Trans threatens gun violence — but is HE cancelled?

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Dude, until you lop off your dick and have a real vagina, a period, breast-feed a baby, and actually have a baby, all IMPOSSIBLE, then you cannot call yourself a woman.

Real women are an essential part of the human race, or even the most essential, if you think about it. They deserve respect for their unique role and sacrifices. A soft voice and long hair do not make anyone a woman!


The whole psychology of this guy is aggressive and male…. like one cowboy threatening another cowboy, or two guys in a bar. This is not how a real woman talks.


…..Chemicals making people sexually confused

The jewsmedia loves all this.


I can say from personal knowledge going way back to 1978 that many white people with weird sexual stuff going on are not choosing to be gay…or trans….. and some are very hard-core white nationalists.

(One came through for me in 2012 in an hour of great financial need, when I could not pay the rent and faced homelessness. Yes, he was an in-the-closet gay, but he was also a true friend. Others talked; he acted.)

Two or possibly three MAJOR WN writers I knew were sexually confused.

Why? Toxic, gender-bending chemicals are all around us.








  1. Lol. Transies with guns. “I dare you to stop me going into a women’s wash room” — lol — said the cock in the frock.

    I think women might stop you, matey! Luckily the trans freaks are a minority. It could be all estrogen hormones in the water. It can cause fish to change gender or have both sets of genitalia.

    Then this might explain how these freaks crawl out of the woodwork.

    I’ve worked with a transitioning “it.” I’ll do a write-up for you, JdN. These people are mental. What happens when these freaks become the majority?

    Freaks Vs Islam would be a good shoot-out to watch. I’ve seen these trans walking around town. Not convincing.

    We never had a circus show in such numbers as today with the freaks in curlers.

  2. Total ästhetisch 😉 Freakshow…ich kotze gleich.

    Morgen ist übrigens Mary Phagans 110. Todestag.

    Ruhe in Frieden, kleine Mary. Wir sehen uns. Aber noch ist mein Auftrag hier nicht zu Ende…

    Der Fall Mary Phagan ist extrem wichtig. Die rasten richtig aus,0 wenn man behauptet, dass Leo schuldig ist;)

    Das ist vielleicht die Achilleisverse.

    Ich bin froh, dass ich John de Nugent kennenlernen durfte.

    Ich kann mich noch an unser erstes Gespräch erinnern. Margi hatte das Telefon abgenommen und ich hatte kurz mit ihr geredet.

    Sie war eine Klassefrau und ihre Seele lebt. Sie beschützt uns von oben.

    Jetzt gilt es, die Wut in etwas Konstruktives zu verwandeln.


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