Wildfires in Quebec, Canada. Most of the US (48 of the 50 states!) and of Canada is being hit with droughts that enable huge forest fires.
Illegal, criminal geoengineering (using chemtrails and HAARP), carried out by front companies of the murderous CIA, is inflicting droughts & record heat all over the USA, & coating our trees in fine aluminum dust that is highly combustible. This causes massive, horrific, record-setting forest fires. It is part of a TRUE holocaust that causes famines, floods, earthquakes — and monster hurricanes that are SENT far off-course and deep inland and even to mountaintops — something never seen before. Forest fires kill hundreds of homeowners, and destroy billions in valuable homes & businesses.
And these fires burn alive millions of innocent forest animals. And these conflagrations also roast to death, or kill by smoke inhalation (as we saw in Lahana, Maui, Hawaii), hundreds of thousands of beloved pets that give their little hearts to us — dogs, cats, fish, and birds whom we LOVE and who love us right back as animal members of our human families.
GEOENGINEERING is a CORNERSTONE of the THE GRADUAL JUISH GENOCIDE OF THE HUMAN RACE. It causes “natural” catastrophes that gradually wipe more and more of us out, bankrupt us, and can even trigger the collapse of the whole economy. That in turn can usher in what the juze really want, a POLICE STATE, MARTIAL LAW, and the permanent suspension of the Bill of Rights “due to the national emergency.” Free speech, guns, and cash are the first things to be banned, and everyone must be vaxxed to get food, water, heat, and power.
Every chemtrail you see up in that sky is the juze ASSAULTING you and gradually KILLING you off. Their chemtrails have made all of America’s skies into this one gigantic, lethal, ju-run GAS CHAMBER!
….Ursula Haverbeck 1928-2024
I am happy for Ursula that she has passed on after endless ordeals of trials, prison, and various worries. I know that there is life after death, and that she lived a noble and heroic life.
Sorry to be so blunt, reader, but you should feel worried if you have not done the same, making no heroic sacrifices, because many will die soon in the coming war, and they will perish in a state of cowardice and inaction, and then face God as failures.
The Ursula’s, Faurissons, Zündels, Reynouards, and Christophersens (I knew them all) have good karma.
Do you?
Some do.
FACT: if even ten percent of Whites were like Ursula, Ernst, Robert, Vincent, and Thies, we would have won by now.
Thies Christophersen invited his wife to visit him at Auschwitz, where he worked as a botanist, growing a plant with juish inmate help to make artificial rubber for tires. Would you invite your spouse, no matter how antisemitic she might be, into a SECRET DEATH CAMP full of the supposed stench of burning juish flesh???? Nope.
Thies had a terrible “dent” on his left eyebrow, where a Frenchman had gotten him during the Germans’ Western Campaign of 1940.
This was a very significant booklet from the mid-1970s by a German who had run agricultural operations at Auschwitz, entitled “The Auschwitz Lie.” I met him both in my last life (he was a boy who climbed a tree to get a better look at me; I halted the big Mercedes, beckoned him down, and we warmly shook hands) and also in this life, in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1986, alongside my friend, former Waffen-SS Hans Schmidt. (This was also the case with Otto Ernst Remer. We met in that life and again in this one.)
After this booklet came out, the West German parliament passed a special new law outlawing Holycost “denial,” even calling the legislation the “Auschwitz-Lie Law” (“das Auschwitzlüge-Gesetz”). Thies had to flee to Denmark, and later to Spain.
Here is Thies’ eyewitness report in English, published by the fearless German Manfred Roeder, whom I also knew well, and who did eight years in a German prison because one of his followers in Rostock, Germany fire-bombed a “refugee home” full of non-Whites.
(Magnify this pdf to 150% for better legibility. It is a great read! This is a man who literally worked in Auschwitz.)
This was yours truly in 2007 with Manfred Roeder and Georg Wieshöller, one of many Germans who had been anti-Hitler in the 1930s and even moved out of Germany, to libtard Sweden, in fact. But he saw after the war how the Allies really were, and how Sweden was being conquered by jewry and inundated by violent, neanderthalic immigrants.
