TRUTH COUNTS! Alex Jones is not Jewish and he fully gets the Jewish Question, but fears retaliation

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Photo of the blue-eyed and once blond-haired Jones as a teen and now.  He actually looks just like what he is, a Celtic-ancestry WELSH-American, like all Joneses.

It always amazes me how the Average Joe WN has no critical thinking skills whatsoever, and to them I say “Don’t believe everything you think.”   I just saw on YT a comment claiming Alex Jones was Jewish. I wrote (and it is probably shadow-banned, sigh):

“What E-V-I-D-E-N-C-E is there for Alex Jones being Jewish or part-Jewish? I am not talking about what he says. Did you know he was married by Texe Marrs? I suggest you take a real good look at HIS website; it is extremely anti-Jewish.

Texe Marrs of Austin,Texas presided at the marriage of Alex Jones, also of Austin!

See also, 2/5ths down, vital info by Texe Marrs:

Jeanice Barcelo interviews JdN: good & evil, whites, “Habiru” & Hebrews; Texe Marrs claims Khazar defiantly admitted: “We come from a higher, reptilian species”; Rabbi Laitman in Moscow agrees

Also, I know someone well, a 9/11 activist, who personally knows Jones, and due to 9/11 he spoke with Jones for two hours finally about the JQ. He told me that Jones totally “gets it” about the JQ, but he fears they would shut him down or kill him if he “went there.” …..

And look at Trump — same thing! Trump only lasted less than two months in office as a friend of Russia and America-Firster, trying to to do the muslim ban, etc, but next thing you know, he bombed Syria, he endorsed NATO, and he put on the yarmulke……

You see, I have been defamed myself online, viciously, and so I always defend others who have been unfairly attacked. It cuts deeply into your support when you are successfully defamed.

Here is now some Alex Jones truth:

Alex Jones has gotten tens of thousands of “normies” to first or second base. I know many, many, MANY WNs who originally started out with Alex Jones.

This SAME mindset (Person X, Y or Z is claimed to be Jewish, or a homo, agent, or whatever) lets people believe and spread crap against me — this sin of a “casual attitude” toward THE TRUTH!

Facts count! Evidence counts! Question what you are told by some joker or some closet agent!

And be warned: Anyone who defames another human being, who is struggling and only doing their best, is committing a serious, grave KARMIC SIN!

Catherine Anderson
Catherine Anderson Who cares if he is, he’s never going to tell whites they are being wiped out and who is behind it. He is irrelevant to smart white people.

· 21 mins

John de Nugent
John de Nugent Who cares if he is defamed, right? Until it happens to YOU! Suppose I start claiming YOU are Jewish, or a lesbian, a pedophile, or an agent?

· Reply · 2

Rupert Umpleby
Rupert Umpleby Gosh, what has age done to him?
John Breslaustadcher
John Breslaustadcher No, but he has a Jewish wife, his entire Infowars disinformation program is funded by the Rotschilds who we calls out many times lol
John de Nugent
John de Nugent There you go. “He has a Jewish wife.” WRONG. Did you even bother to read my post?  He HAD a wife who was Jewish, but they broke up YEARS ago, they just had a WAR in divorce court, she called him mentally ill, and she sued him to get custody of the kids! This is exactly what I am talking about — a fact-free attitude: who cares about the evidence?
John Breslaustadcher yes i know he HAD it
John Breslaustadcher
John Breslaustadcher he broke up with her and lost the kids in court a month or two ago
John de Nugent
John de Nugent So why did you say “he HAS a Jewish wife!”? And you are about to get deleted. You need to RETRACT your false claim or you are out of here.
John Breslaustadcher
John Breslaustadcher i made a spelling mistake, why so hostile old man
John de Nugent
John de Nugent You are gone, also for disrespect, youngblood.


  1. I hope Alex let David Duke on to help red pill people, despite my doubts about Duke, that interview went a long way. Alex Jones has the platform to mass red pill on the JQ, damn shame he probably can’t. Someone probably has to fall on their sword eventually.

  2. i always wondered if this was the case with Alex Jones, if he secretly knew the truth but was afraid he would become David Duke 2.0, however I still dont see why he finds it necessary to call these Jews “Nazis” and evoke Hitler or something about the Third Reich on a daily basis.

  3. Why doesn’t Duke fear the wrath? Why was Jones so incredibly flustered in that interview with Duke? Not only was Jones struggling, he was actually cowed and couldn’t even muster his usual overly-energetic babbling to out-talk Duke, although he made a few attempts. It was the most low-energy I’ve ever seen him. All that failure against a meek and mild-mannered man who never once raised his voice, or interrupted in getting his point across.

    I won’t deny that he can be a stepping-stone for some, but at the same time he acts as a deterrent for many more due to his outlandish behaviour.

    Whatever the truth is behind the man Jones, he has unfortunately merchandized Alex Jones the persona and is thoroughly trapped by him.

    • My theory is he sometimes deliberately acts like an eccentric nut so the Jews do not see him as a leader as well as a truthteller, which would make him seem to them as an even bigger potential threat.

  4. It’s nice to see that people realize that if someone does not straight-up name the Jew, it doesn’t mean they are a disinfo shill.

    I’m sure all intelligent people know who he’s talking about when he says “globalists.” Shit, remember when Trump said “international bankers” and the media called him anti-semitic?

  5. Alex Jones is reportedly already remarried to a Jewish escort / yoga instructor and possible Mossad asset named Erika Wulff:

    There’s a lot of speculation on the Net as to whether this is true or not, but Jones was legally divorced from his first wife Kelly Jones/Violet Nichols on March 23, 2015, and has been in a child custody battle with her ever since. In Jones’ video below, published on April 4, 2017, he mentions at 11:03 that he has three children and is about to have a fourth child. So, unless he got some girl pregnant out of wedlock, it’s apparently true that he is already remarried, and probably to the Jewish woman in question:

    • What evidence is there that Wulff is Jewish? The word “reportedly” means nothing to me, and you should know that. I am also “reportedly” all kinds of evil things, and they all are lies.

      If I just got taken to the cleaners by one Jewess, I certainly would not immediately take up with another one. Especially after a certain age, even the hottest sex will not turn the head of a man who has just been crucified in divorce court.

  6. Couldn’t find solid evidence that Erika Wulff (escort name: Ajna) is Jewish, but she does look Jewish:

    Short video of her sitting in back of car with Jones:

    Screen capture from her Facebook page – she’s already changed her last name to Wulff-Jones:

    Her escort service page, where she calls herself Ajna:

    Her background is that of an intelligence operative:

    “I have a BA in History with a focus on International Studies. I love to travel. I have been fortunate enough to visit many countries such as Greece, France, Turkey, South Africa, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Belize. I enjoy learning about different cultures, the food, the traditions and history.”

    Here are some good photos of Erika Wulff in which her Jewishness is VERY apparent, especially the photo where she’s sitting cross-legged holding a rose (scroll down). She was also in a rock band at one point:

    Why are you so vigorously defending Alex Jones, the fraud who ridiculously claims that “German death cults” are responsible for all the world’s problems, while exonerating the Jews of all their crimes???

    • “Vigorously” defending? 😉

      But yes, some of the info you presented is interesting.

      The Beer Barrel forum itself is a CIA-jew front. They had vile slander against me for years up there, and someone did a detailed exposé on their owners about 4-5 years ago. It is controlled opposition to the max, as may even be some of my commentators.

      Liars tell the truth too sometimes; they do it to gain cred, to get trust capital, for down the road, when they serve up a Big Lie.

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