Trump acting German — 2016 roast of Hillary at Al Smith dinner in NYC

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LOL! (A comrade texted me this.)

Amazing — Trump giving a speech below to a crowd of his mortal enemies, yet he was the only man who was not sweating.

Just one night after the final presidential debate in October 2016, Donald Trump roasted Hillary Clinton at the Al Smith Dinner. The Catholic charity fundraiser is an opportunity for the candidates to trade jokes and blows amid the heated campaign. CBS News carried Trump’s full speech.

I have to say that partly I was cheering Trump on (because everything he said was totally true), and partly I was cringing. 🙁

It was ridiculously bad manners to engage in blunt, overtly hostile campaign remarks at an event that for many generations has always been kept light-hearted, apolitical and bipartisan.

“Leave the nastiness at home for one night,” is the rule.

Maybe this is the German in Herr Trump coming out, the not-so-good side of some though not all Germans, and I say this although I am a great germanophile myself.

This is just how the Kaiser of Germany was too, a bull in the china shop.

It took quite some doing to get his own first cousins, King George of England and Tsar Nicholas of Russia, to declare war on him in 1914, triggering the catastrophe of WWI. And mind you, the tsar’s own attractive wife, Alexandra, whom Nicky adored, was a German princess herself!

Nice going, Kaiser Bill. Your lack of tact helped, as they say, “snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.” 😉

Sure, at this Al Smith Dinner, Donald Trump did win kudos from his voter base for his indisputable pugnacity, as the comments under the video on YouTube reveal, but he also inflamed to a white heat the other side.

Now, in laudable contrast, Senator John Kennedy, in 1960, faced many problems on the path ot victory, and he defused them all.

First, there was an anti-Catholic (and anti-Irish) hostility that is almost unimaginable today.

(I have some Norman-Irish heritage myself, and can testify to this. In another life, I had to leave Ireland because I was Catholic, and all British officers -Ireland belonged to Britain then — had to be Protestant.

So I moved a thousand miles to Catholic Austria, and rose there from lieutenant to field marshal. 🙂 )

By the way, England ruefully made amends to me by awarding me the Order of the Bath for helping defeat some guy named, umm, Napoleon.

In those days, half of the American population in our then 90% white country went to church on Sundays, as did my family.

The Catholics considered Protestants as wicked heretics, they had once burned them at the stake, and they would not marry them in a church ceremony.

Protestants felt Catholics were secret agents of some (always Italian) and probably crooked pope, and the priests did not marry, which was weird to them, as was a crucifix with a dying, even bleeding Jesus right on it, plus all the religious statues of saints, and the opulent cathedrals full of gold and precious stones.

Religion was a really big deal then. No couples lived together (“shacked up”) back then. Divorce was rare, and impossible for a politician. Abortion was illegal, and gay marriage was literally unthinkable.

And the fact that John Kennedy was a Catholic was also a very big deal in a 75% Protestant country.


It was also said that Kennedy was just a pretty-boy and a lightweight.

Also tongues wagged that he was too young at just 43.

….and that his billionaire father, Joe Kennedy, Senior, was “buying the election.”

AND that said father, former ambassador Kennedy, was antisemitic (which was clearly true, and quite well-known, in fact).

Was the son, then, who wanted the presidency, also “against the jews”?

JFK defused it all with humor, with charm, and with tact. Those are great strengths of the celtic branch of our common white race.

Life magazine asked JFK basically this:

“Your father, who is supporting and advising your campaign, was antisemitic, and, some say, pro-Hitler during WWII. What do you say to this?”

Kennedy flashed a big smile, and joked, slily:

“We all have our fathers, don’t we?” 🙂


None of us is responsible for how our dads turned out. 😉

Life dropped it. (Heh-heh, actually, the clever JFK was quite antisemitic, too.)

As for his rich father buying the 1960 election for the presidency, where Kennedy barely squeaked past Richard Nixon, JFK joked in a speech:

“I just now got a telegram from my fathah.

He said: “Son, I’ll buy you the election.

But I’ll be damned if I’m gonna pay for a landslide.”

Humor is a way to both address an issue and defuse the tension. It can “break the ice,” and also soften and even win hearts.

And people admire a man who can joke in moments of crisis, showing he can keep a cool head.

What Trump does not understand (or is incapable of understanding, being unevolved) is that you do not have to actually win over every single person in the opposite camp. That might even be impossible.

But if you can use charm and likability to re-park some of them into a neutral stance, while simultaneously energizing your own voter base, then you can win.

But if you inflame the other side, as Trump did here, into a white heat, boorishly trampling on the accepted rules of the dinner, then every single voter of the other party will hate you, and turn out 100% to vote against you, come rain or shine.

So get even the people on the other side to see you as a likable enough fellow, and on Election Day, half of them might just stay home, since the candidate of their party might be a pretty lame dork, like Joe Biden or Hillary.

