Trashy father of Meghan Markle hangs up on Prince Harry

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Prince Harry unsmiling as usual, whereas he used to be jovial. What utter trash the Markles are!

I guess the Big Jews ordered the royal family to openly race-mix….

Their wedding bliss…. He looked like he was expecting a firing squad!

Wedding bliss for Prince Harry and his “Jewish American Princess”? and JdN now on GAB!



….See also: The Normans — white nordic aristocrats who borrowed from and intermarried with Jews to create the current Judeo-Anglo-American ruling class

Prescott Bush (r) of the Bush political dynasty — note the nose — with then-U.S. Congressman Richard Nixon

Ever since the Norman Conquest (done partly by my own de Nugent ancestors, unfortunately), England has been heartless toward the working people.

The Normans were Vikings who were ravaging France in the AD 800s, and captured even Paris. These Northmen were then given Normandy (henceforth called “Northman-Land” by the French, “La Normandie”) by the king of France as an outright bribe so they would stop marauding all over his country.

They learned French in Normandy, then cast about after 150 years of very boring peacetime for another land to pillage, conquer and milk dry.

Rouen, Normandy Jews then lent them the money to launch a vast expedition to conquer England in 1066, and in turn the Normans made them their ruthless moneylenders and tax farmers, using the Domesday Book to record what every Englishman was worth.

In the end, the profligate Norman lords went broke, then married their sons off to the hooknosed daughters of their Jewish bankers, and as a result England is ruled by lords and gentry like David Cameron with semi-semitic facial features and vile attitudes 0f barely concealed contempt toward the native, common British people:

They simply use and abuse them, or even rape and molest their children, and send off the grown young “Tommy Jenkins” (in Rudyard Kipling’s word) to kill innocent faraway peoples, or die or be maimed, for the sole benefit of their own parasitical Judeo-Norman wealth and power.

UK PM Theresa May, hooknosed and all smiles with South African President Ramaphosa, who is seizing all white farmlands without paying a cent.




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