Trump and a true civil war; Hitler no enemy of freedom — for those who can handle it

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….Doug Casey on Trump… and an Impending Civil War?

A comrade wrote me: Hi John,

Here is an interesting short article here that you might like to read. It has several intelligent points about the changing America and the civil war possibilities. If you find the time it would be amazing if you could comment on it from your high level perspective.[This Casey does say many correct things about the disaster we are sliding into, though he has no solutions. I do. 🙂 ]


Chris’ note: Chris Reilly here, managing editor for Casey Daily Dispatch.

A couple of weeks ago, I flew out to Aspen, Colorado to catch up with legendary speculator and bestselling author Doug Casey.

It was a fantastic trip. I asked Doug about everything from technology… to the economy… and the resurgence of gold.

Doug also shared his thoughts on President Trump… and more importantly, what could be in store for America.

Like usual, Doug didn’t hold anything back. Today, I want to share our discussion with you…

Read on for this week’s special Conversations With Casey…

Chris: Doug, you predicted that Trump would win the election long before most people even thought he had a chance. Now, almost three years in, how would you rate his presidency?

Doug: Well, on the one hand, Trump is a good thing simply because he’s not one of the lunatic fringe Democrats. He’s a cultural traditionalist at heart; he wants to see the US return to the “Leave It to Beaver” days of the 1950s. That’s essentially why he was elected, and why he’s still so popular.

Despite the fact he’s culturally conservative, he has no core values. He runs strictly on gut feeling. He has no central philosophy or intellectual beliefs. It’s just whatever seems like a good idea at the time. He knows a lot about real estate speculation on high leverage. But he knows absolutely nothing about economics.

Let’s look at the good and the bad things about Trump.

Cultural conservative. That’s good in a time when the US is in a state of cultural turmoil, where the old order is being overthrown – which it is. Not so long ago, the country that was composed of white Christian people of European origin; it was quite homogeneous. And if you’re going to have a country, it’s good to be homogeneous.

Since the late ‘60s, however, the US has been inundated with migrants from all over the world; it’s no longer homogeneous. It no longer has real cultural traditions, and the remaining ones are being abolished, like Columbus Day recently. Columbus is no longer the discoverer of America so much as the oppressor of native peoples.

One major change is that Americans no longer share a common religious tradition. Say what you want about Christianity – and I’m not a religious person – but it was something Americans could share, that they had in common. But it’s no longer a major element; the US is becoming like Europe that way. That’s important because Christianity provided a broad moral framework. Now there’s a [religious-moral-spiritual] vacuum. It may be filled by Mohammedanism, especially since so many migrants take that creed seriously. Churches will be replaced by mosques in many places.

There’s no longer any kind of trust in the culture in general. And certainly not in the government.

The only thing that Americans still trust – the only institution they still have any respect for – is the military. And that’s extremely dangerous because as Edward Gibbon said, regarding the Roman Empire and their military, “any order of men accustomed to slavery and violence make for very poor guardians of a civil constitution.”

Nonetheless, I don’t doubt one or both parties will put up a general as the Greater Depression reaches a climax.

Of course Trump loves the military, which is natural for a statist. But the good news about Trump is that he also apparently sees all the pointless foreign wars are just making lots of enemies while they bankrupt the country. He’s trying to get the troops out of the Middle East quagmire; better late than never, although he’s been very, very slow about this. If he finishes that, maybe he’ll get them out of the new quagmires that are building up in Africa, and then start closing the 800 bases around the world, which serve no useful purpose besides feeding the Deep State. I don’t believe he’ll succeed, however. Warmongers are in total control in Washington.

So let’s put it this way. Trump has some real pluses, but no philosophical center. Politically he’s a statist. Economically, he doesn’t have a clue. In fact, he’s looking for more money creation, and lower or negative interest rates, which is going to add flames to an absolutely catastrophic depression.

