• Ho avuto un terribile mal di testa prima che Mario si ammalasse.Sembrava influenza,ma non ho avuto la febbre a differenza sua.Mario ora sembra guarito…io invece,sono debole,continuo a sudare senza una spiegazione logica.Quel mal di testa feroce,tutto sulla parte Destra poi, perché mi faceva male l’occhio destro.
      Ora ci sto pensando.Mi sento strana,come se stessi dormendo da sveglia,non ho le forze di prima e non riesco a concentrarmi,non riesco a provare rabbia, né odio(anche se ho pianto senza un motivo).
      Sono resettata…
      Mi è successo qualcosa,me lo sento.

      • L’unica cosa che mi fa realmente scattare è ROTHSCHILD,ora parla anche lui ma del cambiamento climatico:
        “Corona è stata solo una distrazione(Una distrazione!)dice lui,anche un Bambino di 6anni conosce il problema del cambiamento climatico!”
        La sua presenza mi irrita.
        Le sue parole,il suo modo di parlare,il suo modo di guardare le persone…sempre dal basso.
        Come fa Dio a sopportare questo Essere?!

      • Forse ho capito 🙂 🙂
        Ho avuto tutti i sintomi dell’ascensione… compreso il pianto.
        Devo imparare a conviverci 🙂
        Ci sono persone che con questi sintomi hanno iniziato a vedere gli esseri di luce..a comunicare con loro.
        Mi sento strana,come se fossi ubriaca.
        Forse in questi due anni non me ne sono accorta,erano sintomi molto lievi.Questa volta invece….
        Spero di non sbagliarmi…
        Forse siamo stati colpiti tutti,compreso Matteo che mi ha detto che aveva la testa che gli girava.
        La febbre di Mario è durata solo un giorno,poi è sparita completamente.

        • Ora posso dirti che anche la vaccinazione ha questi sintomi:mal di testa, febbre,dolori articolari(io ho avuto un forte dolore alla schiena).
          Me lo ha riferito mia madre quando si è vaccinata.
          Ma qui non si tratta di una salita “evolutiva”…semmai il contrario 🙁
          La vaccinazione va a toccare tutti i chakra,caspita non ci avevo pensato.
          O mio Dio.

    • Yes, but all narcissists sell out.

      Now he and I are mortal enemies, as we were in other lives in 1941-45.

      I have let him totally wimp out from January 2021 on, not mobilizing his 80 million voters and 14 million veterans as Commander-in-Chief to physically overthrow the blatant Stealection.

      Now he has devolved totally into just another “kiss-ass,” which is a euphemism for what the graphic Spanish expression “la boca negra” really means.

      Whores charge a ton extra for doing “la boca negra,” as a Marine who had been to Thailand told me. $100 for that in 1960s money!

      Well, our hero Trumpy does it for free.
      And for no payment at all. And no gratitude, eithet.

      And how can he ever be forgiven by us for the goy-genociding, jew-created, Covid fake vaccine?

      Or pardoned for “making nice” with the jews who did 9/11?

      Trump, as a New York skyscraper-builder himself, personally knows the monster Larry Silverstein, and Trump is also friends with Benjamin Netanyahu, who in turn is extremely close to Silverstein!

      Netanyahu and Silverstein, in fact, talk every Sunday by phone, or at least they did for years. Both are Likudniks, that is, hardcore jewish supremacists.

      A key Likudnik was Israeli PM Ariel Sharon:

      Trump knows damn well, as likely does the then-mayor of NYC, Rudolf Giuliani, that the WTC was not destroyed by those two planes.


      As Patton in his last life, Trumpatton knew damn well that the Germans were at heart a good and great people, and that the jews, who comtrolled Eisenhower and much of the media, were vile human turds:


      And yet there Trump goes, doing “la boca negra,” or as the French would drastically say, being a lèche-cul, to this reeking, two-legged filth who shit in all our faces and who murdered 3,000 Americans on September 11.

      Among them were not just business pussies and office workers, but hundreds of herouc white police officers and firemen who had gone into those actively burning twin towers to rescue others at the screaming risk of their own lives.

      And you are pals with those who, you know, murdered them, Donald.

      And the jews even murdered you yourself in a US Army hospital in yout last life, too!

      AND your buddy JFK, Junior!

      And his outstanding and dynamic dad!

      And they voted 75% against you in November 2020!

      And, just as bad as the above, to please the jew neo-cons, all Russia-haters, you kicked Russia’s Vladimir Putin in the teeth who had spent ten straight years trying to be friends with America!

      A man with 6,000 hydrogen bombs you alienated, and drove into the arms of China! You actually got a white, conservative, Western-leaning, Christian Russia

      Miscow cops round up Gay-Pride militants aftet a prohibited parade:

      into the embrace of the atheistic, communistic yellow-raced dragon!

      Quite a historic achievement… Now, together, they can defeat us in every way.

      In the end, there could be Red-Chinese troops on the streets of America.

      How low can a once proud man sink?

      Donald Trump is demonstrating just how low .

      He is now, in fact, the jews’ “bottom.”

      In another life in pagan Rome, as I recall with disgust, there were some men who were even skilled soldiers but in their private lives they liked strange and “bi” sex. (When Christianity came along, this gross activity, thankfully, was outlawed.)

      But no true man in pagan Rome would ever be a “bottom.” That submissiveness was only for male homosexuals and certain cowardly slaves. In Rome, even a bisexual who wishwd ro stay resoected by other men would have to be a “top.”

      Never a btottom….

      Horrible scene from the movie “Deliverance”

      Donald, now even you, Mr Swagger, have become a “bottom,” submitting cravenly to the very jews who hate and despise you.

      And even worse than that. Look at yourself, crawling back to your enemies for more punishment.You are truly la-boca-negring them now.

      How does it taste to lick a jew’s anus?

      Soon you and I will have it out, you craven traitor.

      You are now officially a menace to America.

      How the mighty have fallen…..

      In the end, as history shows, only a national socialist will keep on fighting. Everyone else hoists the white flag and surrenders — to jew psychopaths who know no mercy to their prisoners!

      Now there is your egoic mind on raw dispay — surrendering to wild beasts who 100% will degrade, humiliate and torture you so fiendishly that you will wish you had fought them to the death.

      Victory or death must be our motto.

      And Judaea delenda est.

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