Trump has at least stopped the overt persecution of my work

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I must say this, that for all my, and our, common disappointment with Trump (over his anti-Russian and pro-Israeli stuff he has done under duress), at least I can say this — the eight years of harassment and pure hell I experienced as a WN activist under Obama (where I and Margi finally lost almost EVERYTHING in 2014), did end when Trump came in.

John de Nugent We came up here in 2014 with only what we could stuff in this 20-year-old car. I drove 18 hours, almost straight, because we could not afford one night at a motel.…/jdn-sept-13-2014-mackinac…Manage
You notice how you canot see the back window. It was crammed to the ceiling with whatever we could take with us. We had no money to put anything in storage.
 After 18 hours of driving, and with a torn contact lens in my left eye…/jdn-tired-sept-13-2014-after…Manage
Among other atrocities, Obama had a staffer call from the WH switchboard and,with the Caller ID saying “WHITE HOUSE SW,” directly threaten me on 23 November 2015, which is a distinction I bear alone among WN activists:…/8700-visits-so-far-tonight…/Manage
After President Vladimir Putin used my website on September 11, 2016 to send candidate Donald Trump a direct message about the danger of assassination by the Khazars….…/putin-uses-my-site-to-warn…/
John de Nugent ..the Obama FBI then repeatedly sought to “talk ” with me…… and YouTube just made this video the subject of a “warning” — it is just the sheriff himself leaving me a message!Manage
John de Nugent Here is the video, hosted on my own site via your donations (which have fallen off a cliff during the last month , a video which both Keepvid and Freemake refuse to download:


…..Who is John de Nugent? If he is such a “nut” as Duke, Black, Taylor, Linder and fem-boy Spenther say (and that what the Jews said about Hitler too, during his rise to power, and actually ever since), then why are they so afraid of him — or at least of his potential?

“WN biography of JdN

WHITE NATIONIST Biography of John de Nugent

“Who really was and is JdN?

Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924

  I dyed it black so you get it. My goal the last time was a worker-and-farmer movement, with even a communist-like red flag, and a party with the name “socialist workers” in it, so I had to look average myself, and like a working-class man. 

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