Nicholas and Wilhelm were actually first, second and third cousins, and wrote each other in fluent English, a heritage of their grandmother, Queen Victoria.
This is yet another Duran video on tsarist Russia as if the events were happening now.
I commented: Great info yet again, and “spasiba“!
What a fool the tsar was to attack mighty Germany, like Athens getting it on with the fierce warriors of Sparta.
What a fool to become aligned with Masonic-ruled and kosher-influenced England and France! They hate Russia to this very day!
In 2014, 90 years after the Big Jews engineered WWI, judeo-British tabloids defame Russia’s heroic leader, Vladimir Putin, who had absolutely zero reason to shoot down a Malaysian passenger jet over Ukraine, killing 298 civilians. “Cui bono?” Who benefitted?
And the German kaiser was his own cousin, and implored him not to mobilize. In December 1916 the kaiser resumed his peace efforts, urging all sides to end the war, and this too was rejected.
Nicky was thus co-responsable for all the tragedies that ensued.
His four daughters, all murdered by bolshevik jews he KNEW wanted to kill them all and who knew a losing war was their big chance. (His father, Alexander III, had had Lenin’s brother shot for conspiring to assassinate him.)
A long, costly and pointless war was certain to weaken his hold on power. Did he imagine the Germans would run into a corner and cry like a little girl in 1914?
Again, the pursuit of power and money for the elites, leading to WW1.
Germany, newly united by Bismarck, was an economic challenge to France, Britain, and Russia. Germany was overtaking them in technology, naval power, trade, iron production, etc.
So an excuse to destroy the German upstart was engineered. Britain went to war via an obscure 75-year-old treaty. Again the British Tommys weren’t asked if they wanted to go to war. The politicians voted for war.
The Tommys in the trenches didn’t get to vote legally until March 1918.
All to destroy Germany for financial gain.
Before WW2 even ended it was planned to rearm a 450,000 new German armed forces, the Bundeswehr…with American weapons.
More war for profit for the elites again.
Yes, quite so.
But it went further.
WWI also
1) wiped out three proud, ancient, rightwing white dynasties (in Austria, Germany and Russia) and replaced them with jew-run republics;
2) by defeating Germany, its ally Turkey lost Palestine to Britain — which then gave it to the jews.
895,000 Tommy Jenkins died for Rothschild.
Baron Rothschild stamp in 1954 in Israel,%20%20898%20%206%20more%20rows%20
3) Finally, the war successfully killed off millions of childless young Aryan men and tens of thousands of officers, the future leaders.
And this wiping out of the best DNA was something the jews both loved out of sadism and welcomed as weakening white warrior genes.
Tob shebbe goyim harog!
The best goyim must die!
Who said this?
The founder of the Talmud in AD 100!
In the Talmud, Sofrim 15:10 was written by Rabbi Simon ben Yochai, who lived just one generation after Jesus.
The Tsar must have been too far from the people, otherwise the kikes couldn’t have gotten between them.
Well, any time you start a war over nothing that kills 908,000 sons and husbands, the people will seethe. These were their loved ones!
Who controls the media and money ? That’s why the Tsar lost.
Solzhenitsyn and other Russians were also furious at the Russian general who initially defeated the Germans, but then made many blunders and committed suicide.
Amazingly, the Russians communicated every major move uncoded by radio….
And he and the other Russian general hated each other and refused to cooperate, so the Germans separately wiped out both their armies.
Lenin, part-jewish, part-East Asian, had a low opinion of Slavs for this and other reasons, and used jews and Georgians to get things done.
Bene…che grande stronzo!
He is human shit.
And she is a pretty woman! In the old days, a man would be extra-nice and chivalrous to her.
We can see that the egoic mind can overrule the most basic human instincts, even male-female tenderness.
[] Il monoclonale funziona,anche se ho letto che è simile all’idrossiclorochina.
I vaccinati invece hanno altri problemi invece,gli avvocati del settore infermieristico hanno denunciato una lista di pazienti(in pneumologia)in busta chiusa alla procura della Repubblica.Super infezioni batteriche e miocarditi.Un vero disastro 🙁
The monoclonal works, although I have read that it is similar to hydroxychloroquine.
The vaccinated have other problems instead, the lawyers in the nursing sector have reported a list of patients (in pneumology) in a sealed envelope to the public prosecutor’s office. Super bacterial infections and myocarditis. A real disaster