Trump, heed the Van Rensburg prophecy that foretold YOU in 1917– seek no further escalation with Iran!

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© Frederico Gambarini / dpa A large screen in Tokyo shows on the night of Wednesday on the reports of the Iranian missile attacks by US President Donald Trump and Iran’s top leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

I agree with the news analysis below by MSN News (German version, which I translated quickly for this website — and pray that Trump will heed the signs that Iran does not want a further escalation.

In the meantime, I have to move faster than ever to establish my own genuine power base. Right now, I am, for Trump, just a major White nationalist with a small but very elite following (among them many college-educated donors, such as dentists, doctors, chiropractors, former military officers and other  veterans), and someone that Russian president Vladimir Putin used to warn him about assassination by Jews on September 11, 2016.

Trump also knows I had contacted him in the spring of that election year of 2016 via four different close-in channels with my clear message that we white nationalists fervently desired that he beat Hillary. I even offered to denounce him as soft on the Jews in order, ironically, to help him avoid their ire.

I always saw Trump without any illusions as only this, a man who understood where we WNs “are coming from,” who understands white suffering and our real fears about gradual genocide, and I saw him as a president who would buy us another four or eight years time in order to get a new NS movement going in our time, a religious form of national socialism that will enable us to sacrifice our lives in the absolute certainty that our souls are immortal and we must lay out lives down to avoid genocide and achieve the beginnings of eventual victory, even if it takes 25 generations.

I would add more to this article but we are going this morning to a very important appointment with Margi’s local oncologist to assess her progress since she completed her treatments at the Mayo Clinic.


Washington / Baghdad. Iran retaliated at night with rocket attacks for General Soleimani, who was killed in a US attack. But the attack was apparently so dosed that escalation could be avoided.

It came as to be feared and expected: Immediately after the multi-day funeral for the Iranian top general Kassem Soleimani, who was killed by a US drone, Iran has followed the announced revenge. In the night of Wednesday, the Iranian army attacked two internationally used military bases in Iraq with two successive volleys of ballistic missiles, on which US soldiers are also stationed.

What exactly happened?

According to reports from Washington, Tehran and Baghdad, more than a dozen missiles were launched. According to Iranian data, 15 missiles were used, none of which were intercepted. The Iraqi military said that a total of 22 missiles had been launched on Iraqi territory, 17 on the Al-Assad airbase near Baghdad and five on a base near Erbil in the Kurdish region in northern Iraq.

As far as the effects of the attacks are concerned, the data are blatantly divergent. In the early morning, Iranian state television reported that 80 people had been killed in the rocket bombardment. The station spoke of “American terrorists” who were killed. In addition, helicopters and other US military equipment were badly damaged. Iranian spiritual and state leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei later spoke up. The previous night was a “blow to the Face of the United States, he says. The US troops would have to leave the region. “The United States is the enemy of Iran.” In contrast, US President Donald Trump was initially cautious. The situation was still being explored, he tweeted, but already gave something of the all-clear: “Everything is good!”

Other countries, including Germany, Poland, Denmark and Norway, also reported during the morning that there were no victims among the soldiers they had deployed to Iraq as part of their international operations against the Islamic State. The Iraqi Ministry of Defense informed that domestic troops were also not harmed.

How much damage did Iran really want to do?

A massive rocket attack and no victims? If this is actually confirmed, it is suspected that the Iranians deliberately missed. It seems inconceivable that the Iranian military, which last demonstrated its capabilities in September at ultra-precise fire at Saudi oil facilities, could fail in such an important attack.

*** High accuracy of Iran’s self-developed missiles

Outstanding, accurate missiles have been designed and built by the Iranians themselves, who are very consciously part-Aryan, not pure Arabic. (“Iran” means “Land of Aryans”) They absolutely can do vast damage to US forces in any war, and have defeated the Patriot missile dome which the US set up at staggering expense for the Saudis.



In the US news programs, some experts promptly speculated that the missiles may have been intentionally programmed by the Iranians to not hit Americans. Government officials said that the attacks apparently only affected areas of the bases in which no US soldiers were stationed. In addition, there were initially unconfirmed reports in Iraq that the soldiers at the targeted locations had been warned of the fire and could thus get to safety in bunkers in good time.

It would then be an official retaliation attack by the Iranian armed forces, but the consequences would remain well below the threshold of measures which would inevitably provoke an American counter-attack. As long as no American blood has been spilled, Donald Trump should not be forced to order attacks on Iran as he had previously threatened. In Washington, the night-time missile attack could even be interpreted as a carefully metered reaction to Soleimani’s death, but it should be understood as a signal that Iran does not want any further military de-escalation.

How is Donald Trump doing now?

Trump, as he has shown in recent months, has no interest in a war with Iran that would be more than unpopular among his supporters. There was no military reaction to the shelling of the Saudi oil fields as well as to the shooting down of a US drone by the Iranian army in June. The president called off a supposedly prepared counter-attack on Iranian military facilities at the last minute. Basically, Trump now even has the golden opportunity to emerge victorious from the recent showdown with Iran. If he manages to avoid military escalation, he doesn’t have to go to the presidential campaign under the strain of a new war. At the same time, he could be celebrated by his base for showing strength against Iran, unlike his predecessor Barack Obama, to put the Mullah regime in its place.

What’s next now?

However, the script of the conflict is not written in the White House alone. It is quite possible that Iran will continue to attack. The missile attacks on targets in Iraq were only the first step, a commander of the Revolutionary Guard said on Iranian television. Iran would not spare the Americans. It should not be overlooked that Trump’s counterpart Khamenei is under enormous pressure from Soleimani’s numerous admirers to avenge the death of their idol. If the Iranian leadership does not succeed in doing this, observers do not consider it impossible that the Revolutionary Guards may spontaneously retaliate against US institutions in the region.

Does the plane crash near Tehran on Wednesday morning have anything to do with the military escalation?

This cannot be assumed. Both Iran and Ukraine speak of a technical defect as the cause.



  1. Anche io sono molto preoccupata; Mi sono detta: “Dai Trump non fare lo stronzo megalomane!” Il sole brilla nel cielo..emana tanto calore.Ci basta.

    Stamattina ti ho spedito il,se cadesse in testa a quel capoccione di Trump!
    Diventerebbe un’arma di distrazione,uno STOP a quei furfanti Nasoni.Direbbe:”Dovrei cambiare tutta la Storia, accidenti!

    Non posso fare gli stessi errori di Gesso Florio e di Pilato!!”Devo cambiare il Destino dell’umanità…costi quel che costi! Questa Ripetizione è Diabolica!

    Cosa ci guadagno?! Ecco..Poi entri in scena tu, convincilo, sussurra al suo orecchio destro paroline dolci, perché il Diavolo lo tira da quello Sinistro,un Ronzio fastidioso!

    Chissà se questo pacco potrà cambiare davvero qualcosa.

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