Trump quietly DOUBLES refugee admission (NY Times and Breitbart); muslim men and staring

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Oh My God. Oh My God. I just cannot believe my eyes. Beyond disappointed, shocked, and even disgusted. I really, sincerely, did not expect a total f—-g cave-in on absolutely everything. Next Trump will march in the Gay Pride parade, enact gun bans, and fast for Ramadan.

Harley Pence Big “surprise”, eh?

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· 44 mins

John de Nugent
John de Nugent I really am surprised he has cucked out THIS much, because, forgetting the amorality of it all, this will also hurt him politically. He is going to lose his entire base and be a one-term president if things keep up this way, and have a failed presidency like Jimmy Carter. I am sure Trump does not want that, if only for ego reasons.


Report: Trump Administration to Nearly Double Rate of Refugee Admissions for Balance of FY 2017

[photos, bold, italics, and color added by me, John de Nugent]

The New York Times is reporting that the State Department will nearly double the rate of refugee admissions to the United States for the balance of FY 2017, from the current rate of 830 per week to 1,500 per week.

“Despite repeated efforts by President Trump to curtail refugee resettlements, the State Department this week quietly lifted the department’s restriction on the number of refugees allowed to enter the United States,” the Timesreported on Friday.

The result could be a near doubling of refugees entering the country, from about 830 people a week in the first three weeks of this month to well over 1,500 people per week by next month, according to refugee advocates. Tens of thousands of refugees are waiting to come to the United States.

The State Department’s decision was conveyed in an email on Thursday to the private agencies in countries around the world that help refugees manage the nearly two-year application process needed to enter the United States.

In her email, Jennifer L. Smith, a department official, wrote that the refugee groups could begin bringing people to the United States “unconstrained by the weekly quotas that were in place.”

It is unclear if the State Department made this upward adjustment with the knowledge and approval of President Trump. The Department of Justice, however, was apparently consulted.

“A State Department spokeswoman, speaking on the condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to discuss the issue publicly, said the department had consulted the Department of Justice about its refugee quotas and had decided to adjust them,” the Times reported.

As of May 24, 45,533 refugees have been admitted to the United States in FY 2017, which began on October 1, 2016. Earlier this week, Breitbart News estimated that if the refugee entry rate continued at the level of 817 per week (the rate of the four most recent weeks), the total number of refugees admitted to the United States in FY 2017 by September 30 would be 60,672.

If the rate of refugee admission continues at the 1,500 per week level reported by the Times for the remaining 18 weeks of FY 2017, the total number of refugees admitted in the United States during FY 2017 will be 72,996.

In FY 2016, the last full year of the Obama administration, 84,995 refugees were resettled in the United States.

“Before FY 2016, the number of refugees resettled in the United States under the Obama administration declined from 74,649 in FY 2009 to 56,424 in FY 2011, then increased to 69,933 in FY 2015,” Breitbart News reported. During the George W. Bush administration, the number of refugees admitted into the United States annually “ranged from a low of 28,390 in FY 2003 to a high of 60,191 in FY 2008.”

Opponents of the federal refugee resettlement program vigorously criticized the reported change in the Trump administration’s refugee admissions policy for FY 2017.

“Stunning news: Trump State Department opens the flood gates, refugee admissions will explode in coming weeks,” Ann Corcoran wrote at Refugee Resettlement Watch on Saturday.

Betraying the voters who elected Donald Trump, the Department of State slipped the news to the contractors on Thursday who then slipped the news to the New York Times just as you were packing up for the beach or getting ready for a family barbecue using the federal government’s favorite holiday weekend trick to bury the news,” Corcoran added.

In contrast, the voluntary agencies [VOLAGs] who are paid by taxpayers more than $1 billion annually to resettled refugees under the program praised the State Department’s decision, but also want more in FY 2018.

“Refugee advocates were delighted by the State Department’s decision,” the Times reported:

“This is long overdue, but we’re very happy,” said Mark Hetfield, president and chief executive of HIAS, an immigrant aid society.

