….Email to the new owner of the house Margi and I had
Remembering my wife Margaret with this song from the amazing American singing family, the Petersens, of Danish heritage.
Margi was of German/Scots-Irish Appalachian ancestry herself, and she was the right lady to make me as a European come to appreciate and love the Americans, who for me were a very new nation to incarnate into — but one that was and is so very important to our struggle to win.
If America awakens, and it might take some time and struggle, then our race on this planet will survive and thrive!
From: John de Nugent <john_denugent@yahoo.com>
To: []@yahoo.com>
Sent: Sunday, 4 June 2023 at 10:20:59 am GMT-4
Subject: update by email –my phone battery died
Good morning, [].
I could not communicate last night because my phone battery just up and died on me, which is infuriating, since a tech person (a former Navy submariner) told me they make chargers that deliberately, gradually, ruin the battery. (So I need to replace the battery by driving 56 miles to the Walmart in Houghton, our nearest city.)
Anyway, the good news is that the 8:30 am crew did show up — at 1 pm…. and we got a ton out. Then the two boys with the trailer were gone to party (they were seniors who just graduated Friday from Ontonagon County high school.)
Then I got another crew — responsible oldies (mid-forties to mix-sixties) at 7:30 pm-10 pm. to complete the job. 😉
In the garage I now have on the left things to go into storage, and on the right things to toss at the dump, which is closed all weekend. Once my phone battery issue is solved I will text them to come with the trailer again. (They literally do not answer phone calls, like many teens in this bizarre world we live in now, only answer text messages. This is the “in thing” now, texting is cool, talking for losers.)
It has been quite an education dealing with local young people all week.
But anyway, by this evening for certain the house itself will be empty and ready for you, Amy, with the lawn mowed, even if the garage may still have some of my things because I cannot text the kids with the trailer.
I am so sorry for these delays.
It has also been very hard to throw many of my wife’s things. Moving is an ordeal, but triply so after a loved one dies.
I thought I might also offer you unsolicited advice about handymen and carpenters after nine years of experience here.
[] has a construction business but is an outright crook, and deservedly has this reputation. I just had a run-in with him and went to the sheriff over a bad check he wrote me. Everyone in this town has a [] story. He has the biggest, most innocent-looking, baby-blue Polish eyes, but watch out!
As for locals who are nice and can fix anything, there is [], to whom I introduced you. He does fine work and cheap (half what others charge), but because he is a drinker, some will not use him. I do find him funny and charming as well as competent. He has given me excellent advice. I know how to deal with him, a functioning alcoholic.
[] (Croatian name, but he is mostly German) is very amiable, around maybe 45, with teenage sons, and sometimes can come quickly but other times it takes a week when he is in high demand. I don’t have his number because it is on my phone, but just about everyone here knows, respects and likes [].
Both [] and [] are honest. If one treats them with respect and friendliness they are both great.
Alright, enough for now. All has been or will be swept, and I will also mop the entire basement, which always smells so much better afterward with the fine dust gone.
It is a great house, and I know you and your husband will love it. As I say, with my apologies again for the delay, by this evening the house itself will be totally available — and the garage as well by Monday evening at the latest.
….Take up the starseed burden
A starseed is a soul from a high and almost perfect nordic planet who volunteers to reincarnate as an earthling to go among the people as one of them — and lift the suffering yet potentially wonderful white people here up to where they belong.
I took a Rudyard Kipling 1899 poem called “Take up the white man’s burden” and adapted it, changing “white man” to “starseed.”
(The context was this Briton praising the US conquest of the non-white and backward Philippines, which became in effect a US colony.)
Take up the starseed’s burden—
Send forth the best ye breed—
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives’ need;
To wait in heavy harness
On fluttered folk and wild—
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half devil and half child.
Take up the starseed’s burden—
In patience to abide,
To veil the threat of terror
And check the show of pride;
By open speech and simple,
An hundred times made plain.
To seek another’s profit,
And work another’s gain.
Take up the starseed’s burden—
The savage wars of peace—
Fill full the mouth of Famine
And bid the sickness cease;
And when your goal is nearest
The end for others sought,
Watch Sloth and heathen Folly
Bring all your hopes to nought.
Take up the starseed’s burden—
No tawdry rule of kings,
But toil of serf and sweeper—
The tale of common things.
