UPDATED. Trump: national socialist or national egotist?

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Trump has a gold-framed oil portrait of himself at his Mar-a-Lago mansion on Palm Beach, which I have seen. Do I like people who hang portraits of themselves up in their house? No, really, I just don’t, and every great world religion denounces the sin of excessive ego. I fear a man who worships himself — and how the Jews can exploit this trait to destroy his (I do think) sincere and brave mission to save America.


woodrow-wilsonWoodrow Wilson [PHOTO] was a staggering narcissist, convinced he would save the world. But when the Jews got ahold in 1913 of the married president’s  love letters to his mistress, they totally controlled him via blackmail. (https://johndenugent.com/english/news/the-extreme-danger-of-donald-trump-because-the-jews-will-kill-him-unless-he-totally-sells-out/ and scroll down 1/4). He literally got us into the disaster of World War One because the Jews knew he would say or do anything to stay President of the United States.

And so 97,000 Americans died for nothing in the horrible trenches of death, Russia went communist, and everything took a disastrous turn that has still not ended — all because Wilson was A NARCISSIST.


Legless German officer begs in 1919


Wilson countenanced knowingly the most vile campaign of anti-German defamation (GERMANS AS RAPING GORILLAS) to demonize the German people so he could declare war on them — shockingly, just a few months after his 1916 presidential reelection campaign, whose slogan was: “He Kept Us Out of War.”!


Millions died for absolutely no benefit  — except so  Jews could get Palestine.


Someone asked me if I had endorsed Trump.  I replied:


Trump is surely the least bad, and he may well be a good guy, but I fear the Jews may very well assassinate him, and even very soon. They are already basically calling him a nazi. This hostile graphic ends the video that follows:

Btw, this “Heil Trump” video is from Ted Cruz’s campaign legal adviser, the Jew lawyer Chris Gober, co-founder of the PAC “Citizen Super Pac” that takes credit for the video.
And look at this:
I liked this but the Jews would not:
At 0:29-1:49 Trump, on “the Apprentice” in 2007, brutally fires someone because he referred to himself as “white trash.” .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3A-Z5sRwgLM



I was walking through a local mall here in Milton, Florida and came upon a Mexican Book Store. Never having seen one before, I went in.

As I was wandering around, a Latino clerk asked if he could help me find something.

I asked him, “Do you have a copy of Donald Trump’s new book about his proposed immigration policy regarding  Mexicans?”

The clerk said, “Fuck you, get out and stay out!”

I said, “Yea, that’s the one. Do you have it in paperback?”


Leftist “Economist” magazine in Britain says Trump is a dangerous  loon [again, “just like Hitler”] who would put the whole world at risk:
Enraged Whites are streaming to Trump, and here is part of the reason: Whitey: go kill yourself to atone for your white privilege: http://www.infowars.com/activist-white-people-should-kill-themselves-to-atone-for-white-privilege/
I suggest you go ahead and read my BLOGS on my website and type in Trump in the search window. https://johndenugent.com/?s=trump
[I love it how a certain kind of do-nothing person likes to write to chit-chat with me and asks me “what I think of Trump?” Try reading my blog! I have no time to write detailed private answers to time-wasters who cannot be bothered to even glance at my website!
Do you understand I have a bachelor of science degree from Georgetown, graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa — top 10% of the class —   and simply do not just spout off opinions, but research and fact-check everything significant you read there? What I “think” and write about anything is based on 62 years of experience, 38 years in this Cause, and a Marine Corps military intelligence background.
For example, in my two exposés of my cowardly, surreptitious defamer Jared Taylor, I actually KNOW the man and MET his common-law Jewish concubine.
Evelyn Rich, country-hopping leftist with both a Jewish name and appearance.  In 1992 she bashed and “exposed” white nationalists” for the PBS Frontline tv series. (https://johndenugent.com/english/updated-taylor-responds-i-offer-150-for-the-1992-frontline-episode-who-is-david-duke-showing-jared-taylors-jewish-wife-evelyn-rich-attacking-white-nationalists/ and https://johndenugent.com/english/jared-taylors-wife-exposing-the-horrid-nazis-on-frontline-pbs-series-in-1992-splc-covers-the-case/ I was recently sent an email where she denounces Taylor as a deadbeat dad.   When you send money to Taylor, she is getting much of it.
In my exposés of Duke, I have KNOWN Duke since 1989, and went with his former girlfriend (“Donna”) for two years –1989-90  — and later stayed with him and his Russian chick at his Austrian ski villa in 2007 for a week.
I knew the pre-cosmetic surgery Duke of the 1980s! I know what Dr. Pierce said in a rage about him in 1982 for plagiarizing shamelessly his famous report on Jews owning the US media — because Dr. Pierce said it to me!
“What do I think?” for me is based on WORK, intuition, research, life experience, direct encounters, and above all FACTS, analysis, and motivated by the honest search for TRUTH.]
Trump, comrade, is the most overt narcissist ever in US politics, and I just watched him give a speech last night in Florida. It was me-me-me-me-me-me-me and how great and smart and rich and successful he was, the whole speech.Yeah, Donald, because you (and your kids literally) have always been in bed with the Jews!
Let’s see how great, rich and successful you can be NOW — TAKING ON the Jews as we do!
The man is USING your white anger to get the White House.
Both his kids are married to Jews, and he has a long history of lying about anything and everything:


Also, he is not worth $4 billion but $250 million.

We need a national socialist, not a national egotist.
I am 62, and I saw them all come and go, totally letting us Whites down: George Wallace [photo], Ronald Reagan, Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul, all false hopes. 
Governor Wallace of Alabama: “I will stand in the schoolhouse door” and block desegregation  — but he stepped meekly aside and let the black kids in. Later, he tearfully blubbered on-camera and apologized to the blacks for everything.



