True Italians aghast at Meloni’s pro-Ukraine weapons talk

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Matteo Salvini with Vladimir Putin

Italian patriots Matteo Salvini (left) and billionaire media giant and politician Sylvio Berlusconi (middle) – who believe the West MUST recognize Crimea as part of Russia – pressure Italian PM Georgia Meloni (right) to backtrack from her dangerous Ukraine-weapons pledge.


by JdN European correspondent

By now, most of you are well aware that sunny Italy’s new prime minister, Georgia Meloni, is sadly little more than controlled opposition and a World Economic Forum (WEF) stooge.

In spite of her “far-right” speeches — on Islam, African migrants, transgender “rights”, abortion, and immigration – basically just low-hanging populist fruit that she hacked down to sucker the masses into supporting her over the more genuine patriots Matteo Salvini and Silvio Berlusconi – she is an Israel-kowtowing Zionist and a war-mongering, NATO-subservient Atlanticist through and through.

The fact that she pledged to send weapons to Ukraine, against her partners Matteo and Sylvio Berlusconi’s wishes, as well as refused to honour their promise to the country to help with people’s oil bills this winter and within just days of being named the country’s first female PM, gave her “gioco” (game) away “immediatemente”.

But Berlusconi, who leads Forza Italia, and Matteo Salvini, who heads Italy’s Lega Nord party and are part of a government coalition together with Meloni’s Fratelli d’Italia (“Brothers of Italy”), were having none of it as evidenced by recent developments in Rome.

Polish dipshit politician, Wojciech Bakun holds up a t-shirt with the likeness of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the words “The Russian Army” as he attempts to humiliate Matteo Salvini. See, Salvini is supposed to be “haunted” and “shamed” by the fact that he wore a similar shirt during a visit to Red Square in 2014, when he was a member of the European Parliament. He also wore a similar shirt a year later in the Parliament in Strasbourg, posing for a photograph and writing (in a now-deleted post) on Facebook that he would “swap” two Italian President Sergio Mattarellas for “half” a Putin.)
Italy is a rare Western European bird in the sense that the vast majority of the nation’s people do NOT support arming Ukraine. After being locked in their homes for almost two years over Covidmania and seeing their once strong economy shrivel in front of their eyes, the Italian people — on both sides of the political aisle — simply do not have the economic will to produce or send more weapons for Ukraine.
This sentiment has been expressed by both Sylvio Berlusconi and Matteo Salvini over the past few months.


This past week Meloni, after meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Salvini and “chatting with Mr Berlusconi at length” backtracked from her earlier promise that although she would fulfil the promises the last government (led by the evil Draghi) had made, Italy henceforth would “unable to send any more weapons” for the foreseeable future, as its own “weapons reserves were running low.”

And the reaction to her announcement was swift from both the West and East, with Europe’s neo-liberal media condemning Meloni for breaking her promise, and the Biden regime – who have already arranged for Jens Stoltenberg (NATO top vulture) to travel to Italy to meet with Meloni –  expressing their disappointment.

As per the Italian newspaper Il Messagero,

“Citing government sources, it has been revealed that Rome is reducing arms supplies to Ukraine and is not currently considering a new aid package.

Although new Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has pledged to honor Kiev’s request for more military support, the delivery of advanced air defense systems cannot be fulfilled at present. Weapons supplies to Ukraine are now “on standby in the context of the fierce Russo-Ukrainian war” while “we resolve our own supply and reserve issues.”

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is expected to travel to Italy to meet Prime Minister Meloni and Italian Defense Minister Giulio Crosetto in the coming days. They are expected to discuss the weapons needed to defend Ukraine and find ways to resolve three key issues before resuming the delivery of military shipments to the Eastern European country.”

From the east as well as inside her own cabinet, the reaction to the announcement was markedly different. Within an hour of Meloni’s policy “shift” Berlusconi renewed his call for peace. Gazprom announced Italy would be only one of two Western European nations to be getting oil directly from Russia this winter.


I think not 🙂

So why the change of heart?

Pressure. Immense pressure from the Italian patriots (warts and all) that are Salvini and Berlusconi.

Of the vile, crypto-communist, anti-white, pro-jew, pro-gimmegrant, pro-rapist German traitor Angela Merkel, Berlusconi said the one insult that most expresses Italian disgust: “She is unf–ckable.” 🙂 Note his steely political “smile”….

Earlier in the week Berlusconi told the respected Italian journalist Bruno Vespa that “Western nations should stop supplying Ukraine with weapons if they want a peaceful solution to the ongoing conflict between Kiev and Moscow, and Meloni was well aware of his position.”

