Trump’s WHITE-Hispanic population exiled from the nation’s Latino Socialist coalition, just as they were from Castro’s Cuba decades earlier

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by JdN contributing writer and political analyst

There is much consternation – probably too big of a “palabra” for your average ignorant anti-white ‘La Raza’ supporter – among America’s progressive (meaning gimme free $hit) Latino coalition.
Seems Florida’s Cubans have committed a major atrocity “voting against their own race” in the 2020 Presidential election-something we expected would happen extensively in the run-up to the national election. Cretinous “beaners” seem to forget that the designation “Hispanic” is no more a racial classification than the term “American”.
Like Americans, Hispanics can come in a variety of races.
In fact, there are even almost purely white Mexicans – one need only look at Mexico’s ruling class to see that. Mestizo Mexicanos might hate us “gringos” but they keep electing their “blankitos” into power all the same. 🙂
Like this nation’s European immigrants of the 17th, 18th, and 19th century, white Caucasian Cubans of Spanish origin (Spain is of course a European nation) arrived in America in order to better their lives through hard work and escape, often on homemade rafts and planks of wood, escaping the Marxist ideology which the Bolshevik Left is pushing now on our shores.
They had and have no interest in taking over our country, changing our language, or pushing their culture and ideology on anyone.
They’re a people able to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and those who want to earn a living with as little bother from State interference as possible typically support Republican candidates.
White Cubans fit into this category perfectly and as such, have become part of the fabric of America.
Even Afro-Cubans are beginning to support right-wing candidates and stand with their white countrymen. Proud Boys leader and Afro-Cuban, Enrique Terrio, who was a key figure in countering Antifa in Portland and recently stabbed in Washington DC by Antifa terrorists, comes to mind.
And unlike most anti-Communists in our own ranks, Cuban hatred of the Left is based on a deep personal, historical and transgenerational experience and genuine PALPABLE fear that it might arrive on our shores.
Make no mistake, Cuban Americans KNOW and rightfully fear what the Left is capable of once in power— something we should all be feeling at this juncture.
Mestizos from Mexico and central America, on the other hand, have an entirely different agenda.
They want to push their language in our schools and change this country demographically. They want to spew hatred against the men who built this nation, while demanding we let them in and of course, in the Socialist tradition, give them as much free $hit as possible. They just don’t “com-prende” yet that once our money has been siphoned off by the Marxist elite, there’ll be nothing left for them.
Not. Even. Bread.
But as they are typically from low IQ backgrounds, they care little about success, education and bettering their lives longterm.
They’ll just continue to pick, smash and grab, in the black tradition.
White Cubans though are an entirely different breed.
They are one of us!
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End Article
Reason Magazine’s, Robby Soave, had this to say less than 24 hours after monitoring the election and witnessing Florida’s non-white Hispanic coalition aggressively attack Florida’s Cuban community. Sadly though, he too doesn’t get that the reason Cubans vote with their brain is that their brain is Caucasian!

Socialism: Not so popular among those who remember it well.
Not only did President Donald Trump win Florida—contrary to the expectations of the perpetually chastened pollsters—but as of Wednesday morning, it looks like he won it by a slightly larger margin than he did in 2016 (51 percent versus 49 percent).


This time he had significantly more support from the Latino community: The president improved his raw vote total in the pivotal Miami-Dade County, likely because he captured a larger share of the Cuban American vote.


“Hillary Clinton won the county by a 30-point margin in 2016,” notes Vox. “With 86 percent of precincts reporting, Biden’s lead had shrunk to just 9 percentage points in Miami-Dade County, and Trump had improved his margins among precincts in the county where Cubans make up more than a quarter of the electorate by nearly 14 points,”


Trump’s messaging to Latinos—and Cubans in particular—appears to have been effective: The campaign heavily targeted Cubans with advertisements suggesting that a vote for Joe Biden was a vote for the kind of socialism that many of them fled when they came to the U.S.


Biden has repeatedly and explicitly rejected socialism, though vice presidential pick Kamala Harris—someone whose inclusion on the ticket was supposed to represent outreach to minorities—might have contributed to some mixed-messaging on this issue.

Indeed, very preliminary election results—which must be taken with a grain of salt as votes are still being counted everywhere—point to the GOP increasing its embarrassingly small share of the minority vote.


The specter of pro-Trump Latinos is already prompting recriminations on the left: The New York Times’ 1619 Project author Nikole Hannah-Jones referred to Latinos as “a contrived ethnic category that artificially lumps white Cubans with Black Puerto Ricans and Indigenous Guatemalans.”


Black people, unlike Latinos, experienced chattel slavery in the U.S., and thus “have been forced into a monolithic vote,” according to Hannah-Jones. Really, this point just highlights that most ethnic categories are contrived: In fact, Hannah-Jones is essentially saying that one’s politics rather than one’s skin color is what constitutes whiteness or blackness or brownness.


When Biden clumsily said to a black voter, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” he may have inadvertently articulated many intersectional progressives’ position: Race is determined by policy views about oppression and marginalization rather than any underlying characteristic.

The project of the activist left has been to bind all oppressed people together in a struggle against racism, sexism, capitalism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, ageism, sizeism, and every other –ism imaginable.


Latinos, in particular, are an example of the inherent contradictions and difficulties of this task: To fight gendered language, highly educated and otherwise privileged college activists have asserted that the gender-neutral term Latinx should replace the traditional Latino and Latina.


They have won over many in the media, but very few Latinos—just 2 percent of whom actually like the term.

It appears once again that the combination of woke signaling on cultural issues and far-left economic views that look attractive to Oberlin College ethnic studies majors is in fact unpopular with a great many minority and immigrant voters.


This is something the Democratic Party will need to bear in mind, even if Biden ekes out a win.

1 Comment

  1. I think the highest compliment one could make of modern-day Spaniards, was by Adolf Hitler:

    “…the Spaniards have never yielded an inch of ground. One can’t imagine more fearless fellows. They scarcely take cover. They flout death. I know, in any case, that our men are always glad to have Spaniards as neighbours in their sector”.

    The Spanish Blue division were as good, if not better than any German Wehrmacht division.

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