Trump banking on White Cuban & Hindu support to counter Jew-led, pro-Biden coalition of Mexicans, Blacks, LGBT militants & Muslims in swing states

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Some immmigrants loathe, others love Donald Trump.


  Unlikely and perhaps unwitting allies in our struggle against the Jew-led presidential coup

by contributing writer

François-Marie Arouet

10 Things You Should Know About Voltaire - HISTORY


America is changing, and as I am certain we all agree, tragically for the worse.

From her drastically shifting demographics, to crumbling values, to the erosion of her Constitution and the dismantling of our shared culture and history — our nation is being seized from us by our mortal enemies.

Texas, once a conservative stronghold will be Blue (Demoncrat) within a decade or so, experts predict.


It’s going Mexican.

The South, although still pretty solidly Red, is seeing waves of Jewish “Leo Frankesque Yankee” northerners and liberal DC Ring-rats slowly but surely exerting their influence in regional politics in Virginia, the Carolinas and beyond.

And we all know how Jews vote….

The Midwest and states like Minnesota in particular has seen an invasion of Somalis and Pakistanis-many of whom arrive as refugees and live off OUR money! All this while they plot our demise….

Ocasio-Cortez shares photo of new 'squad' on Capitol Hill | TheHill
Ilhan Omar perhaps tops 100 IQ; she’s a devious snake. The remainder have a combined 250 IQ at best.

Muslims have already blessed us with two of the loudest and crassest members of Congress — half the “Squad.” Rashida Talib, of Michigan by way of the West Bank (pictured second from right), and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, by way of Somalia (pictured first on left) are just the start of a frightening pattern emerging across the US Midwest.

This is why Republicans are courting two specific groups this election year:

–White Cubans, and

–conservative anti-Muslim Hindus (and Sikhs, though in lesser numbers).

Although Mexicans and Puerto Ricans like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (above right) typically vote Democrat – in spite of their Catholic upbringing – Cubans as a voting block, on average, support the Grand Old Party (GOP) because of the Republican’s historic stance of being tough on the Castro regime and the appearance of being hostile to Communism.

Donald Trump registered his trademark in Cuba | Miami Herald

There are, in fact, several influential Cuban senators, most notably, Ted Cruz – who has been a solid supporter of Donald Trump and an ardent ally in the fight against Big Tech – as well as Marco Rubio, at the fore of the party.

Cruz, very popular in the Cuban-American community, has been one of the only senators calling for direct action against Big Tech, calling out censorship and fighting for conservative bloggers and content creators on the floor of the Capitol. He has earned a lot of fans with his seemingly genuine efforts.

In fact, Ted Cruz has been one of the lone voices in the Senate demanding regulation of Big Tech, attacking them relentlessly across the media, and on his site during the run-up to the election.

Cruz, by endorsing Trump and perhaps campaigning for him in Florida online or in person — or at least getting the word out in the Cuban community that Trump is the last man between us and Bolshevism — could do wonders in November.  

Although Hindus have traditionally supported Democrats in presidential elections by a 60/40 spit, they are now overwhelmingly supporting conservative candidates, partially due to:

— the view that President Trump and the GOP are hostile to Muslims,

–Trump’s decision to support India instead of cozying up to Pakistan like his predecessor, and

–President Trump’s conspicuously Hindu-sympathetic posturing.

The fact there are between 4 and 5 million Hindus and Sikhs living in the US – many of whom live in states like Virginia, Florida, Pennsylvania and the Carolinas – only increase their importance.

      Left wing NPR acknowledging Hindus are voting for Trump and Jew host Scott Simon is NONE too pleased 🙂        

Former Governor of Louisiana, Bobby “Piyush” Jindal, and Nikki Haley, in spite of her being more of a shill for Israel than remotely supportive of her native India, are the Republican Party’s most well recognisable Indian Americans.

In 2017, Haley, who is one of  the Republican Party’s most powerful members, and probably its most powerful woman, became the first-ever Indian-American in any presidential cabinet. Although President Trump was no doubt doing a bit of diversity packing, appointing Haley was in fact an attempt to energize the GOP’s Indian American growing base.

UN Ambassador Nikki Haley Resigns, Hurricane Michael Storm Alert + 4 Other HOT News To Know About World (WED)

Then there’s Iraq War veteran and former Democrat Presidential contender, Tulsi Gabbard – a predominantly white (her mother is white, father Polynesian and white) Hindu nationalist married to an Indian American who is utterly reviled by her own Party, but extremely popular with Hindus.

People might recall that Gabbard, who vehemently opposes wars for Israel and has some pretty conservative views on homosexuality, single-handedly ended Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign by exposing her for the fraud she is.