I recall also a German lady named Ingeborg, who left a lot of money to our cause when she passed on. Living in Seattle, Washington, she had come originally from the upper class in Hamburg, Germany, from a “patrician” family. They all looked down in total snobbery, as she confessed, on the brawling, fanatical “Nazis” of Hamburg and their stormtroopers, the SA.
The patricians adored England and British understatement, but for them Adolf Hitler was a peasant, a dreadful proletarian, and a ranting Bavarian hothead.
Her family dressed, she told me, in the very finest, dark woolen garments, “die erlesenste dunkle Woll-Kleidung” but it was never flashy, she recalled. “You could see in the quality of the fabric the patricians’ wealth.”
But by 1945 Hamburg had been ultra-devastated by the Allied bombings, and tens of thousands were dead.
So Ingeborg moved to America, to Chicago, Illinois, to the American Midwest, and married an American. And in Chicago she had her first run-ins with the juze.
“And zen, Chohn, I realisst, zat Hitler end hiss shtormtroopers hed been right all alonk. But I just hed to see it viss my own two eyess.”
How typical she was of almost all earthlings — it takes a catastrophe to wake them the f–k up to the JQ, as if earthlings were born without brains or eyeballs in their skull. This is the egoic mind that Eckhart Tolle denounces.
This is what is behind Jesus’ notable warning:
What did these snobby Hamburg patricians think would happen to them as the rich class if Hitler had been assassinated and the German Communist Party had taken over!?!?
…..Narcissism ruins a great career
Watching Donald Trump, one sees a narcissist in action.
Curious why are you spelling “juze” now and juish, is there a legal reason for not spelling it correctly, ie if they get their wicked speech code law, a good attorney can point out that they were not identified that way?
No, it just expresses my utter contempt for the moral depravity of this gang. I feel about juze as I do about MS-13.
And the way they harm little kids… In state prisons, those who rape, torment or kill little children end up getting raped and murderedbythe inmates. Even the worst criminals have enough honor in them to hate those POS who harm helpless kids.
I refer to this correct view:
Dealing with juze is like picking up a used condom on a beach. I remember my family walking when I was a boy on a beach in Newport, Rhode Island, and I stooped down to look at a strange rubbery object on the sand. (Rhode Island has many lowlifes between certain Sicilians and certain Irish who can only be called “shanty Irish” — which is the term the good Irish themselves use).
My Dad barked at me not to touch it.
And dealing with juze is like giving a filthy toilet a good cleaning. It is a filthy job that has to be done. (I used to run my own successful janitorial and steam-carpet-cleaning service 1972-74. I was making $100 a day in 1970s dollars.)
The juze are literally latter-day neanderthals who then formed a roving crime family in the Levant called the Habiru, or, in the Old Testament, the “Hebrews.” These were runaways from the law who escaped from the king’s soldiers and joined this clan and lived like them off crime, camping
in the wilderness in large and dangerous numbers. The Habiru were mercenaries, hired archers, hitmen, fences (receivers of stolen ooods), pimps (prostitute owners), burglars, and pedophiles.
THIS was the perfect lowlife “people” — a “mixed rabble” as the Book of Genesis says while hiding that the Hebrews themselves were this rabble — for a malevolent alien named Yahweh. He selected or “chose” them as his people, his instrument, in the same way that the MI5 in England chose Irish hitmen to carry out various murders or the gigantic Manchester Bombing.
Yahweh then taught his rabble how to aid him via financial subversion to gain control over gentile countries and then genocideg 90% of the humans on this planet.
The rest of the goyim are to be kept alive as wretched work and sex slaves — or to be eaten by those further up the chain.
This humorous cartoon has a deadly serious truth to it.
There is a war going on between reptilians and Nordics in our galaxy. We would get direct help from the Nordics IF, and I repeat, IF, IF, IF!!! we deigned to lift a finger and fight for ourselves.
Ich glaube, Benito Mussolini war auch ein Narzisst. Trotz der ideologischen Gemeinsamkeiten stand der Hitler kritisch gegenüber, da er keine Konkurrenz duldete. Erst als er aufgrund der außenpolitischen Isolation Hitler brauchte, näherte er sich ihm an.