I appreciate his trying to stem mass migration, so what’s left of America can retain its cultural core. But his efforts are like building a sand castle on the sea shore. The waves are going to wash it away for all kinds of reasons. A pity, really. Minneapolis will resemble Mogadishu, Miami might resemble Port au Prince more than even Havana, El Paso will be like Juarez, and Cleveland like Karachi. But things change. The colors of the map on the wall are running more than has been the case since the barbarian invasions of the 5th century.

Chris: What do you have to say about the political landscape right now as we head into the 2020 election season?

Doug: Trump’s acting as a catalyst for something resembling an actual civil war in this country. And I’ll draw your attention to the fact that the unpleasantness of 1861 to 1865 was not, in fact, a civil war. It was a war of secession, which is very different from a civil war.

In a war of secession, one group simply wants to part company from another – not rule them.

In a civil war, on the other hand, you’ve got two or more groups that are fighting for control of one government.

That wasn’t the case in the War Between the States.

The American Revolution, of 1775-1783, by comparison, was both a war of secession and a civil war. About 1/3rd of Americans wanted to secede from the ruling British political power, 1/3rd were loyal to the Crown and fighting against secessionists, and 1/3rd really didn’t care. The Revolution was much more complex, and nastier, than is generally understood.

Keeping in mind the difference between a civil war and a war of secession, I think it’s possible that the US could have both – like we did in the Revolution. Why? Because people in the red counties and the blue counties really hate each other. They should, therefore, be politically separate. And that could be peaceable. But they’ll likely try to keep the union together, which means one group has to suppress the other group. They can’t have a civil conversation. Members of the same family can’t even talk politics or economics anymore. They’ve come to disrespect, even despise each other on a visceral level.

Trump is acting as a lightning rod for both groups.

Chris: I agree. It seems like we’re going to reach a boiling point here soon.

Doug: Yeah, that’s what happens before a civil war. They really want to kill each other. Neither group thinks rationally, just emotionally. And it’s essentially a moral divide, which doesn’t lend itself to calm intellectual resolution.

It’s worse than during the 1960s, which was the last cultural revolution that we had here in the US. It’s much worse this time, even if so far it hasn’t been as violent. Recall that during the late ‘60s and early ‘70s the US had several thousand bombings. But things eventually calmed down.

Back then, however, we just had three major TV networks and some newspapers. Today there are thousands of channels of social media around to aggravate and abet discontent. With the old mass media everybody heard more or less the same thing – the hoi polloi just heard what the mass media told them.

Today not nearly as many people watch or read mass media, and nobody really trusts it. Today it’s all about Facebook, social media, and the Internet. Much more unpredictable, and potentially explosive. They allow the public to communicate across the country and form groups… That was very hard to do in the 1850s. It makes a conflagration much more likely today.

But on the other hand, people are very comfortable today. Most people don’t have any guns today, and few know how to use them. You’ve got a whole generation that are financially burdened with student debt, everlasting car loans, credit card debt, no assets, and no marketable skills. A generation of people living in their parents’ basements who’ve been indoctrinated with collectivist ideas. Maybe they’re up for a revolution…

On the other hand, the whole country is getting older. We’re closing in on 25% of the country over 60 years old. When you’re over 60, you generally don’t want to go out and be a street fighting man anymore.

It’s hard to say if we’re even capable of a real civil war anymore.

Chris: Is there another possible outcome?

Doug: In my opinion the best option is for the US to break up into new countries, new regions – as outlandish as that sounds. Young chicanos in LA have zero in common with old white women in the Northeast. And they’ll have less than zero desire to pay 20% of their income to finance the old ladies’ Social Security and Medicare. The situation is similar across many groups and regions in the US today. They have very little in common any more.

Many are shocked when I say I’m against the constitution of 1789. We would likely have been much better off economically and every other way if the original colonies had just stayed in a somewhat improved confederation – which was all that was supposed to have happened in Philadelphia in 1789. They all shared a more or less common culture. They didn’t need to centralize all their power in Washington DC.

Eventually the US will break up. Nothing lasts forever, and that includes the US.

