Trump — so dangerous in his own way

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A comrade and frequent, magnanimous donor wrote:


Wow, things are really getting bad.

Can you imagine how quickly things would get fixed and how beautiful and great a country this would be if you were president?

Too bad Trump doesn’t have your instincts and decisiveness.

America needs the right person with authoritarian command. Someone who could find and install the right gauleiters, especially in the states and local areas that need the most help and attention.

We need you or someone very similar to you in the top spot as our national leader. But how can we ever get that?


My answer:

When I encountered George Patton after he was murdered — the future Donald Trump — he was arrogant, inconciliatory, full of himself, and acted as if I were somehow a “loser” for being defeated.

(Umm, we were outnumbered by three superpowers to one, general. And it took these three six long years to beat ONE country, which fought under me with unprecedented courage and skill.)

Patton took huge umbrage at my suggesting it was the Jews who had arranged his murder and, before that, his sacking as the US military governor of Bavaria.

Here was a man who himself had clearly written and said that the Jews were actually the scum of the earth, and the Germans [exact quote] were now “the only good race in Europe”!!

His grandfather was a Confederate colonel,and died of combat wounds just as his promotion to general was sent out.

I imagined therefore that Patton and I, as warriors,might perhaps have a fairly good conversation, after breaking the ice, but no.

What is scary about this Trumpatton is he is still a prisoner, trapped by his narcisistic, egoic mind. It is very hard for such a man to publicly or even privately admit it when he was wrong.

Noteworthy is that the young Trump was a bully as a pupil, and was expelled from his private school for socking his music teacher in the mouth! He was expelled (ahem, was asked to leave) a school where his own father sat on the board of directors!

This corresponds to him, as General Patton, smacking around two lowly soldiers with PTSD from months of combat.

(Even back in WWI, the US Army had realized the troops could contract PTSD, then called “shell shock.”

In WWII it was labeled “battle fatigue.”

I referred to it in my speech to German women, telling of the dozens of infantrymen I saw as a WWI soldier shuffling to the rear, “quaking and shaking.”)

Trump is not only a good man, a fighter, and smart, but also sometimes an appalling bully — and yet simultaneously weak.

Never does he face the all-important JQ.

And he caved in on Covid!

I now see the Van Rensburg prophecy as terrifyingly close, ever closer, in fact, to its horrible fulfillment.

Fearing a coup, Trump will placate the Pentagon generals at any cost, including taking hostile actions against Russia, China and Iran which could lead to WWIII.

While I want Trumpatton to win re-election, he still is a danger in his own right, though in very different ways from Biden.

What could be worse than a full-scale thermonuclear war? Does Trump think he can bully any of these three powerful nations, which also hate us with a passion?????

And just suppose all three stand togethe against the US? (Then the US will find out about 3-to-1….)

China, which has almost no energy resources, has poured $100 billion into Iran, its chief source of oil!

How would it react if Iran’s oil wells are bombed?

If the US CIA overthrows Lukashenko in Belarus, does Trump believe Putin will tolerate US tanks just 200 miles from Moscow???
Trump should be a tiger on the Jews, not a paper tiger who lets BLM and Antifa rampage across our country!
As for your kind remark:

We need you or someone very similar to you in the top spot as our national leader. But how can we ever get that,?



I will be with you in person. Or if killed, via the new religion be assured that my guiding influence will go on.


And I will have an especially busy afterlife, watching with love and pride over you all, and maybe pulling some strings you cannot see. 🙂








    • Thank you, Scandinavian brother, and I will.

      As my article on Timothy Ryback’s article and book about Adolf Hitler’s two personal libraries (in Berlin and Berchtesgaden) shows,

      Hitler was struck by how Jesus, a superior man, came down and lived with the people, and suffered with them, and learned about their harsh and desperate lives.

      If these men and women did not have kids whom they loved to care for, and serve as role models to, many literally would kill themselves.

      Their lives are that bad.

      Once, the jewish Temple priests sent soldiers out to arrest Jesus, but the men, just little jews of the common people, came back, awe-struck by His combination of authority and compassion, saying

      “We could not. No man speaks as He does.”

      • Indeed brother, Jesus must have been an aryan or at least an honorary aryan to be so caring/compassionate. I don’t believe he was a jew as he is one of the most antisemitic people ever. Blessings to you and Margi always.

  1. I don’t deny reincarnation. I think it is very possible. However I cannot remember any of the past lives I may have lived. Nor have I been close to anyone who can do this. How then can you remember that you once were Hitler? Do you possess some psychic ability that typical men lack?

    I would vote for you for president, for I think there is much that is right about you. But some of your beliefs seem overly imaginative.

  2. Già…un’arma a doppio taglio.
    Ti toglie il fiato,la fame e il sonno.
    Non ti permette di vivere come tutti gli altri perché continui ad “elaborare” la tua situazione.
    Il “Distacco” dalla società è inevitabile,ma qualcosa ti collega alla Fonte attraverso Energia potente e continuamente attiva.
    Puoi avere memoria della tua vita precedente ma qualcosa aumenta se si è in Due.Tutto si attiva tramite l’Emozione,attraverso le immagini e la musica;può essere una buona traccia.
    È doloroso Ricordare chi Sei,soprattutto quando sai di aver sofferto come la persona che amavi con tutto il tuo cuore.
    E sai che non puoi smettere mai perché daresti anche la tua vita per proteggerla.
    “Le storie prendono altre vie,io e te sappiamo com’è!”
    “Se il tempo ci riconoscerà l’amore tornerà qui”.

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