Trump, join the long, long list of Jew-defamed patriots

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Umm, somewhat true in our times, but I cannot agree with “never before.”

Putin in Russia, Assad in Syria, Verwoerd in apartheid South Africa, and Hitler in Germany have all been ridiculously defamed, reviled and slandered.

It is the Big Jews in the Media and Money world, Manipulating the Mentally and Morally Mediocre Masses, who have been behind the defamatory attacks and attempts at regime change which have been instigated against all these brave and good men.

One could add Colonel Kaddafi in Libya to this list, who for all his eccentricities was a very good ruler in Libya, sharing the oil wealth very generously with his people and preserving unity in a typical Arab country that was and still is full of violently feuding clans and ferocious intra-islamic religious conflicts — Sunnis versus Shiites.

Also, Kaddafi was cooperating with the United States on the migrant issue and many other things when the Jewnited Snakes and the closet-Jew president of France, Nicolas Sarkozy — who had taken money illegally from Kaddafi for his election — had him horribly murdered with a bayonet shoved up his rectum. LIBYA HAS BEEN IN UTTER CHAOS EVER SINCE HIS DEATH.

One could also add Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, who was slandered during WWI with invented atrocity stories in the Jewspapers in America, England, Canada and Australia as having his troops rape Belgian nuns, crucify Canadian POWs, and chop Belgian babies’ hands off!

WWI recruiting poster: Germans as gorillas raping bare-breasted Blondes. You wonder why we abolished “democracy”?

What proves “democracy” is just absolutely unfeasible is that one third of all Americans themselves who swallowed these libels or said nothing were themselves of German blood.

During WWI, America was full of German immigrants “off the boat,” right from Germany, and usually model citizens, or it was their mother or grandmother.

That is also where hot dogs, cole slaw, Heinz ketchup, Anheuser-Busch beer (as in “Budweiser,” the number-one American beer brand for generations), car engines (Daimler and Benz), aspirin (and later television, contact lenses, computers, jets, rockets, and autobahns — “interstate highways” — etc., etc., etc., came from — from Germans or from German immigrants in America! And suddenly,the facts be damned, German blood was all evil and tainted!……


How on earth could the “demos” (Ancient Greek for “the common people”) as in the word demokratia, “democracy,” i.e., the “rule of the masses,” ever believe this utter crap when Germans are among the best and kindest immigrants anywhere and often liberal to a fault?


“We gotta get them krauts (even though,we, my grandmother who loved me was from Hamburg)”

The two most German-settled major states in America, Wisconsin and Minnesota, are FULL of libtard German-Americans who vote Democrat and would never hurt a fly!
How could the masses believe this garbage???? Does a mere spiked helmet….


….or a harsh accent (German does have a pretty rough sound, kinda like Klingon 😉 ) make this awful slander against a great people in any way really plausible?
But — on the demos it worked!
German SS female guards hanged in front of Polish mobs — the drop, off the back of a TRUCK, was not enough EVER to break their necks, which at least would have ensured a quick death. No, they had to swing, convulse, kick in the air for a minute or more and die slowly in agony for non-existent crimes BECAUSE THEY WERE GERMAN.

Pretty German nurse from Dresden during WWI; she was killed in the February 1945 fire bombing; I know her granddaughter, who sent me this photo in 2014 via Skype

So Donald Trump is hardly the first leader the Jews have viciously slandered!

And when you see him kissing the Israelis’ butts today, or that of the Saudis, their allies, and bullying their enemy, Iran….

…..remember what pressure he is under from them on a daily basis,

Now this guy tried to stand up to Israel — over its project to illegally acquire nuclear weapons….

All you juvenile Trump-bashers, brand this image into your mind before you condemn Trump for playing ball with the jews..

And what a nightmare we would be in right now had he not defeated the Witch-Bitch Killary Clinton in November 2016!

Killary — a supposed feminist — while a defense lawyer working on her very first case, got a vicious, sadistic child rapist “off” for time served — a month — by, IMO, arranging for lab evidence to be destroyed — semen-stained panties!!!! — after he had raped an 11-y/o girl, Kathy Shelton, so horribly that she was a bloody mess and then was never able to have children as an adult.

This is a truly heart-rending and outrageous story (an October 2016 article I wrote):

Final debate tonight: Go, Trump! and Kathy Shelton on what Hillary did to her as a rape victim

…..My relationship, long ago, then again in 2016, and now to Donald Trump

I have blogged on this several dozen times, and just use the internal search engine on my $250-a-month website to research it, or see the supporting link (“Most important blogs”) below, but here is a recap:

  1. Reincarnation is a real, established, scientific and medical fact
  2. Donald Trump WAS General George Patton, the  dynamic, vain, swaggering, impulsive, outspoken, aggressive, self-promoting WWII general (and reincarnation buff) who woke up after Germany’s defeat that the Jews and the bolsheviks, not the Germans, were America’s real enemy
  3. I was in WWII also in my last life, as Hitler
  4. When we both were gone — the Jews murdered the now fiercely antisemitic Patton in Decmber 1945 via an “accident,” which failed to kill him, so an air bubble was injected into his veins to stop his heart — I was able to see him, but the conversation did not go well.Huge ego — and he would not admit he and America had been insanely wrong to fight Germany, at least he would not admit it TO ME– whom he viewed as a “loser” though we had lost only after a SIX-YEAR STRUGGLE against the combined forces of three HUGE superpowers with a stupendous quantitative edge in troops and equipment over us Germans.