People who think this country is going to be even remotely the same in 50 years – forget about 100 years – aren’t thinking clearly. They certainly don’t have a grasp of the way history flows. The very fact that whites of European extraction will soon be a minority – both in Europe and the US – tells you something big is afoot. The new majority don’t share language, race, religion, values, or traditions with the old culture, or among each other. In fact they hold it in contempt – as do many whites.

The US could easily break up.

People say, “Well, what about our military, our defense?” The point I’d make is that the military is the second biggest thing, after welfare, that’s bankrupting the country. That’s number one.

Number two, they’re not defending the country. They’re actually drawing in outside attacks by going out and making enemies all over the world. The natives don’t like our soldiers in their countries any more than we’d like their soldiers in the US.

Number three, all our expensive high-tech weapons – F35s, B2s, aircraft carriers, and the rest of it… are basically junk. They’re going to be almost worthless in what resembles World War III, whatever that might look like. New technologies are going to totally obviate this crap, much more seriously than cavalry in World War I, which turned out to be worthless, or battleships in World War II.

When the military fails, it’s going to be a big disuniting influence for the US. Only a teeny-weeny portion of the American population knows anything about the military anymore. They’re isolated from it, even though they’ve been programmed to love and respect it. The military have, at the same time, become like a separate culture within the culture. Military guys hang out just with each other, not with civilians. Just like cops hang out just with each other, not with the people that they police. Most cops today, incidentally, are also ex-military. Another bad trend.

There’s a great deal more to be said about all this, but the purpose of this interview was just to touch on a few high points.

Bottom line? Trump has his hands full.

Chris: Good talk, Doug. Appreciate the time.

Doug: You’re welcome.


…..The solution is not a break-up but a new, white, paternalistic rule, an open, benevolent white supremacy, the vision which was working very well in South Africa with the various homelands until Prime Minister Verwoerd was murdered by the jews

The only major, intrinsic fly in that apartheid ointment was there was no mandatory birth control so the black population would stop multiplying, meaning two kids “max.” The external problem was the jew-ridden US and the USSR were both working day-and-night to bring apartheid South Africa down. This is why a new, highly enlightened national socialism must come to power in the superpower that is America, not in some rebellious smaller country like the American Confederacy in the South, or in Germany, Rhodesia and South Africa. They were too easy to crush.


…..Hitler no enemy of freedom

An NS comrade and donor defended Hitler thusly to a WN (and donor) who has libertarian instincts:

Hitler hated the dictatorship which he HAD to create. National Socialist Germany had war declared on it on day one by the Jew financiers. Hitler wanted a Germany with roots deep in the soil. That’s why Thomas Jefferson compromised everything he believed in by a big goverment buyout of the Louisiana territory, and that’s why Hitler knew Germany needed its own Louisiana Purchase in the East.

Urban dwellers do not understand.

I replied:

So true. For lack of agricultural land, 750,000 German civilians starved to death in 1918-19 after they had signed the WWI armistice, foolishly trusting the jew-blackmailed US President Wilson, and Britain kept its cruel naval blockade up.

I was just enjoying again Richard Tedor’s magnificent book Hitler’s Revolution, which Margi got from The Barnes Review publishing. You can see it is well worn. 😉

I found this gem of savage gloating in it, spoken in the British House of Commons on March 3, 1919 by the “Right Honorable” Winston Churchill, a truly classic psychopath who reveled in the mass murder by starvation of women, children and the aged, and this was long, long before “the Nazis”!!!!! He just wanted to crush the people of Germany.

I think that to some extent K, and to a far greater extent, the naive, flag-waving patriotards out there, simply cannot fathom how evil, how dastardly, Germany’s enemies were — and are, and their goal was to crush Germany forever into poverty, misery and slavery to the banksters.

I can say this, that many of us have had incarnations in the Roman Republic and Empire. The Romans reviled one-man rule, and got rid of their kings. They even had two consuls instead of one, and wanted the Senate to rule the Republic, which was basically a large committee, instead of one man. They killed Julius Caesar, a brilliant, highly accomplished ruler and war hero, entirely because he was a one-man ruler.

And yet even the Romans resorted to one-man rule, to emperors, although they kept calling their state a republic.

