1. Things are changing for the better!

    Es tut sich was zum Besseren!

    Italy: Unvaccinated psychologist wins fight over compulsory vaccination (vaccine mandate)
    Italien: Ungeimpfte Psychologin gewinnt Streit um Impfpflicht


    excerpt, text as translation :

    On July 6, 2022, the Italian Court of Appeal in Florence overturned the existing vaccination requirement for a psychologist from Tuscany.

    Judge Susanna Zanda justified her decision by stating that the compulsory vaccination would entail a ban on the unvaccinated psychologist, which would endanger her livelihood and the care of her family.

    The Italian judge also criticized the fact that after two years not all components of the COVID vaccines have been disclosed. However, it is known that the injections resulted in thousands of deaths and serious side effects.

    According to the court, even the psychologist should not be forced to undergo these “experimental injection treatments, so invasive that they penetrate even her DNA and possibly irreversibly alter it, although the effects on her life and health are still evident to this day.” are unpredictable”.

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