True paleo-cons and the racialist “Far Right” support Putin, not the jew-funded Azov scum!

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This hostile Yahoo article shows that true “neo-Nazis” (to adopt, reluctantly, the jewsmedia word) BACK Vladimir Putin as the Defender of the true West, and they oppose the Azov psychopaths as scum and jewish-funded criminal insanity. They see the Russians as not perfect but as definitely “the good guys,” and the Ukraine war as a tragedy of White people yet again killing other White people. 🙁


Cheap Propaganda 101: Look at the choice of photos — the resolute jewish statesman and hero Zelensky must deal with the braying Slavic madman Putin…

The Azov neo-Nazis, in the view of the genuine Far Right, have been funded since Day One by the billionaire Israeli-Ukr. convicted swindler Igor Kolomoisky (who escaped prison by living in Switzerland and in Tel Aviv). Why? To become fanatic Russia-HATERS and enemies of a free Russia. They do not represent either American paleo-conservatives (like Steve Bannon, Pat Buchanan, etc.) or the majority of the far (racial) right (David Duke, Richard Spencer, various Klans and neo-Nazis, etc.).

A well-known and deluded Azov Ukrainian girl — amazing how the jewsmedia glorifies this chick as a Ukie freedom-fighter while KNOWING she is a (totally misled) “Nazi”:



Same girl! Who brainwashed this chick to hate her white, Slavic, Russian brothers? Kolomoisky, Poroshenko and Zelensky, malevolent Israelis!




In fact, for at least 15 years now, the racialist Far Right has firmly, consistently SUPPORTED Putin and “his” Russia. Thrown off Zuckerberg’s Facebook, they are massively on the Russian social medium,VK, by the thousands, and VK has been owned by the Russian government since the summer of last year. They are also very active on Telegram, also founded by Russians. They see Putin as patriotic, as pro-Assad’s Syria (and, remember, Putin is backing to the hilt a regime in Syria that is legally at WAR with the State of Israel and which is regularly bombed by the Jewish State).
They consider Putin as a hero, as almost the only leader in Europe (except for Orban in Hungary) who is resurrecting traditional and Christian family values, fighting atheism, and being “anti-woke” (as Steven Bannon says).
They see a leader who is anti-transgenderism and anti-LGBTQ militancy. (The far right is usually not anti-gay per se; Ernst Röhm was famous as the supreme Nazi stormtroop leader, and he was openly gay, for example — an extraordinary thing back in the 1930s. He was executed by Hitler in July 1934 not for being gay, but for plotting to overthrow him, get rid of the rightwing German Army in favor of a huge stormtroop army under his command, and for seeking to establish a leftwing, “socialist” government with nationalized industries.)
The Far Right views the Russian president as anti-“New World Order,” anti-Klaus Schwab, anti-Soros and anti-world government.
So when people refer to “the Azov Nazis”, this group does not represent neo-Nazis as a whole. How on earth could a movement funded by an Israeli bank swindler and full of hatred and violence toward the white, slavic Russian people and toward Putin ever appeal to antisemites who ADMIRE Putin?


Evil Russian Imperialist@Russ_Imperialist

1 hour ago

I don’t know who are called nazi or neo-nazi in the West. Probably it’s a total misuse of the terms. The fact is that Azov and other such group are literal nazis. Like, WW2 nazis — who have Stepan Bandera (nazi-collaborator) and Shukhevich (SS officer) as their heroes.

“Far right” is not equal to “nazi”.

In any case, more specifically, only the German National Socialist Party and other groups that directly derived from it should be considered as such.


@Russ_Imperialist Good points. The original and defining NS leader, Hitler, was pro-Aryan/pro-white-man — all except for the Slavs in general and the Russians in particular, whom he disliked as being part-Mongol/Tatar (which is somewhat true, actually….. “Scratch a Russian; find a Tatar” is even a Russian proverb.)
This russophobia by the original “Nazis” — shared with many WASPs and Western Europeans, then as now!!!!!! — proved a truly colossal error in every way, both morally and militarily.
Two-thirds of Wehrmacht losses in WWII — two million young men in their prime — were on the eastern front.
Had Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa as a genuine crusade to liberate the Russian people from the horrors of marxism, which under Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin, non-Russians all, had killed millions of innocent Russkies, his troops would have received bread and salt, the signs of a warm Slavic welcome.
He should have bombarded the Red Army with sound trucks and leaflets, not shells, saying “We come as brothers, as liberators from your long bolshevik nightmare. Join us and create together a Russo-German partnership for peace, land, bread and prosperity.”



  1. I’ve yet to see any destroyed Ukrainian kit on battlefields. Everything has a white Z [ = Russian military vehicle painted] on it.
    Why would all the buildings be riddled? Because the Ukrainians are using civilian militias to fight the Russians.
    I wonder why the Russians aren’t using engineers to demolish building after building, then bulldoze the rubble flat? Strange.

  2. John, I have tried to show my mom the truths about jews for many years and she still believes the mainstream narrative that they are victims.

    We just had a discussion about Madeleine Albright who, I told her, was a psychopath behind many civilian deaths, but she still believes she was a ‘good person.’

    What can I do???

    • I feel for you. Especially when it is a loved one, it is disillusioning to see them deny the truth. While they may have many excellent qualities, a burning passion for THE TRUTH is not there.
      The brutal truth? This whole planet is full of, yes, liars. They lie even to themselves, plus to each other, and also about others, behind their backs.
      I saw it with Henrik Holappa, whom we had endlessly helped. I asked him how he could lie about me and Margi and he replied: “It’s just psychological warfare.”
      This is the reasoning of a jew, the race we are supposed to be opposed to!
      Only a mighty new Aryan religion can straighten these lost souls out. The problem is at the soul level.

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