The great philosopher Plato considered all the forms of government the Greeks had tried: tyranny, oligarchy, democracy, monarchy, etc., and decided in the end, seeing the downfall of Athens, a democracy, that what Greece needed was a philosopher-king, one man, endowed with supreme power, trained for power and and selected after decades of scrutiny and proven wisdom.

Still, even such a man can make mistakes and there is little check on him then, except for assassination.

My goal is to use a philosopher king to spread enlightenment, and to lose the ego, quarreling and selfishness.

After three generations of drastic reprogramming, where the last bearers of the old, insane me-me-me thinking literally and biologically die out, our folk will be truly ready to handle the magnificent freedom which our Founding Fathers envisioned. But the truth is that giving freedom to people as they are is like giving the keys to a red Ferrari to a 16-year-old.

Mankind for thousands of years has consisted of two-legged wild animals who tear each other to pieces, and we see it right now so crassly with Trump and the Demoncrats going at it.

Freedom in the hands of egoic people is just factions, strife, anarchy, hatred — and the people be damned.

In the Marines, we do not hand a machine gun to any American teenager at the beginning of boot camp. First, he is remolded by three months of discipline to become a new human being. With power of life and death comes responsibility.

The goal is the Andromedan system, where people live far, far longer than now, and want to volunteer for committees to handle all the tasks of society, and there is no money, just justified needs that are gladly met by helpful and eager neighbors. The population is just 40 million for a whole planet, there is plenty of space, nature everywhere, and people spend centuries learning all sort of professions, traveling, and growing spiritually. What we have now, by comparison, is a kind of hell, a rat race of working to exhaustion just to pay eternal bills.

Btw, Hitler never abrogated the Weimar Republic’s constitution. He ruled entirely under temporary, emergency legislation to meet the economic crisis and then the critical needs of the war.

And he repeatedly held honest plebiscites where the people could express their approval or disapproval of his actions. The Belgian politician Léon Degrelle, later a war hero, estimated that by 1940, 90% of all Germans were, as he put it, Hitlerites. Hitler was himself a philosopher-king, who trained for power from 1914 to 1933, four years as a selfless, heroic, highly decorated soldier and then 14 years as a political leader.

Btw, both the Gosia videos from supposed Nordics and the Urantia book from the 1950s say the same thing: Earth is under quarantine by more advanced civilizations because so many insane, lawless people live here, they rule the place and earth chaos must not be allowed to spread elsewhere. Gosia’s Taygetans (Pleiadians, Nordics) say the highly radioactive Van Allen Belt was created to keep earthlings in.

However, there is the strong belief that earthlings can change and that, with encouragement from starseeds, they will, and then be permitted like other civilized races to become interstellar, that is, be allowed to travel to other planets, trade, visit, etc.

Something floored me years ago (in 2014): an official video by NASA, using a tall, blond, blue-eyed young spokesman, “NASA engineer Kelly Smith” (sounds like a fake name), saying NASA was now working on an “Orion Project,” meaning ways for human astronauts to overcome the Van Allen Belt.

The comments under this video were understandably mocking: If the Van Allen Belt is still so baffling and dangerous for space flight, how “on earth” did all those Apollo missions get to the moon and back???? Unless of course they were fake!

So is Earth indeed under a radioactive lockdown — until we finally listen to our starseeds, and we r-i-d o-u-r-s-e-l-v-e-s of both

1) our jew infestation and

2) our own inner jew that invites this outer jew into our souls?

Then we whites will again be Aryans, as in the Golden Age of the Hyperboreans that our own history says was so very real, and rejoin our Aryan relatives in the cosmos. Then we can proudly say:


Pound was right. We realized, children, that this was a time for heroes. We fought without fear of death, knowing our immortality, and we won after staggering sacrifices.

Children, we now are free, free at last.

Thank God Almighty — we have proudly freed ourselves at last!





  1. Well written brother -with the Gods help we will defeat the (parasite) and bridge the Earth with Asgard reawakening our God status like we were before the fall.

