Top-quality video on the EVIL Denver Airport; no, the Nazis were not NWO Freemasons (LOL)

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Btw, Establishment websites claim Comet Elenin, which supposedly triggered Obama flying to Denver airport to take cover, did not come close to the earth..and when did the Establishment ever lie? 😉

Also, it is true that the sinister murals are gone. Two acquaintances from Colorado (who recently bought a house and a farm here in the UP) flew out of there (they are “into conspiracies”) and said they were indeed taken away. Even the most hopeless sheeple found them disturbing.

Finally, the “Nazi” content of the murals (like the one above with the soldier — sporting a Wehrmacht belt buckle and an Italian-fascist hat — and the blond German boy) is a classic case of accusatory inversion.

Hitler hated and crushed Freemasonry as a way to reel ambitious goyim “on the make” in for jewry with Kabbalah magic as the lure! Getting ahead via both black magic and also political connections to the Masons!

And it was Hitler who first used the phrase “New World Order” to CONDEMN it!

But I suppose Alex Jones or Glenn Beck will say Dr. Mengele and the Nazi SS built the Denver Airport. 😉

In this book (written as a Hitler-basher so it would be published  ) we learn that so many truly gifted young white artists finally found work, galleries, stages and other venues and generous financial support under Adolf Hitler — after being utterly blacklisted and suffering poverty during the jew-ridden Weimar Republic period of 1919-32.

I will leave you with this from the final pages of Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics:

Two paintings Hitler loved, believing, like Schiller in his “Esthetic Education of Humanity,” that contemplating beauty subtly ennobles the contemplator:

  1. “Isle of the Dead” by Arnold Böcklin

2. Ernst Öhme’s “Scharfenberg Castle”



May we sacrifice now so future generations can again see beauty, heroism, and love.




1 Comment

  1. Hitler wanted an empire encompassing Poland and Russia. The war in the West was a preemptive attack on France and Britain.

    Holland and Belgium were used as decoys to lure the BEF and the French Army north.

    Denmark and Norway were seized to protect iron ore from Sweden.

    If Britain and France hadn’t declare war first, then there would have been no need for D-day.

    Hitler didn’t attack a lot of countries. Other countries attacked were done so to bail out the failed Italian campaigns.

    Only a moron still believes jack-booted SS Aryans with blonde hair and blue eyes will inherit the world. But that’s believed by the same dummies who believe Anne Frank diary is a fact.

    Western Europe would be intact, communism would have been destroyed, and the Jews would have their homeland.

    Eastern Poland and Western Russia would be Germanic.

    95% of wars since 1945 wouldn’t have happened.

    As all military forces would be banned.

    Instead, you got a jew-infested American war machine, a communist; Jewish EU.

    Angela MerkeL (Dorothea Kasner) was a STASI agent. Lots of EU knobs and politicians were crypto-communist rabid fanatics.

    Looks like we destroyed the best and got the shitty end of the stick via the elite Jewish bankers in the western countries.

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