Toward Eloi World

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Listening to a jew-loving heckler at a public meeting in 2012, thinking “Why did I even come back here? After Dresden, what grounds do Americans give me for caring?”

500,000 Germans I loved were roasted to death in the capital of Saxony by the British and American air forces in a literal holocaust (meaning “total burning” in Ancient Greek)


But I soldiered on, knowing that some great event would occur, giving us one final chance to awaken them.

This great event is twofold, 1) the Covid death-jab mandate, together with 2) the revolt of gigantic Russia and China against jewmerican hegemony.


Revolutions succeed — even against a modern state with a professional state-security police — when 1) the revolutionaries are serious about winning, and 2) foreigners who also are opposed to the same regime, or feel highly endangered by it, see the practical benefit to themselves if said revolutionaries come to power.


George Washington was a serious man, and France, Holland and Spain saw their chance, through supporting this tireless and experienced soldier, to strike an enormous blow against their foe, Great Britain –but only  if a new nation, America, would then arise and became Britain’s  gigantic rival and foe.


And after WWII, it all came to fruition, with leftist, anti-white Rosenfeld and his son both stating clearly to Churchill that the British Empire must end.

…because the British Empire symbolized white intelligence, valor, and superiority over the dark peoples.


WWII was designed, amonmg other goals, to use up and destroy the British Empire, being a symbol of white power.


Thus, May 1940 was regime change in London, when PM Neville Chamberlain resigned, and FDR’s lackey, Churchill, came to power.

Without its prize possession, America, and against this vast America, the Empire was inevitably doomed. It was a handful of Whites ruling a mass of darkies.

And it all started with snowballs pelting British soldiers in Boston in 1770, and the troops opening fire. Shooting at a heavily armed, and usually hunting people…… Men who had killed deer a hundred times to eat, and who had fought Indians and the French, and had beaten them. Willing to fight, and needing to win or hang in a British noose for “treason,” these rebels got the aid they needed from powers thousands of miles away……


A British comrade wrote me:

People in Britain have been told their 2 x vaccine jabs are wearing off.

(1) How long before Covid is “immune” to the vaccine?

(2) Will people need re-vaxxing every six months ?

Whilst we had 100,000 deaths mainly in Care homes in Britain and across Europe, in Britain we had 70,000 gimmegrant land at Dover, all self-invited and all illegal. None have been sent back!

Ethnic replacement by Blacks/Browns!


I responded:


IMO, yes, they want to vaxx and re-vaxx us until we are gilled to the gills with graphene oxide, and then they turn the 5G up to the max, our brains become antennae and command receivers, and we ourselves turn into literally obedient human robots…..

…exactly as in these “Time Machine” clips — numb and obedient zombies:

I have found that three British authors had a vast knowledge of NWO plans: H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley, and, of course, George Orwell.

To this 20th-century list one must add Bulwer-Lytton with his novel, “Vril.”

We must never forget, and this “novel” expresses it, that earthlings are viewed as a dangerous nuisance. And until the egoic mind is destroyed, we will lurch from one horror to the next, with 90% going along with it all, like the Eloi watching the girl drown.

This is exactly what is happening now.

When I spoke at the US Army Corps of Engineers public meeting in 2012, and sought to state that Israel was responsible for the deadly cancer epidemic in this small area, and that it should pay for the entire $500-million cleanup (which then was going at a snail’s pace, and thus even more people, including the young, were being exposed to uranium and plutonium, decades after the jew-founded plant had closed), I saw that same Eloi look on their faces. 😉

Their own minds were their enemy. They could not begin to process what I was saying. They had never had the most elementary curiosity to read the (strangely) totally accurate Wikipedia article on the most important event in their town’s history:

Wikipedia on Shapiro and NUMEC in Apollo, Armstrong County, Pa.; the war between Israel and John Kennedy

“Why should I care who is killing me and my loved ones? 😉 If it’s the jews, then I don’t want to hear any more of it. You’re persecuting this poor people, just like that crazy Hitler fellow.”

Well, they got it partly right. 😉

Yes, and dozens of other great, caring and brave men and women!

As for us, our karma as truth warriors is getting better every day, whatever these “Eloi” do! We answer to our Creator, not to these zombies.

🙂 🙂




  1. Looking at America, I can well believe some lefty saying that about the Israeli plutonium theft. What a comment to make! I hope they die screaming after watching their loved ones die, too.

    • Yes. Having seen Margi with advanced cancer, and myself having been affected by it too, by her pain, and having to care for her in her life-and-death battle from 2018-2020, I can state from experience that to nonchalantly give an innocent person cancer is among the cruelest and most horrendous of crimes.

      For months Margi’s pain was at 9 out of 10. And I suspect the jews gave her this cancer specifically. And why not, for she was an white nationalist, and she had inherited some good money that could have helped me. After all, they gave cancer to thousands of Pennsylvanians who were not even antisemitic at all, merely working in, or living near, their toxic NUMEC plant.

      The way I feel is: “Okay, stay a zombie and obey your beloved jews. But remember, your decision to not stand up to evil will affect your children, too, if you really care about them.”

      Little white boy in diapers, suffering from cancer, “chemo” and radiation, waits to vomit into a toilet. How often I was I in the role this “big sister” had. You hurt too when a loved one suffers.

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