RT reported that “Italy’s former Prime Minister believes” that the prospect of “getting 1) no military aid but instead 2) a large reconstruction fund could convince Kiev to agree to the talks with Moscow”.

The report, quoting Berlusconi, said that Zelensky would only agree to any sort of a deal with Moscow “if Ukraine realizes at some point that it can no longer count on weapons and aid” at the same time.

JdN: the diminutive jew Zelensky (far left) and his comedy team “Kvartal” playing an electronic keyboard with their penises


Berlusconi suggested that the West could offer Kiev “hundreds of billions of dollars for reconstruction” as a stimulus to enter the negotiations.

The former prime minister also said he believes that Ukraine should recognize Crimea as a Russian territory, according to La Repubblica newspaper, which published excerpts from his interview with Vespa. A new referendum that would involve Western observers should also be held in Donbass to determine its fate, he added.

The former prime minister also called Russian President Vladimir Putin “a man of peace.” Berlusconi admitted he tried to reach out to Putin when the conflict between Moscow and Kiev broke out in late February but could not contact him by phone. His words sparked some angry reactions from Italian politicians. A former Italian economy minister, Carlo Calenda, was quick to accuse Berlusconi of spreading “propaganda for Putin regardless of the consequences.”

He also claimed that any coalition government is doomed if it cannot agree on a common foreign policy line.

An Italian MP, Lia Quartapelle, blasted Berlusconi’s proposal as “a recipe … for surrender.” She also said that Berlusconi himself would be a “big problem” for Meloni, who recently took over as Italy’s prime minister.


More like the voice of reason!!

As per the original Russian news story, Berlusconi’s words have sparked an angry reaction from Italian politicians. Former Italian economy minister Carlo Calenda was quick to accuse Berlusconi of spreading “propaganda for Putin regardless of the consequences.” He also claimed that any coalition government is doomed if it cannot agree on a common foreign policy line. Berlusconi’s Forza Italia is now part of a government coalition together with Giorgia Meloni’s Meloni’s Brothers of Italy, and Matteo Salvini’s League party.

Democratic Party lawmaker Lia Quartapelle blasted Berlusconi’s proposal as “a recipe… for surrender.” She said Berlusconi himself will be a “big problem” for Meloni, who recently took over as Italy’s prime minister.

Berlusconi has already faced criticism after saying he received 20 bottles of vodka from Putin as a birthday gift. According to Der Spiegel, the “gift” of 20 bottles of vodka may have been an EU sanctions violation. The magazine cited an EU Commission secretary, who pointed to the April 2022 ban on goods imports from Russia to the EU, including spirits.





  1. Smells of EDL and UKRAP. Strange how there isn’t any support for Putin and the reason for Russia attacking . Oh you get the usual moronic replies “Putin wants to seize the Ukraine ” lol Russia covers 1/6th of the World’s land mass, you have to cross 11 time zones if you go across Russia. So why would “Putin wants to seize the Ukraine ” what ever the Ukraine has , Russia already has .

  2. Kanye West’s Jewish personal trainer / handler Harley Pasternak threatened to have him medicated and institutionalized again unless he “apologized to my people” (Jews):

    Anglin’s article on the same subject (TOR browser access only):


    Anglin rightly says the Jews are a criminal mafia, and are likely using threats of physical violence to keep their controlled celebrities in line:


    Harley Pasternak – there are many photos of him when much younger and fairly “buff,” probably from steroids, but here is a more recent photo of him – an old, bald Jew with no shoulders:

    Adam Silver, Jew head of the NBA, suspends Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving for not apologizing hard enough for an “anti-Semitic” movie link he posted:


    • Thanks.

      I wish to remind new or skeptical readers of my web site that it was way back in 2009 that I began actively working with antisemitic blacks, and not because I am a ngr-lover, as the FBI troll Carlos Porter claims. It is because 1) we need a white VICTORY, not a glorious defeat, 2) there are 45 million Blacks in the USA, and 3) and they are (AS I HAVE SAID OVER AND OVER) the most antisemitic racial-demographic group in the United States.

      And 4) they do not want the current status quo to continue; many Blacks (and this is equally true of many Muslims, Indians, Hispanics and East Asians) actually like Adolf Hitler specifically, crave an end to jewish exploitation, and believe that they themselves — realistically and in all self-honesty — need and require a strong leader who can knock heads together to end the squabbling and all the strife, crime, sloth and chaos of the current faux-democratic model.

  3. Women cannot lead us out of our predicament. Their role is in the home with the family. I’m sorry if this offends some, but Nature is what It is. Only the truly Masculine can rectify this situation. We need men of courage who are devoted to the ideals of Mother Nature and their own racial survival. Anything which compromises these goals is a detriment to the goal.

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