The ports ye shall not enter,
The roads ye shall not tread,
Go make them with your living,
And mark them with your dead!
Take up the starseed’s burden—
And reap his old reward:
The blame of those ye better,
The hate of those ye guard—
The cry of hosts ye humour
(Ah, slowly!) toward the light:—
“Why brought ye us from bondage,
Our loved Egyptian night?”
Take up the starseed’s burden—
Ye dare not stoop to less
Nor call too loud on Freedom
To cloak your weariness;
By all ye cry or whisper,
By all ye leave or do,
The silent, sullen peoples
Shall weigh your Gods and you.
Take up the starseed’s burden—
Have done with childish days—
The lightly proffered laurel,
The easy, ungrudged praise.
Comes now, to search your manhood
Through all the thankless years,
Cold-edged with dear-bought wisdom,
The judgment of your peers!
…..Lift us up
….A 1999 realization, all come true now
…..Spiritual reading for June 4
Play today. Of course we mean: play, have fun, enjoy your life. But we also mean: play with that which arises from within, with that which is reflected back to you from without. There are many, many moments of great potential being presented to you for healing right now. Your “stuff” becomes more accessible and more malleable every day. This is good; it is a great time for delving deep and for developing new ways of being and seeing.
Sometimes it is important to grapple with your demons as if you are in the midst of a life or death battle. Other times, it simply works better if you can bedevil THEM. This is such a time. The level at which many of you are engaged in healing is so profound, so deep, that it is likely that you will meet with greater success if you toy with those demons instead of charging them head on.
It will be helpful to see and acknowledge all that is presented to you in this time. Much of it may seem quite ugly, but that is because it is material that has lain in the darkness for so very long. As it comes to your attention, either through your own inner recognition, or through external circumstances which force you into contact, try to move lightly. Try to dance. Not away from, but with these demons.
They are, after all, your teachers and your healers. They may take the form of patterns, reactions, beliefs, habits, fears or more. And they are showing themselves to you now, if they do, so that you can release them. In the end, this is their wish as well. But it is a subtle dance, and you will have to have your wits about you.
The truth is that many of you are attached to what we will, for simplicity’s sake, continue to call your “demons,” and are loathe to let them go. If you do heroic battle with them, the level of energy and connection only increases.
If, instead. you stand back a bit and look for the graceful route around, over or under, you may actually slip out of their grip and they out of yours. In other words, we want to tell you that many of those beliefs-patterns-constructs that have held you captive throughout this life (and likely many before) are not so firmly anchored right now as you might think.
*** Mine is the dread of being rejected by the folk I love.
There are a few in this town who hate me — and revile me to others.
Myy entire family has written me off…as did my multi-millionaire father…..
Every day I see our race at both its best and its worst.
But I remember how 1919-45 a big minority grasped the message and they internalized it.
Had we won, and then the selfish oldies gradually died out, in just two more generations we would have become a nation of true Aryans: noble-minded, heroic, happy — passionate for excellence.
So when you come across something old and deep which causes you despair, consider doing something different. Sashay in and then out. Ask questions instead of hurling accusations and repeating old assumptions and truths. Find out just how your demon works and how tightly the two of you are really intertwined. If you can do this, you will probably be surprised to fnd that there are many ways to alter the picture that seemed immovable in the past.
But remember to play. We understand that this advice may sound abstract, but we encourage you to keep it in mind and do whatever you can with it. Even if you are unable to envision that of which we speak, we say: please don’t go into a clinch with old stuff right now.
If you are lucky enough to encounter it (although it may well feel like the opposite of good fortune, it is in fact extraordinary opportunity) take notice, but back off. If you can, engage lightly and with detachment. If you cannot do this, then turn your attention
elsewhere. During this time, you want most of all to avoid building further layers of experience and belief around your helplessness vis à vis old and entrenched wounding. If you need to, take the time to literally play in the world, doing something that amuses, empowers, and/or removes you from the difficulty at hand.
If you can’t dance with it, go dance elsewhere. But only after looking that demon once in the eye.
As most of you are fully aware, you are in the midst of times beyond imagination. Anything is possible, and yet much is Herculean in its difficulty. The amount of pain present and felt is tremendous, but the experience of joy is rising and will soon surpass the pain if it has not done so already.