*** On the Jew Hetfield


Under Mark’s leadership, HIAS has gained international prominence and recognition as the pre-eminent voice of the American Jewish community on refugee and immigration issues. Passionate about the organization’s mission to help all who flee ethnic cleansing, violence, and other forms of persecution, Mark has said, “HIAS doesn’t help people because they are Jewish but because we are Jewish.”


But many of the advocates said they were worried that any reprieve would be temporary.

“The president’s proposed budget cuts for 2018 would mean we would have a much smaller program next year no matter what happens with his executive orders,” said Erol Kekic, executive director of the immigration and refugee program at Church World Service.

“The budget submitted to Congress by the Trump administration on Monday for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 cuts refugee resettlement funding significantly in the State Department and the Department of Health and Human Services, the two departments with primary responsibility for the federal program’s implementation and management,” Breitbart News reported earlier this week:

The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program category of the State Department’s “Migration and Refugee Assistance” account, which is administered by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration and “funds overseas processing, transportation, and initial placement for refugees and certain other categories of special immigrants resettling in the United States,” is cut by 11 percent from $450 million in FY 2017 (estimated) to $390 million in FY 2018.

Similarly, the “Refugee and Entrant Assistance” account within the Department of Health and Human Services, which is administered by the Office of Refugee Resettlement and funds “time-limited cash benefits and numerous non-cash Federal benefits, including food assistance through SNAP, medical care, and education,” is cut by 31 percent, from $695 million in FY 2017 (estimated) to $479 million in the fiscal year that begins on October 1.

Congress, however, may decide to restore these cuts in refugee resettlement funding. The VOLAGs are actively lobbying Congress to increase refugee resettlement funding in the FY 2018 budget to a level that will support the resettlement of at least 75,000 refugees during the year.

The Daily Caller reported recently that the Trump administration budget for FY 2018 would support the resettlement of 50,000 refugees per year.

The Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, the administrative part of the State Department that manages the inflow of refugees to the United States, continues to be run by holdovers from the Obama administration.



……Muslim starers: “Creepers on the Bridge”

How muslim men stare at women.

As a guy, I always notice women, and especially the pretty ones 🙂 ” but I would never just keep staring, like a hypnotist, at a female stranger!

If you have not yet seen it, I would recommend this enlightening essay of mine:



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  1. A potential way to counter the jewish threat of the white race

    The Blessing of Esau. What do you think, Mr. de Nugent?

    Here it is in German

    Die Judenmacht ihr Wesen und Ende (1939)

    „Praxisbeispiel zum Esausegen

    Dr. Mathilde Ludendorff berichtete in einem Schreiben vom 28.08.1952 an die Zeitschrift ‚Der Weg‘ (Buenos Aires):

    Den vier Jahren Spruchkammerverfolgung gingen eineinhalb Jahre voraus, in denen ich von allen möglichen Sektionen der Demokratie der USA vernommen wurde, während die Security Police gar manches Mal mit dem Auto schon vor der Tür stand, um mich nötigenfalls abzuführen. So kam denn auch einmal ein Mann, dem der Haß gegen mich nur so aus den Augen sprühte und der mit Hilfe eines sehr starken Stimmaufwandes, hoffte mich verängstigen zu können. Wollen Sie alles verantworten, was Sie in der Zeitschrift ‚Am Heiligen Quell […]‘ veröffentlicht haben, fragte er drohend. Natürlich, es steht ja auch mein Name dabei. – Darauf wurden mir Stellen aus Artikeln vorgelesen, die offenbar als ein großes Verbrechen angesehen wurden, und als ich dabei völlig ruhig blieb, kam die Frage nicht gesprochen, sondern geschrien: Wissen Sie denn gar nicht, was Ihnen bevorsteht?

    O doch, ich habe ja schon ein ganzes Jahr hindurch den herrlichen Freiheitsgeist der Demokratie der USA kennengelernt und weiß recht wohl, was mir bevorsteht, aber ich begreife Sie überhaupt nicht. Was fällt Ihnen ein? Ja, möchten Sie nicht hören, weshalb Sie mir so unbegreiflich sind? Wenn ich mich nicht sehr irre, sind Sie doch Jude. Und ich möchte darauf wetten, daß Sie orthodoxer Jude sind, deshalb begreife ich gar nicht weshalb Sie so mit mir verfahren!