5. And the Van Rensburg prophecy, which clearly foretold Trump in 1917 (a powerful, older white conservative American with a permanent scowl on his face and hair like a duck’s butt, but with the fluffy consistency of a wig, a man who follows right after a black president) is that Turkey will betray Russia, which attacks it. This triggers a wider European war — NATO vs. Russia — and then a full, nuclear, third world war which annihilates Russia, Europe and America. Only Boers and some Germans (not those in Germany!) survive, and carve out an Aryan empire in resource-rich Africa.

Back to the Donald. So what you have in Trump now is what you had in Patton then:  a self-promoting narcissist with some very good traits and motives indeed, but without a lot of spiritual growth having taken place while he was on the other side. That means he let the life-review video which they make you watch just “bounce off” him, just as his conversation with me was fruitless.

“General, in this life-review video, we will not be showing any highlights of YOUR life, whatever you expected.

We will show you what effects your life had, and the WWII in which you were a key general, on millions of innocent people.”


As for the recent past, on the very interesting day of SEPTEMBER 11 of the election year 2016,

….on the 15th anniversary of this:


….Vladimir Putin used THIS WEBSITE — showing it for 13 seconds on nationwide Russian television — and discussing its content, in order to warn candidate Donald Trump against assassination b-y  t-h-e J-e-w-s.



It is crystal-clear that both Putin and Trump, with good reason, fear the Jews today, and try to get along with these fiends because they are very dangerous people, as Kennedy, the last tsar, Kaddafi and many others have found out.

As I have written, a Russian professor at my alma mater, Georgetown, told me once something about Putin that also applies to Trump:

“Putin is a good man, and he tries hard, but as we say in Russian, he is not the man to snatch the stars from the skies.”

The real issue is that the human race must profoundly change.

And neither a former KGB colonel, nor a businessman (with many bankruptcies, much womanizing, and a much smaller fortune than he says — $500 million, not $4 billion, and a huge, raw, almost maniacal ego) can do that spiritual uplift of white mankind which we desperately need now from the egoic swamp, cowardice and degeneracy we are in.

Doing that… the victory first over our own egoic mind so we can beat the external enemy next…is my mission.

Between lives, in the period 1945-54, for nine years I DID take my own life-review video very much to heart.

I saw in my own mistakes the egoic mind at work. And I understand that our own mind is our worst enemy, and the Jew only uses it against us.

By himself, the jew is nothing but a tiny, ugly-as-sin, ridiculous human turd, as unimpressive as his tiny, turd-shaped country.

All these jews ever do, for all their own infighting, is stick together – for themselves and against us — and so, being just 1/4 of 1% of humanity, they must use, and they do use, OUR OWN defective minds to defeat us.

The battlefield is not over facts, but your own out-of-control, jew-conquered, ego-ridden mind.


Palestinian boy in a wheelchair in Gaza,

shot by an Israeli sniper

……See my major articles

Especially important blogs

…..To donate if you have read enough pointless info (on Jews, blax, muslims, Hispanics, gays, transgenders, vaccines, Holocaust, communism, satanism,  9/11, etc.) and realize we are going nowhere with the mere truth — until people change









  1. Right on, John.

    And that nurse was not just pretty but very, very beautiful in my opinion. What a sad, early end to a good, beautiful soul. I’m sure glad she had some family survive though, evidenced by you knowing her granddaughter!

    • Thank you for your comment.

      It just so happens that just as I was beginning to type this response, a very pretty and caring nurse at the famous Mayo Clinic, of German last name herself, called me to ask how I was doing with their online course in stress management for cancer caregivers.

      In my experience, there are few groups of women more noble, admirable, sympathetic and courageous than white women nurses.

      They are exposed to horrible diseases, dangerous drugs and to needles. They work stressful swing shifts, and they see even more suffering, pain and death than do doctors, who get paid four to ten times more.

      As for this WWI German beauty, not only did she indeed have offspring, but when she died, she went to a beautiful place, and heaven itself is a kind of national socialism, not a jew-run “democracy” but a smoothly running hierarchy full of power, selfless service, justice, order and incredible beauty. (The Reich was itself a kind of Heaven on Earth. 😉 )

      And maybe that beautiful woman has reincarnated, and she is back in our cause right now.

  2. Several months ago I talked to a woman who grew up in Hillary’s neighborhood in Park Ridge, Illinois. She said that even at a young, pre-pubescent age Hillary was the neighborhood bully who would beat up other girls with her fists.

    She also told me that Hillary’s mother sent her away to a girl’s boarding school to “get her away from her father”.

    This is the woman who could have been our president.

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