We wish you great healing and growth, as is possible in this moment. We wish you the capacity to break with the old and
embody the new.
We send you much love and all our blessings.
And I can see it in his son David right now.
…..I thank recent donors
— 3 June 2023 $88 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada
— 31 May 2023 $102 via PayPal from M in France
The French Riviera (Côte d’Azur = “the Azure Coast”)
Song by the Irish singer Dolores O’Riordan
Arne Burkhardt (6. Januar 1944 – 2. Juni 2023) ist leider verstorben worden – anbei ein vielsagender Nachruf vom Forum “Keine Covidimpfung für Soldaten”, und zwar:
✨Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt ist verstorben. Das wurde am heutigen Tage bekannt. Prof. Burkhardt hat das Wehrbeschwerdeverfahren vor dem BVerwG in Leipzig gegen die Covid-19-Injektionspflicht der Soldaten in herausragender Weise unterstützt. Alleine schon seit Vortrag am 1. Verhandlungstag (Anfang Mai 2022) zu seinen schockierenden Obduktionsergebnissen bei Menschen, die im zeitlichen Zusammenhang mit einer Covid-19-Injektion verstorben sind, hätte in einem fairen Verfahren vollkommen ausreichen müssen, um den Beschwerden gegen diese unsägliche Injektionspflicht stattgeben zu müssen. Diesen Vortrag hat er später noch mit einer umfangreichen schriftlichen Stellungnahme ergänzt. Die Richter, die (auch) das ignoriert haben, mögen dafür irgendwann von Gott ihren “gerechten Lohn” erhalten. Für seine unersetzliche Unterstützung sind ihm alle unendlich dankbar, insbesondere die, die die Ehre hatten ihn persönlich kennenlernen zu dürfen. Prof. Dr. Burkhardt war ein ganz feiner, äußerst liebenswerter Mensch, sehr kultiviert, stets äußerst bescheiden auftretend, sehr freundlich, aufmerksam, aber wenn es um die Wahrheit ging dennoch ein Freund deutlicher Worte. Mit einem Wort: ein phantastischer Mensch und hochqualifizierter, unbestechlicher Experte, wie die Menschheit ihn sich nur wünschen kann. Er wird für immer ein leuchtendes Vorbild für alle Wahrheitskämpfer sein. Er hätte einen ruhigeren und schöneren Lebensabend verdient. Aber als so viele Pathologen schwiegen, als sie hätten sprechen müssen, hat er die Aufgaben übernommen, an die sich andere nicht herangewagt haben, und sich mutig und tapfer in den Dienst der Menschlichkeit gestellt, bis zu seinem letzten Atemzug. Ich glaube, der liebe Gott muss diesen phantastischen Menschen persönlich abgeholt und zur Himmelspforte begleitet haben, so groß war sein Verdienst. Da, wo Du jetzt sicherlich bist, lieber Arne, im Kreise von Engeln und Heiligen, dort wird es Dir sicherlich besser gehen. Wir werden uns stets mit Freude an Dich erinnern und Dein Werk der Aufklärung weiterführen. Unser tiefes Mitgefühl gilt Deinen Angehörigen und Freunden. Ruhe in Frieden, lieber Arne.
Er wird im Gegensatz zur Mehrheit, die ganze Lebenszeiten nur driftet, eine positive Inkarnation gehabt haben.
Amazing Aryan physique https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Kj4tSDIuulM
Water’s dad was a Christian communist -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwIZoJSrIJU
John, you can delete this comment but I forgot to ask what’s your opinion on what Waters says about Sophie Scholl?
If he praised her, well, I can forgive it.
Sophie Scholl and her brother risked and gave their lives for their beliefs, however naive.
It was not until 1945 and the postwar Hellstorm that some Germans realized I was right about the jew-controlled Allies: savage, German-hating, and monstrous.
Regarding the topic of ignorant Americans, yesterday I went to the bank and found that it was closed for “Juneteenth.”
What is Juneteenth? I wondered.
When I got home I looked it up and found that it was a holiday instituted to show homage to the Negroes.
I would have thought that Martin Luther King Day was enough.
Never is anything enough for a mob that calls itself “African-American” but not one of them would move to Africa for any reason.
They need Whitey and they know it.
George Lincoln Rockwell: “Throw money at ngrs and all you get is more ngrs.” 😉