White Aryan Resistance. You ask: What is WAR? We are an openly white-racist movement ”Skinheads, we welcome you into our ranks___The federal government is the number one enemy of our race. When was the last time you heard a politician speaking out in favor of white people?… You say the government is too big; we can’t organize. Well, by God, the SS did it in Germany, and if they did it in Germany in the thirties, we can do it right here in the streets of America_We need to cleanse this nation of all nonwhite mud-races for the survival of our own people and the generations of our children.[4]

White Aryan Resistance

In 1982 he left the Klan to found a new group, the White American Political Association, a group dedicated to promoting “prowhite” candidates for office. After losing the 1982 California Senate Democratic primary, Metzger abandoned the electoral route and reorganized WAPA as White American Resistance in 1983 and then to White Aryan Resistance, to reflect a more “revolutionary” stance.[12][13]
In 1985 Metzger was invited to speak at a rally of the Nation of Islam. Despite Metzger’s open racism towards blacks, the two groups found common ground in their desire for racial separation and in their hate of Jewish people. Metzger donated $100 to the Nation of Islam.[14]
Metzger made numerous television appearances in addition to hosting his own cable TV public-access television show, Race and Reason. In one of his first cable episodes, Metzger invited the gothic rock band Radio Werewolf onto the show, during which a confused Metzger was given an honorary membership in the band.[15][verification needed] In November 1988, his son appeared on an episode of the Geraldo show in which a brawl broke out and Geraldo Rivera‘s nose was broken.[16]

Oregon civil trial

The group was eventually bankrupted as the result of a civil lawsuit centered on its involvement in the 1988 murder of Mulugeta Seraw, an Ethiopian man who had moved to the United States to attend college. In 1988, white power skinheads affiliated with WAR were convicted of killing Seraw and sent to prison. Kenneth Mieske said he and the two others killed Seraw “because of his race”.[17] Metzger declared that they did a “civic duty” by killing Seraw.[18] Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center filed a civil suit against him, arguing that WAR influenced Seraw’s killers by encouraging their group East Side White Pride to commit violence.[19][20]
Metzger’s decision to represent himself at his trial became the source of considerable civic derision through the legal incompetence he displayed – never more so than when he accepted an option for a new trial judge during the initial stages of the trial in preference to the interim appointed judge whom he thought to be Jewish; only after he had made his decision did he discover that the new judge, [Ancer] Haggerty, was African American.[21]
At the trial, WAR national vice president Dave Mazzella testified how the Metzgers instructed WAR members to commit violence against minorities. Tom and John Metzger were found civilly liable under the doctrine of vicarious liability, in which one can be liable for a tort committed by a subordinate or by another person who is taking instructions. The jury returned the largest civil verdict in Oregon history at the time ”$12.5 million ”against Metzger and WAR.[22] The Metzgers’ house was seized, and most of WAR’s profits go to paying off the judgment.

Post-Oregon trial

After the trial, Metzger’s home was transferred to Seraw’s estate for $121,500, while Metzger was allowed to keep $45,000 under California’s Homestead Act.[23] The Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League came up with the $45,000 needed to pay Metzger for the home.[23] Metzger was warned that any damages left in the house would result in a lawsuit, and while he left it in “a mess” with cracked windows, there was no serious damage.[23] As a result of the sale of his home, he was forced to move into an apartment.[23]
In May 1991, Metzger had to agree to stop selling T-shirts of Bart Simpson in a Nazi uniform with the words “Pure Nazi Dude” and “Total Nazi Dude”.[24] He was convicted in 1991 of burning a cross in 1983, and sentenced to six months in prison and 300 hours community service working with minorities.[25] He was released from prison 46 days into his sentence to be with his critically ill wife.[26] In 1992, Metzger and his son violated a court order not to leave the country and entered Canada to speak to the Heritage Front. Soon afterwards, he was arrested for violating Canadian immigration laws by entering the country to “promote racial hatred”.[27]
Since the early 1990s, Metzger has advocated the “lone wolf” method of organization, of which there are many, for white nationalist groups, which states that a person should not outwardly display his/her racist ideology, but must act covertly.[28]
In 2003, Metzger appeared in a documentary by Louis Theroux, titled “Louis and the Nazis“.[29][30] During this documentary, Theroux criticised Metzger for his use of racist language and also for his evidently hypocritical behaviour. On one hand, Metzger was portraying himself as a man totally devoted to his racist viewpoints, and purported to want nothing to do with members of other ethnic groups. However, on the other hand Metzger was filmed seemingly enjoying the fruits of multiculturalism as he was filmed singing in a largely non-white karaoke bar and also went on a day trip to Mexico during the documentary. During the karaoke bar visit, Theroux comments that ” It had been a long, and in some ways, depressing day. I’d found Tom’s attitudes exhausting and I still more confused when the karaoke bar he took me to turned out to be largely non-white. I could only assume that, for Tom, karaoke sometimes took precedence over racism.”.[31]
Metzger moved to Warsaw, Indiana. On June 2, 2009, agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms raided Metzger’s home. No arrests were made and no information was released on what was found inside his house. Metzger was allowed to leave the premises during the search and stated that address books, compact discs, tapes and computers were seized in the raid.[32][33]
Metzger resides near Warsaw, Indiana,[34] and is still mandated to make payments to Seraw’s family.[35] Metzger now hosts an Internet radio talk show.