Although Gabbard is still a Democrat, it is safe to  say at this juncture, her days with Dems are about over. The abuse she has taken from Hillary Clinton and establishment Democrats was, in fact, pretty appalling.

Gabbard is extremely popular with both conservatives and Indian Americans, a regular contributor on Fox News, and, I believe, could very well be a rising star in the Republican Party if she ever made the move. There’s also talk she could be offered a position in Trump’s cabinet if he is victorious.

Hindus supportive of Gabbard much prefer Trump to Biden and Harris.

Tulsi Gabbard - Wikipedia

Despite Democrat VP candidate, Kamala Harris, being apparently half Indian as well, most Hindus I’ve spoken to view her unfavourably. They see her as black, because of how much she plays up her almost non-existent black side, and certainly NOT Indian.

She’s “two rungs below the Dalit, three below the Muslim and only slightly better than a Paki”, I was told by an Indian friend of mine who identifies as pro-White. He concluded by saying he would vote for Trump in November, and was personally hoping Trump will find a place in his cabinet for Tulsi Gabbard if re-elected.

Hindus For Trump - Home | Facebook

So what distinguishes white Cubans and Hindus/Sikhs from Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Pakistanis and Muslim Indians?

Firstly, the vast majority of the Cubans arriving on our shores, initially in electorally crucial South Florida, are white.

2016 Highlighted the Growing Complexity of the Cuban-American Vote | Op-Ed | US News

Like this nation’s white immigrants of the 17th, 18th, and 19th century, white Caucasian Cubans of Spanish origin (Spain is,  of course, a European nation) arrived in America in order to better their lives through hard work and escape, often on homemade rafts and planks of wood, from the marxist ideology which the Bolshevik Left is pushing now.

They had and have no interest in taking over our country, changing our language, or pushing their culture and ideology on anyone.

They’re a people able to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and those who want to earn a living with as little bother from State interference aspossible typically support Republican candidates.

White Cubans fit into this category perfectly and as such, have become part of the fabric of America.

Even Afro-Cubans are beginning to support right-wing candidates and stand with their white countrymen. Cubans hatred of the Left is based on experience and a genuine fear — something we should all have at this juncture….

Proud Boys
Proud Boys leader and Afro-Cuban, Enrique Terrio, was a key figure in countering Antifa in Portland. I count him as an genuinely ally and patriot. We need to support his efforts all this week in Portland as his org is going to be out in support of our President and actively defending our right to speak and protest freely….

Mexicans, on the other hand – the vast majority of whom are Mestizo or totally non-white – have a very different agenda. They want to push their language in our schools, and change this country demographically. They want to spew hatred against the men who built this nation, while demanding we let them in. As they are typically from low IQ backgrounds, they care little about success, education and bettering their lives.

And many “La Raza” militants want Mexico to take back states it lost in two wars with the U.S. 170+ years ago: Texas, California,  etc.

For them it’s about turning our country into the kind of the shithole (Trump’s word) that they left! Complete with Cinco di Mayo celebrations, gangland shootouts and taco stands on every corner!

Like Cubans, Hindus and Sikhs have no interest in seeing we pray to their god(s) or see us dancing to Bollywood tunes anytime soon. Nor do they want to topple our statues or burn our flag, in spite of how they’ve been marginalized for generations by the American establishment — whichpeople who work hard and keep quiet typically are.

(You don’t see Indians represented in affirmative action campaigns. They are discriminated against by top  universities, and they are demeaned relentlessly by the Leftist Jewish media.)

They just want to get on in life and do as much as they can for their kith and kin. They, like Cubans, also support Right leaning politicians. Like Cubans, they arrived with skills, solid IQs and a desire to fulfil the American dream.

Although we should never support non-white immigration – any immigration, apart from white South African refugee applicants perhaps, at this juncture in history – Trump is right.

If we are to let people in, we should be doing so via the EB-3 visa process – which brings in needed skills (doctors, engineers etc), and workers who are more likely to vote in politicians that support and respect hard work, value property, believe in gun rights, and uphold the US constitution.

Medical and RMO Jobs UK: Indian doctors invited to work in the UK
EB-3 is a visa preference category for United States employment-based permanent residency. It is intended for “skilled workers”, “professionals”, and “other workers”

Compare this to the manner in which Ilhan Omar’s people (refugees) and AOC’s kin (as migrants) arrived on our shores.

And just as Cubans have a genuine reason for fearing Bolshevism, Indians have 500 years of experience dealing with bloodthirsty Muslims. This is why they elected Modi in India and why they support President Trump on our shores.