And, gee, it might be rainy, and, you know, the roads slick — really too dangerous to drive to the poll to vote for Creepy Joe. 😉John Kennedy was on his way to greatness when the jews murdered him.

Btw, he could be stern, too:

Kennedy could also be self-critical. The topic in this video below is Kennedy talking about how the US military in South Vietnam had encouraged some local generals there to overthrow Ngo Diem, the long-time but increasingly unpopular leader of anti-communist South Vietnam.

Well, Diem ended up shot dead after he was arrested by the soldiers of a General Minh.

Assassination, Coup and Madame Nhu

Kennedy recorded this memo to himself criticizing his decision to let this overthrow proceed that both had a fatal outcome AND failed to solve the problems in that country.

This was, nota bene, less than three weeks before JFK’s own bloody assassination.

One also hears Kennedy speaking in his usual voice, a baritone, and also his little son, John-John, who came in and interrupted for some cute little father-son chitchat.)

Back to Kennedy’s humor. This was JFK’s final joke, told the day before he was murdered in Texas. In this funny and touching short clip, President Kennedy, speaking in Houston, Texas about NASA and space rocket boosters, demonstrates his spontaneous wit after he realized he had misspoken.

John Kennedy was also a huge Hitler fan, and foe of the jews, as I have proven.

The Jewish War on the Kennedys

I will leave you, my fellow national socialists, with this:

….and this…




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  1. Unrelated to your article above, but do you recall my comment about the Apollo moon landings hoax, and how deep space (beyond the Earth’s protective magnetosphere) is filled with deadly cosmic radiation, and that I also said the moon’s surface is highly radioactive from billions of years of cosmic ray bombardment, due to no protective magnetosphere or atmosphere on the moon? Here is the proof that I was correct:

    From the above article:

    “CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Future moon explorers will be bombarded with two to three times more radiation than astronauts aboard the International Space Station, a health hazard that will require thick-walled shelters for protection, scientists reported Friday.”


    “Astronauts would get 200 to 1,000 times more radiation on the moon than what we experience on Earth — or five to 10 times more than passengers on a trans-Atlantic airline flight, noted Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber of Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany.

    “The difference is, however, that we’re not on such a flight for as long as astronauts would be when they’re exploring the moon,” Wimmer-Schweingruber said in an email.

    Cancer is the primary risk.

    “Humans are not really made for these radiation levels and should protect themselves when on the moon,” he added.

    Radiation levels should be pretty much the same all over the moon, except for near the walls of deep craters, Wimmer-Schweingruber said.

    “Basically, the less you see of the sky, the better. That’s the primary source of the radiation,” he said.”

    Of course, there’s no mention in this article of how the Apollo astro-nots miraculously managed to avoid any health complications, despite supposedly spending many days on the moon in an unshielded aluminum box, wearing unshielded space suits. When is NASA going to come clean about their lies?

    I trust absolutely nothing that comes out of NASA – they clearly hoaxed the Apollo moon landings, and are likely hoaxing many other things, as well, like the Mars rovers, which are probably rolling around a set in the Nevada desert, with heavy CGI added to make the photos look Mars-like.

    Think about this – whereas the average distance from the Earth to the moon is 238,856 miles, the average distance from the Earth to Mars is 142 MILLION miles! The nearest Mars has ever been to Earth is 34.8 million miles, and it can be a whopping 249 million miles apart when both planets are at aphelion. Now ask how it’s possible for NASA to remotely control a rover on the surface of Mars, 142 MILLION miles away. Electronic signals degrade with distance, even in space, and even if NASA is using a very powerful transmitter, that signal would likely be undetectable after 142 million miles, especially since neither the rover nor the Mars Observer satellite supposedly in orbit around Mars have huge antennas to pick up weak signals. So how is NASA controlling those Mars rovers? I believe they are hoaxing this, as well.

    • Great comment.

      I especially liked:

      “…neither the Rover nor the Mars Observer satellite, supposedly in orbit around Mars, have huge antennas to pick up weak signals. So how is NASA controlling those Mars Rovers” [from an average of 142 mio miles away]?

      Btw, Gosia, whom you dismiss also as a hoax (and I think wrongly), agrees with you that earthlings cannot engage in any space travel, largely due to the Van Allen Belt.

      She says (that is, she says that her Nordics say) that the US Deep State did have a “stargate” — like a black hole — to send individual American military personnel, literally one-by-one, to a base on Mars (no spaceship involved), but she says that not long ago the Nordics shut both the stargate and the Mars base down.

      As I say, Earth has been quarantined for a long time due to the toxic people here. And the ancient proto-jews (see my articles on Rabbi Michael Laitman) knew this earth was full of troubled, corruptible people, so, bingo, this Wild-West-saloon planet, full of unruly and violent people, is naturally exactly where the jews settled down. 😉

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