  2. Sooner or later South Africa would have split apart, just like Rhodesia, even without betrayal and external threats, although it could show the same civilizing successes and achievements (standard of living, educational opportunities, etc.) for blacks and whites. The lack of birth control to which you refer would not have been feasible. With the majority of Negroes, South Americans (Latinos) and Arabs, birth control is impossible. Egypt is going to fall apart, India is going to sink, the whole African states will perish from their own overpopulation if there is no more food supply from Europe anyway, and even China has not been able to get the problem of overpopulation under control through birth control.

    The original Central European white peoples have done their homework, they control their urges and think abstractly, plan ahead. But not the other peoples and races. White people assess whether they can afford children, while negroes and Arabs, on the other hand, tend to be driven by urges and have had Christian-programmed whites, programmed for self-hate and love of the farthest, as payment slaves for several generations. Even if the latter disappears, they will remain mostly driven by impulses and cause their own demise.

    The original Christianity probably really comes from the Nordic area and probably has nothing at all to do with Jews as a chosen people. Organized Christianity, however, has been the absolute death poison for white peoples for centuries (whether classical or secular [humanism, universalism, etc.]): Maximum self-hatred and at the same time love of the farthest to the point of complete self-abandonment, to the point of complete self-destruction, or modern: “Foreigners first, natives last! “We must help the foreigners! Christ, Christ! …”

    The non-white peoples were prevented, among other things by the pseudo-development aid (food aid), from doing their own homework, from developing their abilities, from getting a grip on their drives and from controlling them responsibly. 60 years, 3 generations of different ethnic welfare recipients in the USA and Europe have led to a regression of their potential instead of development. Imagine if hard-working Black Americans of the 1930s were to face in a time machine the degenerated blacks of today, degenerated by welfare and NWO propaganda: They would have nothing but contempt for their “brothers” and “sisters”.

    Consciousnesses naturally group themselves into different peoples according to their developmental stages and characteristics. In school, it would be cruel to throw elementary students into middle and high school and expect them to keep up. Consciousnesses are differently developed, before birth they look for parents who are developmentally suitable for them, parents and children choose each other, but “hardcore” debutants/consciousnesses attract “hardcore” debutants/consciousnesses, so they remain developmentally foreign bodies (Fremdkörper) in their white host organism peoples.

    To the linked article: The claim that Trump is incompetent couldn’t be more absurd. Trump does have a comprehensive holistic understanding, both of the economy and of other areas of life. As Harold A. Covington put it so aptly: Trump is faced with the challenge of turning a fish soup back into a fish aquarium. And as Covington said many years ago regarding the United States: “The whole country is now full of human garbage.”

    You yourself mentioned the danger that China could take over separate states. Even with separate enclaves, it would only be a matter of time before they would burst at the seams and overrun the white regions surrounding them.

    You are a friend of the people and want a partnership also between the original Americans ( Whites and Blacks ) and that both together defend themselves against their disenfranchisement and conquest by Chinese, South Americans and others.

    The principle of similarity, the attraction to those who look similar, is absolutely natural and good. In the past, there were isolated cases of the “where love falls down” principle, someone brought a foreign partner from abroad, or a group of foreign workers came and left again and a few individuals stayed. Or a few Roman legionnaires had Africans and Arabs among them, who then also stayed in the Black Forest. But that was something completely different from the intended destruction of peoples.

    Cassius Clay spoke out strongly against forced racial mixing; he was highly intelligent and emphasized the naturalness of the similarity attraction (Ähnlichkeitsprinzip). That’s why the press portrayed him as a loudmouth, whether his boxing match marketing slogans

    “Muhammad Ali – Racial Integration”

    The whole Christianity self-destruction spook will come to an end when the food chains will collapse. From that moment on, in the USA and in Europe, there will be no more free life, no more free housing, etc. for Negroes, South Americans and Arabs. In technologically based civilizations, the current bulk of them can only survive as parasites, only as long as the indigenous peoples remain enslaved by christoid self-annihilation programming. When the white peoples of Europe will have overcome the ultimate death poison of Christianity, they will begin to defend and assert themselves.

