Trump’s butler rips radically into Obama; Molyneux on the right we do not have

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…….This butler is probably just saying what Trump is thinking. 

MAYBE Trump will pretend to fire him…make him move out… or maybe not.

Big rap negress endorses Trump, says “we all racis’ anyway” 😉
He is getting hispanic, black, some jewish, and most of the rightwing Hollywood stars

Hindus are lighting candles at their altars so their gods protect Trump!

AND he knows we WNs have been backing him, and if you read what hIs butler said, AND HOW CLOSE TRUMP AND THIS GUY ARE, Trump may be as hard-core as we suspected.

The National Enquirer (at every cash register in America) had a huge spread this week on the Clinton war on women…

I think the average WN should be volunteering for Trump big-time, being low-profile and getting the grassroots campaigning groundwork done for the man: phone banks, yard signs, leaflets, caps, stickers, etc…. and no longer be sitting there at his pathetic Facebook page posting shit how doomed we are 😉

If people like me went high-profile for Trump it might hurt him.. .but the WN foot soldiers should get off their ass and pitch in for Trump NOW.

I think the word should go out to the foot soldiers….  in such a way it helps Trump, not hurts him. There are thousands of these WNs out there and helping Trump is low-risk and low-profile to boot.

He now has that sweet spot where he is getting respectability as the nominee and getting big endorsements, but still is an “outlaw.” 😉

He is great at the counterpunch; every haymaker is a risky punch and the counterpunch can take a guy down fast, like when Rubio said Trump had small hands. and Trump started calling him Little Marco. 😉 I think it was all over right there.  😉 He knows the insults that stick, and having the Enquirer totally on his side is YUGE 😉

This is a four-page spread with details, based largely on the Roger Stone-Robert Murrow book The Clintons’ War on Women:

Slick Willie’s mulatto lust child Danney Williams by a black whore, Bobbie Ann Williams. (The esteemed Dr. Edward Fields was reporting on this way back in the mid-1990s.) Bill had foursomes with four black whores at a time, paying each slut $450 in 1980s money. If “‘Black Lives Matter,” why don’t the Clintons reach out to his son?


……Bill Clinton, pedophile (and not just skirt chaser, adulterer, rapist and drug dealer)



….Good Stefan Molyneux video



I commented underneath:

Excellent remarks, Mr. Molyneux, says this fellow Norman of military background. And I know you seek to avoid coming across as too extreme — fine. But I must protest (for the sake of others and neophytes) at “Mere anarchy is loosed up on the world”?   How is a deliberately planned police state “anarchy”?

And the our-fathers-withstood-Nazi-bombs is just sickening. Hitler was profoundly committed, over and over and over and over and over, both to friendship and to a military alliance with the British Empire against both American dominance and the Soviet Union, and Hitler letting the Brits go at Dunkirk was the most dramatic proof possible hereof. The first act of Churchill as PM was to arrest, under the sickening Regulation 18b, all the distinguished Britons (and British war heroes!! even a top admiral who had run the Naval War College) who were pointing this truth out.


Admiral Sir Barry Domvile

by Bassano, vintage print, 21 December 1932


All the hell Britain is suffering now is from rejecting Adolf Hitler’s endless offers of peace and outright friendship in 1940 and 1941.  And just look up what WWI PM Lloyd George said after his visit to Germany — that Hitler was a GREAT MAN.

…..Contact and support


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