    Haß und Groll sind aus dem Gesicht verschwunden und Spannung, was nun noch von mir gesagt wird, liegt auf den Zügen. – Gern aber vergessen alle orthodoxen Juden und auch Sie den zweiten Segen, den Jahweh durch den Mund Isaaks nun dem Esau gibt, nachdem er die List erkannt hat. Esau ist alles nichtjüdische Volk, das wissen Sie! Und Sie wissen auch, daß in ihrer Thora im 1. Buch Moses 27, Vers 39 und 40 zu lesen steht:

    Da antwortete Isaak, sein Vater und sprach zu ihm: Siehe da, Du wirst keine fette Wohnung haben auf Erden und der Tau des Himmels von oben her ist dir fern. Deines Schwertes wirst Du dich nähren und Du wirst Deinem Bruder dienen. Und es wird geschehen, daß Du dich aufraffst und sein Joch von deinem Halse reißen wirst und auch Herr bist. –

    Und nun kommen Sie als orthodoxer Jude und wagen es, mir zu drohen und Strafen in Aussicht zu stellen, für das was ich gesprochen und geschrieben habe? Mein Mann und ich haben in der Judenfrage nie ein Wort geschrieben oder gesprochen, das etwas anderes gewesen wäre als das Abschütteln des Joches Jakobs von unserem Halse, mit dem Ziele, auch Herr zu sein.

    Wer also erfüllt hier denn die Verheißung, die Jahweh durch Isaak gibt? Nun, ich denke doch, der Esau in Gestalt meines verstorbenen Mannes und ich! Und wer wagt es, Ihrem Gotte Jahweh zuwiderzuhandeln?

    Das Gesicht mir gegenüber ist weiß. Der Jude erhebt sich, spricht mit der Stimme bebend die Worte: “Ich danke sehr”, verbeugt sich und verläßt rückwärtsgehend den Raum.

    Dieser kleine Vorfall ist nur einer von sehr vielen Erfahrungen in dieser Richtung in 32 Jahren.

    Zweierlei möchte er denen, die die Gefahr überwinden wollen, an die Seele legen.

    Einmal, daß sie den zusammengetragenen Wahrheitsbeweis [gemeint ist der Wahrheitsbeweis in der Judenfrage, der in ihren zusammengetragenen Spruchkammerverfahren vorgelegt worden war] gründlich aufzunehmen und verwerten. Und zum anderen, daß sie sich tief einprägen: Nur der Kampf hier wird zum Ziele führen, der gerade den orthodoxen Juden als von ihrem Gotte Jahweh selbst verheißener Kampf erscheinen muß, ein Ringen um die Freiheit aller nichtjüdischen Völker, der niemals über das Ziel hinausschießt, der niemals etwas anderes ist als das in ernster Moral verwirklichte Abschütteln des Joches Jakobs von dem Halse und der Wunsch aller Völker, selbst auch Herr zu sein.

    Es lebe die Freiheit aller Völker!

    Dr. Mathilde Ludendorff”

  2. Other things to note are.

    1. The mosaic belief system (at least large parts of it) is stolen from the ancient aryans, when Esra was under the rule of the persian king who was aryan.

    2. 90 Percent of the jews today are chasars, which are no “real” jews, but took on the belief system in 700 after Christ. Chasarians are from the caucasus. They are the aschkenasi jews, which made up all of the wall street jews.

    3. Therefore the chasarians have no right to claim palestine and they have no right to use the mosaic belief system

    4. So while we build up on these things, we still demand the “Blessing of Esau” for us, which they do not like to talk about, because this is the end of their reign.
    see: 1 book Mose Chapter 27 Verse 39 to 40

    5. To achieve this, we must tell people, what is written in the talmud, and what (((they))) are doing.

    6. Good luck

  3. Thinking about Trump’s several 180º turns, I can’t but wonder if he was a deceiver from the beginning like more than one us presidents before him, or if he was initially sincere but some power has now “pocketed” him.

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