    Then the struggle for survival and ethnic disintegration will begin. In the USA, there will be geographical separations on a large scale, the white peoples of Europe will have no room for this, here there will be an expulsion if the white original peoples want to survive.

    In the USA it will probably happen in such a way that a few of the civilization-compatible blacks will remain, but the parasitic majority of them as well as the South Americans will be separated. In Europe it will be similar, a few Turks will remain, the rest will leave, Africa will have to go back home to Africa and Arabia to Arabia.

    There is nothing left of the original Christianity. Organized Christianity, with all its secular, christoid offshoots, was and is the downfall of the white peoples, the ultimate death poison, which made the present catastrophe of the approaching extinction of the white peoples possible in the first place.

    • Interesting comments.

      African-Americans are about 1/3rd white, with an IQ of 85 or more, and their birth rate these days is NOT much above that of Whites. I know many Blacks with just two kids.

      This company says it is the “Global No.1 Business Data Platform/Insights and facts across 600 industries and 50+ countries”

      I basically agree with your views, but one can cherry-pick whatever one wants out of the Bible.

      Christianity was the fervently held religion of most whites from 1500-1900 when the white race expanded tremendously.

      The Crusades were an overtly Christian, white movement to destroy brown muslims.

      The Bible never says anywhere all races are equally talented, or that all races should mix. I know. I was a serious Christian from 1970-75 and read the Bible four times, which you clearly have not. A little humility and less dogmatism are in order.

      I do not hate Christianity, but I do hate atheism. If you are into Creativity, or atheism, sorry – this is the wrong place for you.

      I am creating a new faith which is Aryan, supernatural, and yet also very much about this world.

    • Yes, the yuppies sound like jews, but some narcissistic whites do adopt the jew mindset. I met many such people in Wash DC, Boston and New York, infected by all the jews around them.

  3. I think the way to go is for Whites with American citizenship to define themselves as members of an exclusively White nation, as opposed to members of a “mulitculture” living on American land. In short, I think the way to go is for Whites to pull together an then take the country back, the country of tradition, with its Bill of Rights and its original concept of government, as well as its traditional boundaries — and I don’t think you can “temporarily” give up freedom in order to establish it later, for once it’s lost it will be hard, even impossible to get it back.

  4. That’s a good point. But the military serves the nation, and free speech is not given up therein.

    Let me add, what we are up against is Marxism. It is class identity as opposed to racial-national identity that binds the opposition together, even though Antifa is largely led by upper-middle class Whites. But Marxist identity is an abstract identity, as opposed to a truly organic one, which is stronger.

  5. Thanks for publishing my comment and for the interesting statistics, and yes, African-Americans cannot be equated with Africans. That you’ re Bible-proof (bibelfest), I can imagine. Nevertheless, the Church as the official mediator of Christianity has long been propagating the equality of people and nations (even though this was never written in the Bible) because this is the NWO agenda.

    Atheism and creativity are grotesque theories, although the idiotic belief that the fantastic organization and at the same time the flexibility of the ingenious forms of life in nature (perfect functionality + perfect design + beauty) takes place on the “fittest”-selection of random mutations is itself again a remarkable mental achievement. The materialists also permanently contradict themselves when they assume that nature and genes have intentions (selfish genes etc.).

    Of course, original Christianity or the Bible and the Church cannot be equated, but the Church has for a long time relied on the principle of guilt and, as a mediator, shaped the contents of the faith. It gave no indications, no methods of a practical nature how to get in contact with the personal guardian angel, rather it deified itself: The priests let themselves be addressed with “Reverend” (from revere), in German with “Hochwürden”. Every person or clergyman with decency would immediately reject such an implicit self-humiliation of his interlocutor. Or the dressage of Catholics who believe in the Pope on the Pope: The mind is immediately blown away, even with otherwise critically thinking, highly intelligent people, when one speaks with them about the Pope. The communication wire to the personal guardian angel was not cultivated, although this would have been the central mission of the church, instead they deified themselves, the spiritual experiences altogether remained pure lip service.