Mainstream party politics

Metzger has registered at various times as a Democrat. In 1980, Metzger won the Democratic Party nomination for the U.S. House of Representatives with over 40,000 votes in a San Diego-area district.[36] The local Democratic Party chairman disavowed his candidacy, instead endorsing incumbent four-term Republican Clair Burgener.[37] Metzger lost by over 200,000 votes in November 1980 to a several-term incumbent in a heavily Republican district.
In 1982 he sought the Democratic Party’s senatorial nomination, running against then-Governor Jerry Brown and author Gore Vidal, winning almost 76,000 votes (and 2.8% of the vote) in the Democratic Party primary.[citation needed]
In 2010, Metzger took out an advertisement in the Warsaw Times-Union, in order to announce his intention to challenge, as an independent, U.S. Representative Mark Souder, a Republican from Indiana’s 3rd congressional district. “I’d go to Washington and get into Congress, and have a fistfight every day,” Metzger told local news station WANE-TV in Fort Wayne.[38] Metzger did not make it into the ballot for the election, which was ultimately won by Republican Marlin Stutzman.

Electoral history

California’s 43rd Congressional District Democratic Primary election, June 3, 1980[39]
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Tom Metzger 33,071 37.1
Democratic Ed Skagen 32,679 36.6
Democratic Hubert Higgins 23,462 26.3
Total votes 89,212 100.0
Voter turnout  %
United States House of Representatives elections, 1980[40]
Party Candidate Votes %
Republican Clair W. Burgener (incumbent) 298,815 86.6
Democratic Tom Metzger 46,361 13.4
Total votes 345,176 100.0
Voter turnout  %
Republican hold
United States Senatorial Democratic Primary election, June 8, 1982[41]
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown, Jr. 1,392,660 50.7
Democratic Gore Vidal 415,366 15.1
Democratic Paul B. Carpenter 415,198 15.1
Democratic Daniel K. Whitehurst 167,574 6.1
Democratic Richard Morgan 94,908 3.4
Democratic Tom Metzger 76,502 2.8
Democratic Walter R. Buchanan 55,727 2.0
Democratic Bob Hampton 37,427 1.4
Democratic Raymond “RayJ” Caplette 31,865 1.2
Democratic William F. Wertz 30,795 1.1
Democratic May Chote 30,743 1.1
Total votes 2,748,765 100.0
Voter turnout  %


Ray, Nancy (March 6, 1992). “Wife of White Supremacist Tom Metzger Is Dead at 49”. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 16 March 2016.
Fleming, Lorell (March 15, 2006). “White supremacist Metzger no longer living in Fallbrook, he says”. San Diego Union-Tribune. Retrieved 16 March 2016.
Marks, Kathy (2014). Faces of Right Wing Extremism. Branden. pp. eq. ISBN 978-0828320160. Retrieved 16 March 2016.


…..See also this


I speak from searing personal experience as the son of a Marine colonel, as Duke was of an Army colonel. Duke is a classic, US deep-state, mind-controlled subject, injected into our Cause to siphon off support from, and attack the character of, authentic leaders.


  1. I’ve also seen much of this before but see Duke as having a positive record vs. Trump. OK, he’s no saint. I see some of the same floated about JdN.

    Did you not see the RNC attendees cheering wildly for Trump’s gay-inclusive rhetoric and billionaire Peter Thiel’s “out of the closet” rant? They’re ready for it.

  2. LOL. “I see some of the same floated about JdN.”

    Yes, by Duke — via his cowardly use of surrogates!

    You clearly have not taken the time to read my links and articles on MK-ULTRA.

    OF COURSE an MK-ULTRA would “do some good.

    An MK-ULTRA per definitionem would even not be aware he is an MK-ULTRA.

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