Die Komplexbeladenheit des Duces merkte man auch daran, dass er neidisch war auf die militärischen Erfolge Hitlers. Er griff daher Griechenland und Albanien an, um zu zeigen, dass er auch etwas drauf hat, wenngleich die Italiker völlig versagt haben.
Mussolini ist wegen Südtirol unten durch bei vielen Deutschnationalen.
Ich stimme voll damit überein. Und sein völlig ungerechtfertigter Angriffskrieg gegen Albanien und Griechenland, wie auch Léon Degrelle schrieb, erwirkte nicht nur eine krasse Besudelung des Image der Achsenmächte, sondern auch eine wichtige Störung des Timing von Deutschlands Russlandkampagne.
“Barbarossa” musste wegen des italienischen Debakels in Griechenland um sechs Wochen aufgeschoben werden. Denn sonst hätten die Briten das zu Unrecht angegriffene Griechenland selbst besetzt (in der Alliertenwortwahl “befreit”) und von dort aus die absolut kriegswichtige deutsche Ölraffinerie in Ploiesti/Rumänien bombardieren können. Als Stalins Rote Armee Ploiesti im Herbst 1944 besetzte, war damit der Krieg praktisch verloren, was auch Göring mir richtig und ehrlich anvertraute. Unsere legendären Messerschmitt-262-Düsenjäger mussten mit Ochsen auf die Startbahn geschleppt werden, um knappen Kraftstoff zu sparen!
Wir kämpften jedoch nach dem Verlust von Ploiesti weiter, unter anderem, um im Eiltempo unsere Antarktis-und Andes-Basen fertigzustellen, was uns auch gelang. Seit 1945 warten wir den großen Krieg zwischen Judmerika und dem Russland Putins ab, da er sein Land vom Judentum zu zwei Dritteln befreit hat. Die Juden hassen die Slawen, und sie sind die letzten Weißen, die sie noch nicht vollkommen unterjocht haben.
“What is all this psychopathy stuff even about? I don’t see the relevance!”
He ruined the whole ending of my speech!”
Einerseits hat er das Ende ihrer Rede ruiniert. Andererseits hat er als schlechtes Beispiel gedient. 😉 Er hatte offensichtliche selbst psychopathische Veranlagungen.
Wenn schon drei Kameraden, die Sie mochten, nicht sein Grundstück betreten wollten…
Ja, und er wurde für mich, enttäuscht, zu einem Paradebeispiel, wie ein geschwollenes Ich einen verderben kann.
The one thing that disapointed me about Hitler was that he was too soft and did not kill 6 million jews.
I’m sure in the deranged evil mind of the jews it was real because it says in the jewish kabullah when 6 million jews die they’ll return to Israel.
And Ursela Harbeck is a courageous women
And the word holocaust is from the jewish kabullah and it’s a symbolic word.
To be that schizophrenic and psychotic that you believe your own lies is hard to comprehend. Jews are souless hate filled monsters.
And Ursela Harbeck was a courageous woman who died fighting for the truth against the demented evil scum who serve the psychopathic,psychotic,schizophrenic lying evil Jew monsters.
Most people would not be able to comprehend something as primitive and diabolical as child torture blood sacrifice adrenochrome rituals to baal and eating the hearts of children.
Drumpf is pushing this abomination.
Nel 2025, il mondo affogherà nel sangue”, tuonava online la nuova copertina della leggendaria rivista profetica The Economist.
Nessuno nasconde nemmeno il fatto che sia di proprietà dei clan mondiali che controllano i governi. Pertanto, le loro copertine non sono previsioni, ma istruzioni dirette. COVID 19, SVO, la vittoria di Trump: da 50 anni tutto si realizza con spietata precisione. Nella nuova copertina: chi sarà il primo a usare le armi nucleari, come sarà la Russia dopo la fine del conflitto con l’Ucraina e che tipo di epidemia causerà un miliardo di vittime in tutto il pianeta.