Trump — get ruthless NOW!

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The total puppet on the right, who ACTS all obsequious, would become president if Trump is assassinated.

(I agree with Jim Stone, and this is why I deleted, after repeated warnings. 16 vicious, knee-jerk, mindless, keyboard-commando Trump bashers — the media is STILL going INSANE AGAINST TRUMP, weeks after the Syrian missile strike, and so EXPLAIN WHY — IF HE IS “THEIR GUY”?)

“The Syrian air base attack was Trump’s only significant mistake, and then, even with that mistake, the airbase was warned ahead of time to evacuate people. Everything else was forced on him, including Kushner. He deserves the benefit of the doubt, OBVIOUSLY if the Washington Post is working so hard to destroy him, he is OUR president, not an enemy hack. Pray for his safety now that he is draining the swamp, I know I will.”– Jim Stone.

[I will add that Trump has to fear being ASSASSINATED, while his bashers sit there in utter safety and castigate him.]

John de Nugent

John de Nugent I will repeat what I said before: President Trump, you have no choice. Do a false-flag attack, ruthless, yes, but exactly as your enemies have done for generations now (see the USS Maine in Havana harbor back in 1898!!), and declare martial law, then EXECUTE THE SWAMP. You must get THEM before they get YOU!



John de Nugent
John de Nugent …and kill us white nationalists who supported you!
Carl Valentine
Carl Valentine First we will go to reeducation camps and then they will kill those who are like us. 
Arthur Bentley
Arthur Bentley I have to agree with you. The Deep State is still gunning for him despite his action on Syria. I think the CIA have worked out that to get Trump to wag his tale and bark at their command, they first need to pile the pressure on him, by calling him a Russian agent etc.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent As I said to a fellow Trump supporter yesterday, the CIA will be happy with Trump only when he literally nukes Russia. I am not joking. He has to start WWIII to keep them happy. Of course, then we all DIE!
Carl Valentine
Carl Valentine Jim Stone is great, one of my daily ‘go to’ sites.

· Reply · 2 hrs


John de Nugent

John de Nugent The SAME sort of people viciously slandered Rockwell in the 1960s: “Rockwell is a Jew or he works for the Jews.” And when the man was assassinated, did they ever apologize??????




John de Nugent
John de Nugent Never forget this: only 1/3 of criticism is sincere — and 1/3rd is just envy (envy of any man with balls who becomes famous for actually DOING something in a world of talkers), and the final 1/3 is simply government agents, FBI & CIA, trained disinfo agents who are paid to talk shit.

· Reply · 5 mins · Edited


Constantin Von Hoffmeister
Constantin Von Hoffmeister Trump hasn’t really done anything yet.


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Not much, agreed. He has been stymied by the media, the Deep State (leaking his every conversation to enemy newspapers) and his own party. Also, the country is half non-white.


Constantin Von Hoffmeister
Constantin Von Hoffmeister Or maybe he simply doesn’t care about anything except his own ego.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent His greatest achievement has been to not-be-Hillary.  She would be gutting the First and Second Amendments right now and ramping up for war with Russia.


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Constantin Von Hoffmeister Yes, he has a very big ego. But so do most great leaders.


Constantin Von Hoffmeister
Constantin Von Hoffmeister We’ll see. I’m not getting my hopes up. He’s broken too many campaign promises already.

· Reply ·


· 6 mins

John de Nugent

John de Nugent Constantin Von Hoffmeister I saw a clip of US senator (((Chuck Schumer))), back in January, warning Trump not to cross the intelligence community. It was absolutely sinister, gloating, and menacing.…/article/2610823


  1. I don’t see why you think Trump doing a false flag, against a government that has done countless and a media that has personally assisted in selling them, when there’s zero chance of it not being instantly debunked by this same media that obviously has more than enough experience in knowing what a false flag is when they made one. Not to mention, your thoughts on false flags being not a good thing in principle as giant lies seem to immediately vanish when it’s someone else doing them.

  2. Forget false-flag à la 9/11. I do not mean that paradigm.

    I mean a false flag and then instant emergency presidential rule with elite troops arresting media, medical, political, financial and pedophile VIPs. A presidential coup d’état.

    The president then suspends the Constitution and Bill of Rights, just as Lincoln actually did to some extent in 1861, rounding up pro-South newspaper editors (for “sedition”) and sending federal troops to surround the Maryland State House so Md. would not vote to secede.

  3. Nuke Israel first, Donald. Then ound up all Jews and make sure they cannot do any more harm, not now and never again. Always remember, Heaven on Earth is a world without Jews.

  4. I noticed when Trump struck the Syrian airport with missiles, the Jews were happy, the media stopped harping on the Russia election tampering. Trump must have done something to irritate them because they have started pushing the Russia tampering with election thing again.
    A surprising and unexpected development is the State Department appointing a special prosecutor to look into the Russian tampering affair!
    Our eternal enemy never rests!

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