Buchanan, born and raised in Washington DC, said and wrote a lot of good stuff over the years, yet deliberately ruined the Reform Party in 2000 as its presidential candidate. I met him, gave him $250, and my father knew him from his Nixon White House days. He would deliberately book a huge, 20K-seat ice hockey arena (a Reform Party official named Heinemann told me) with two days notice for a speech — so it would be 80% empty — in order that the media could report that Buchanan and his Reform Party candidacy had no support. (This was a Reform Party that had MILLIONS in the treasury and where Ross Perot in 1992 and 1996 had led them tzo huge headlines!) The day of the 2000 election, Patrick Buchanan announced — breaking a solemn promise — that he was rejoining the Republican Party, had deliberately not campaigned seriously, and did this to get Dubya in.


Oh, he writes some good shit. That’s his smooth, Irish blarney side. He might even believe it.




I can just hear it now in the summer of 2017 after he kisses Israel’s butt: “That Trump has sold us out like all the rest!”

Dubya with Hillary…aaah, our ruling class. All on the same team, really.



ALMOST ALL POLITICIANS ARE PSYCHOPATHS: They will say or do anything, and betray anyone, to get fame, money, power,  sex and sadistic vengeance on their enemies.  Trump is the most overtly self-worshiping man I have EVER seen on tv.

The young Tony Blair — DEAD EYES



 …..A comrade replies:



But you have to agree that Trump’s impact is much bigger than any of the previous candidates you mentioned. Buchanan didn’t even get 5% of the vote. Ron Paul didn’t even win one state in the primaries. Even Ross Perot never had this kind of power. At his best, he was barely leading at the polls for a very short time. Although Wallace made a bigger splash, I don’t think it was as big as Trump’s. Trump is a phenomenon like we’ve never seen before. And Trump doesn’t have nearly as heavy a racist stigma as Wallace had. He appeals to a wider demographic, I think.
The other thing with Trump is that regardless of what happens, he has already brought key issues to the forefront which are having a big impact. Millions of average Americans afraid to speak out before have come out of the closet against illegal immigration and for nationalism.
Even if only a demagogue, Trump has already invigorated America out of its apathy, despair and hopelessness.
Even if Trump is a Mason puppet who won’t keep his promises, even if he is a pathological narcissist, I can’t see how any of the others are any better. We now Hillary is a psychopathic dyke criminal,
…..Bernie a Marxist Jew,
Rubio a neo-con faggot, and Cruz a slick Canadian insider.
If nothing else, personally, I just love watching the guy. He inspires me. He exudes a confidence which I find uplifting.
He makes me believe in America again. He is White, tall, good-looking, successful, confident and has grit. I love when he throws out the protesters. “Get’em outta here!”
Not to mention that looking at Melania after eight years of that [] beast, Michelle would be a breath of fresh air.
So, even if Trump is a phony, to me, he’s much better than the other phonies. Even if only for the entertainment value. And there’s always the chance that he just might be for real.
Sorry John, but I think I’m sold on Trump. I just hope he doesn’t end up like Huey Long.
I answered:
Actually, I pretty-much share all your opinions below, especially about Melania. 😉  
I hope he is for real too. 😉
Fred Trump, of pure German heritage, and his mother, born in Scotland, with the Donald at NY Military Academy
I hope also that the Jews don’t “cap” him to:
1) obviously, get rid of the guy as a non-obedient, non-p.c. white alpha male who opposes the Number One Jew goal. MORE IMMIGRATION, and the Number Two Jew goal: the wussification of the white race in America;
2) totally, psychologically devastate the country, exactly as when John Kennedy was killed (I remember that terrible, terrible feeling – the wind just went out of America and it never, ever came back — it was just a total rape of the America psyche and BY THE JEWS: 

3) get the hideous monster Hillary in, or Bernie, the most dangerous of all because this vile marxist is actually likable,
4) start a race war and
5) thereby take the guns and end free speech (“temporarily, of course, until things cool down.”)
At the very least, Trump is opening the Overton window; he is saying political correctness is over and no longer binding.
The hatred of the leftist bullies shows they see this and they fear the most that when they bray racist now,  it no longer has that magic effect. *;) winking
My concern is that the  entire WN movement is on hold and we will kick back to let the Magic Donald save us.

And most of all I worry that if Trump is killed or sells out, the white race will just totally give up.


Someone needs to still be saying:   The Jew problem must be solved. And that will be me.

In this graphic, the top statement is like Trump, the bottom like me. 😉

……..The danger of a Manchurian Candidate assassin of Trump to trigger a race war

First, please watch this “great” video here: .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgCnG8eugw4

I have never seen such a good real, bodycam shootout – the real thing. It is 1) the ultimate, closeup reality clip anThe_Manchurian_Candidate_poster-denzel-schreiber-streepd 2) this is a reality that is going to become very relevant…

The Jews will never allow us (or Trump) to peacefully boot them out.

In fact, you could wake up tomorrow and Trump was already dead and gone, shot by some Manchurian Candidate:

….probably by a Mexican MC, or a Muslim MC, or a Black Lives Matter negro MC — but they could even have a MC “white nationalist” — who kills Trump because, he sez on Facebook or somewhere,  “he is a race traitor; two of his kids married Jews.” 

The point is to not only get rid of Trump but start serious gentile-on-gentile war.

Where martial law is the answer. THE CLAMPDOWN ON GUNS AND FREE SPEECH.

Yes, the killing of Trump would be that traumatic, and a perfect scenario for civil unrest and then  emergency rule by Obama.


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