Too-soft Putin needs to adjust his yin and yang in Ukraine and on the jews

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A truly great man who saved Russia from destruction after the chaotic 1990s, Putin, on many issues, has been too yin, always seeking to understand and get along with other major powers without viterupation, slander, insults, war or any other kind of violence.

It is possible that Putin may have some jewish ancestry via his mother, but reports suggest that under communism his mother was a secret Christian.

Putin, a platinum-blond, northern-slavic boy with his mother, who did not look or act jewish.

This supposed 2000 passport application below was prepared (again SUPPOSEDLY) when Putin was in his first years as president of the Russian Federation. It lists his ethnic group as “Hebrew.” Is it real, or is this something cooked up by his enemies, either in the US CIA or among Russian rightwingers — who both know that most Russians are at least somewhat antisemitic?

(All Soviet and Russian passports list the bearer’s ethnicity — Russian, Tatar, Armenian, Georgian, Kazakh, Hebrew (= jewish), Ukrainian, etc. Russia has always been a multi-ethnic empire.)

Putin at 5’7″, though blond and blue-eyed and thus partly nordic, like Trump (6’2″), is a bit on the short side, like many jews or Whites with some jewish DNA in the woodpile…… but movie star Tom Cruise is also 5’7″ and is certainly not jewish.


Putin in 2000 — naturally blond and blue-eyed — began driving jewish billionaire oligarchs such as Khodorkovsky and Berezovsky from their powerful positions in the Russian media and economy…. and over time Putin began defending Syria, Iran, Hungary and Serbia, plus other countries which the jews, Israel, the EU, NATO and American neo-cons fear and hate.

The workaholic near-teetotaller President Putin admires the Germans and is still very close to his beloved elementary-school German teacher…..a twenty-year-old photo….

A recent photo, still hugging and talking regularly

Putin’s very first foreign trip as president of Russia was to Berlin, Germany, where he spoke in fluent, though Russian-accented German, to the Bundestag

Putin’s March 2022 speech indirectly attacked jewish oligarchs with code words…..saying they do not identify emotionally with Russia…..


Putin conferring the highest Russian medal on Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his home, four years AFTER the great writer published his highly antisemitic, thousand-page masterpiece Two Hundred Years Together, which the jews blocked for almost two decades from being translated into English. (It did come out in German and French, which was normal for any major work by a Nobel Laureate. Solzhenitsyn’s wife was jewish, btw, and his kids were swarthy.)


Putin’s daughter Katerina, a biologist, has a jewish-looking nose and a neanderthalic forehead shape….


Katerina was married 2013-17 to a Russian jewish businessman, Kyrill Shamalov, but divorced him.


Shamalov, a nasty-looking jew..a kind of Russian Jared Kushner….. Was Katerina, in marrying him, intended by certain powers to be inserted as a kind of Ivanka Trump-type into the Kremlin, tasked with keeping her daddy Vladimir from becoming openly anti-jewish?


Trump blurted out his true feelings about jew billionaires in December 2015…. and in both 2016 and 2020 the jews voted 80% against him. He has been bitterly complaining about this jewish antitrumpism recently……which may partly explain the behind-the-scene rise with jewish help of his harsh political rival, Florida governor Ron DeSantis, a totally reliable, compliant Israel-Firster…..

My view of Putin today is merely a modification of my original conviction going back to 2006, which is that Vladimir Putin is a very good, decent man and superb leader, imbued with Christian values like peace, love, forgiveness and humility…..

…..and that, like many tsars and also Soviet leaders, he views the jews as only sometimes truly embracing their dangerous, traitorous anti-gentile religion — but as always being a hard-working, ambitious, tenacious ethnic group, a thriving and dynamic people with which one must have dealings, and as an obvious DNA gene pool with certain traits such as dark hair, a hooked nose, etc.

He likely believes, sort of, that some jews can be very good Russian patriots, which may be true in a few cases. His current prime minister, the diligent technocrat Misushtin, is half-jewish via the father.

Post-Soviet Russian prime ministers of jewish origin:


Peter Shafirov was a Polish jew who from 1711-23 was a high foreign ministry official under the great tsar Peter the Great and was ennobled by him. Note the classically jewish smirk. Various mediterranean peoples might resemble jews, but that arrogant look is the give-away.

Early life and career[edit]

Shafirov was born into a Polish Jewish family. His father, Pavel Shafirov, was a translator in the Russian Foreign Office, whose parents converted to the Russian Orthodox Church after Smolensk was ceded to Russia by Poland in 1654.

Peter Shafirov first made himself useful by his extraordinary knowledge of foreign languages. He was the chief translator in the Russian Foreign Office for many years, subsequently accompanying Tsar Peter on his travels. He was raised to the Russian nobility as a baron and received the rank of vice-chancellor. He was considered a diplomat of the highest order.

Diplomatic missions[edit]

Shafirov concluded the Peace of the Pruth during the campaign of 1711. Peter left him in the hands of the Turks as a hostage, and on the breaking of the peace he was imprisoned in the Seven Towers. Finally, however, with the aid of the British and Dutch ambassadors, he defeated the diplomacy of Charles XII of Sweden and his agents, and confirmed the good relations between Russia and Turkey by the treaty of Adrianople (June 1713).

In 1718, Shafirov was appointed vice-president of the department of Foreign Affairs, and a senator.

Sentencing and end of life[edit]

In 1723, however, he was deprived of all his offices and sentenced to death. The capital sentence was commuted at the last minute to banishment, first to Siberia and then to Novgorod.

Embezzlement and disorderly conduct in the senate were the offences charged against Shafirov.


As I have written, a Russian jew and psychiatrist to whom I taught American accent in Boston in the early 2000s informed me, and this proved to be accurate, that from the later Stalin regime on, from the late 1940s, and until the end of the Soviet Union, there was an unofficial but clearly understood policy that open jews, who were not trusted and whose power was feared, were not allowed to be the actual head of any major organization in Russia, at most being tolerated as perhaps the vice-director. 

(The big exception, but he was not openly jewish, was the Soviet leader after Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov.)

Dr. William Pierce told me, and I was also able to validate this, that from Stalin’s time on the Soviet military intelligence agency GRU required candidates to have zero jewish ancestry going back to the 1800s.

Below was a thread on VK, the Russian answer to Facebook, by the great Alan Sabrosky, the quarter-jewish Marine Corps gunnery sergeant and Vietnam veteran, PhD, fellow Georgetown graduate, and head of studies at the US Army War College.


A decade ago, Sabrosky announced publicly and courageously — the only (formerly) high-ranking American official to ever do so!!! —  specifically that it was Israel who did the massive, anti-American atrocity of 9/11.



Mike Delaney did the classic documentary on this major truth:

Alan Sabrosky


  1. Mr. Biden, being hollow from advanced age as if he were a literal ventriloquist’s dummy, policy toward Russia is in the hands of those Jews who surround him.
    I know there is a subset of Jews who HATE Russia, rodina and narod. How many of these are in Mr. Biden’s entourage?
    I am seriously afraid of another World War.

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