    The prayers of men have certainly been effective in countless cases, because on the other hand, when you pray in faith, someone actually listens. But the church as a mediator of spirituality is at the end. After 2000 years not much is left, here and there still a little truth, but countless distortions in the Bible. Although I grew up baptized in the Protestant Church (church, religious education, etc.), I am aware that reading the Bible requires a parallel cultural study, that it takes several levels to understand the contents. However, even if I am not as Bible-solid (bibelfest) as you, I know intuitively that after 2000 years too many distortions or added falsifications have accumulated in the Bible, not to mention the system of the clergy.

    And I could give countless examples, at least for the German-speaking countries, of how church Christianity (apart from individual clergymen) is doing everything, really doing everything, to destroy the German people. Every crime against the German people of the past 100 years is glorified and justified, every anti-German lie is supported, everything possible is done to dissolve and destroy the rest of the German people. Church Christianity does everything, really everything, to destroy the white peoples of Europe, it promotes every measure of annihilation against the white peoples.

    Church Christianity, the official Christianity, has been a central part of the NWO for a long time to lead the white peoples of Europe into dissolution. Centuries of treatment with church Christianity have left the white peoples of Europe and the USA helpless and defenseless, made them ready for battle for the Islamic conquest, for the establishment of the (((NWO)).

    That is why this is such an exciting transition period in which we live: The established spiritual buildings of thought as well as the predominant form of (pseudo)science are all at the end in Europe and in the USA, the materialistic age has already passed its heyday, more and more spiritual breakthroughs are taking place. Humanity is now struggling to find new philosophical foundations, a new understanding of itself.

    • Excellent comment, and thank you.

      I had seen almost seemed like Christianity-bashing in your previous comment, but I see you do indeed have a balanced view.

      Like any good scam, Church-ianity contains a lot of truth. There is now way a religion can last for 2,000 years unless it does something for its faithful.

      The day will come when the churches, many of which are incredibly beautiful,

      and the gorgeous Christmas songs,

      O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles) at Westminster Abbey – 3,680,496 views

      ….and all else that is good in this religion (as Tolle says, Buddhists get a lot out of the real Jesus and his more mysterious sayings) is taken over into the new and true faith.

      Thomas Carlisle said this in his famous Heroes and Hero Worship, which I read twice in my last life (both as a teen and once again while down in the bunker in Berlin) and once in this one, finding an original edition in 2005 in a jewish-owned used-book store in very jewy Bethesda, Maryland, next to Washington DC. The jew with his fuzzy black hair had no idea of the book’s value or to whom he was selling it for $7!

      All that is good, true and useful for us now in Christianity and especially concerning the heroic Jesus (of the District of the Goyim, Galil ha Goyim) must be transferred forward, kept and honored!

  6. P.S. Correction: “ripe for slaughter” (ready to be slaughtered, schlachtreif): “[…] made them slaughter-ready for the Islamic conquest, […]”

  7. Hi . New to the site .

    Nice to see like-minded people like me searching for the truth and figuring out how to rid the (((parasite)))

    I have read many many books on these Subjects. I’m a staunch nationalist from Canada, and have a deep admiration for The Great One, Adolf Hitler

    Ever since I was a child around the age 13 reading about Ernst Zündel, I knew deep in my heart something was wrong about the entire story of Germany and its amazing people. So I started digging, and DIG I did …. learned what was in the Talmud; read Mein Kampf, followed David Irving, Zündel, read Benjamin Freedman books etc., etc.

    Here I am, 27 years later, seeing my country literally destroy itself. Family members pitted against one another, usually me the nationalist vs the pro LGBT-P/communist-crowd family members.



    • Great to hear from you, Canadian brother!

      Here in the UP of Michigan we are “accused” by the accent and the add-on saying of “eh?” of being ourselves Canadians. 😉

      We are indeed in a kind of end times, comrade.

      And the problem is spiritual. The facts are there for anyone to see. What is it that makes people be in denial even of survival-level truths?

      I am creating a new faith that is credible for Aryans in order to solve this gigantic problem, which is inside us. The jew only exploits the flaw that is there.

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