1. Holy shit, John, this is fucking crazy. I think they are using a body double for Clinton. She may be dead or they may have her in some hospital. I don’t know, but it was pointed out on a couple of articles in Rense.com. I was looking at dozens of images of photographs yesterday’s “post-9/11 presentation” and ones previous to that.

    Check out this one from yesterday: https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=631&q=hillary+clinton+after+9%2F11+evant&oq=hillary+clinton+after+9%2F11+evant&gs_l=img.3…2055.8541.0.9212.….0…1ac.1.64.img..0.22.1006…0.CiNsrvfkcV4#imgrc=Ofa4Kzvil_wswM%3A

    And then this not so recent one: https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=631&q=hillary+clinton&oq=hillary+clinton&gs_l=img.3..0l10.1861.5360.0.6406.….0…1ac.1.64.img..0.15.631.bRs5CVEMvHE#imgrc=KAX-VyjK6DEXqM%3A

    Hillary’s forehead is fuller, nose is less swollen, philtrum less defined, and the big one, the lines around her chin wrap around to meet the line of her cleft, whereas with the double they trail off toward the neck. Also the forehead is less smooth. The cranium above the eyes has more of a ledge as it goes back toward the top of the skull. Can it really be? –Perhaps!– Could 9/11/2001 and all that has happened since really be?

    Please reply to my comment, John, and let me know what you think.

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