“Howdy Modi” event hosted by President Trump and Indian Prime Minister Modi in Texas in front of 100k Hindu supporters and EB-3 Visa holders

Although Muslims are often more traditionally conservative (Stone Age-styled conservatism) than other ethnic groups, they have an entirely different agenda – one that cares nought for preserving tradition, only about seizing power.

So they align themselves seamlessly with the demonic Talmudic Bolshevik cabal that is hell-bent on destroying the West from the inside.

They typically arrive in as refugees and migrants etc. Due to inbreeding and resultant low IQs compared to Hindus, (especially high-caste Brahmins and Kshatriyas), Muslims rarely enter using the EB-3 visa process. 

And like the Mexicans, Muslims want to see to it that WE change our way of life FOR THEM.  They demand WE change our laws to suit their religion. They want to impose THEIR values and beliefs on us, the native-born people, and know that they can only do so if they support the party that aligns itself with all groups looking to subvert traditional, Anglo-Saxon, white, Christian culture (not to be confused with the Jew-coined scam of “Judeo-Christian” culture).

Both groups, Muslims and Mexicans, join a party spearheaded by the group that has been subverting the White world for millennia.

If you can't see antisemitism, it's time to open your eyes | Race | The Guardian
Mural commissioned by the city of London, and subsequently banned by London once they realized what it was saying

The Jews…

Mexicans, Puerto Ricans and other mestizo people want to dominate us both demographically and physically.

Just as rats, cockroaches and ants rule by sheer numbers, they know their power can only be realised when they outnumber us on the streets and at the ballot box — something Democrat politicians are banking on as well in forthcoming elections.

They are active in the anarchist movement terrorizing the US, and their gangs are capitalising on the Left’s push for open borders, attacks on law and order and the dismantling of ICE  [Immigration and Customs Enforcement].

We'll disappear you': Mexican protesters recount terror of police abduction | World news | The Guardian

Muslims have a slightly different plan.

They want to dominate us using pressure groups and legalistically.

Islamists want to rewrite our laws (Sharia) so that they can grow their evil religion on our soil, weaponizing our Constitution against us in order to promote their religion.

Although Muslims rule their homelands via the scimitar, they know they’ll never be able to draw enough blades to take out a population wielding upwards of one billion firearms!

Photo appears to show Croatian beheaded by Egypt's Islamic State affiliate - Los Angeles Times

So they will use the ballot box, our laws. and their financial influence to further their aims (with Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich nations continuing to fund the Council on Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Islamic Brotherhood to the tune of billions of dollars annually in order to push Sharia law on our soil).

Both groups have taken their strategies from their Jewish masters — and both are succeeding.

Within a few election cycles the Mexican vote (legal and illegal) will be courted as the Black vote is now. We are already seeing the beginning of this in places like Texas, where trust-fund baby and phony Mexican Beto O’Rourke almost beat out an actual Hispanic, Senator Ted Cruz, in a hotly contested race for a seat in the US Senate, by offering Mexicans free everything and misrepresenting who he really is!

In forthcoming elections, Muslims will be pandered to and their extremist ideology protected, just as the elitist LGBT bloc (most of whom are Jews) and their abhorrent lifestyle are kissed up to today. : Large Flag Gay Pride Flag of Israel Flag Gay Pride Flag Variant Used in Israel Flag Outdoor Flag Flying Flag 3x5ft Banner : Garden & Outdoor.

Although there are conspicuously pro-Israeli members of the press who do push anti-Islamic rhetoric in order to push us into fighting wars for Israel, the Jews are recognising fast that one can hate Muslims on Jewish soil (Israel) while cozying up to them on ours.

You even hear Muslim Leftists like Sadiq Khan (current moronic Mayor of London) and the aforementioned Ilhan Omar championing the Gay agenda (as well as vociferously opposing Antisemitism) in our homelands, when you know full well that these two extremist Islamists, who OPENLY support Islamist terror and Sharia law in the West, are lying through their bloody teeth and would be first in line to stone these deviants to smithereens in their homelands given the chance.

Thread by @cjtruth: "Reminder: Mayor of London Sadiq Khan was a lawyer for a 9/11 terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui Sorry, your brow […]" #London #MayorOfLondon #terrorism #FakeNews

Think their (Jewish and Muslim) practices of ritual circumcision/genital mutilation and Kosher/Halal slaughter as well as their shared desire to rule over us with an iron fist!

It’s a match made in hell….

Jewish and Muslim leaders unite ahead of hearing into Belgian kosher-halal ban - ShiaWaves English

…and a strategy born in the minds of our mortal enemies….





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