Top French politician demands police and army gun down Yellow Vests!

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A senior French politician has called on police to use “shoot-to-kill” tactics against France’s Yellow Vest protesters.The former French Education Minister Luc Ferry has demanded that police officers should start firing their weapons at demonstrators, claiming that killing them would “put an end the violence.”

68-year-old Ferry, who served in [judeophilic, neo-conservative President] Jacques Chirac’s government and is now a philosopher, claims that the protests against President Macron’s tax hikes and other policies are the sign of a “growing law and order crisis.”

Speaking during an interview on Classic Radio, Mr. Ferry said: “What I don’t understand is that we don’t give the means to the police to put an end to this violence.” When it was suggested to Ferry that police using guns against protesters might lead to wounding or worse, Mr. Ferry said: “So what? “Listen, frankly, when you see guys beating up an unfortunate policeman on the floor, that’s when they should use their weapons once and for all. That’s enough!”

The Classic Radio presenter corrected Mr. Ferry, saying that the majority of the rioters were not from suburban high rises, but were instead working class people from the provinces.

Those Yellow Vests arrested so far tend to be hard-working, everyday citizens who have jobs, and largely hold conservative views.Mr. Ferry conceded:

“The problem is that it is a movement that has attracted the support of 80 percent of the French.”

© Neon Nettle




……Only a pedophile could say something so cruel, wrong and evil

I have said it once and proved it over and over and over — we live under a crypto-pedophilo-cracy, the secret rule of a network of pedophiles in ALL the Establishment political parties, police, media, high military ranks, in high finance and corporate business.

These people are far beyond corrupt.

They are radically, consciously evil.

And if they can rape and kill a crying child,

Artist Joyce Greenberg loves painting crying blond children

They’re all Nazis, anyways….

…..they can certainly do the same to you, an adult.

“The Pedophilocracy” by David McGowan

He got out of banking when they demanded he KILL KIDS to reach the top; Belgian artist does murals of kids being killed

I KNOW all this is true because I endured it myself.

Comrade not eager to read about ritual child abuse. Oh, I get it, but try going THROUGH it!

In this regard, I recomment you subscribe to the Neon Nettle website, which focuses on the Deep State and the literally satanic, luciferian pedophile network.


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