Top conservative’s wife (Trump WH official) and little daughters, 9 & 10, accosted by leftist neighbor screaming “f–k off”; when Jesuits still fought the jews; SR on duality

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Matt and Mercedes Schlapp and their five daughters (from left): Caterina, 12; Lucia, 5; Ava, 6; Viana, 13; and Elissa, 9. Photo: Andre Chung for The Washington Post via Getty Images

They live in Alexandria, Virginia, a southern Washington, DC suburb where I also lived for 18 years.

Robert E. Lee grew up here, but now it is full of blacks, hispanics,  jews, muslims, gays and childless (or one-kid),  libtard, white federal government employees.

Me in 2007 there, in a tiny studio apartment that cost me and Margi $950.

The feds came and remotely zapped my hard drive with a van parkedright outside this window with the blinds  behind me.

It had a visible burn mark on the hard disk. An IT hardware engineer looked at it and gasped: “I have NEVER seen such a thing.”

Then they broke in here (despite two doors with electronic keys), erased key documents, sprayed the carpet by the door with a red SS, and left the door wide open.

This was on the day I was to announce for  an open seat (due to death by cancer of the congesswoman) for the US Congress. I was out shopping for 90 minutes to pick up a mini-podium (to place on a table) with microphone, posters and magic markers.

When I returned, my speech, announcing a run for Congress, had been deleted, and when I tried to ad-lib it that evneing to 30 WN attendees (Council of Conservative Citizen types) and do a livestream, they shut down the livestream….

I got a seriously bad feeling it was pointless, and I only would be killed, because white people were zombies, even most WNs — but ZOG’s paid killers, unfortunately, were NOT zombies. 😉


In “Edge of Darkness,” Mel  Gibson’s character meets a Deep-State killer named Jedburg (who is approaching the end of his life and is feeling remorse, having once THOUGHT he would only be sent to kill the bad guys…..not patriots, or their children.)

To my shock, I had found out that a good-looking, blond, southern National Alliance member whom I myself had gotten into the Cause in the early 1980s, a master carpenter with a beautiful Virginia drawl, was now married to a black woman. And one of his blond sons was now a Freemason, and living with a jewess!

I guess this explains the look on my face. ;-). Total realism. 😉 Unless I change people, they are useless and will run, not fight, though running is insane.   

I am reminded of Jesus at the end of His ministry, His crucifixion just days away, sighing over the blockheaded people of Jerusalem:

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me.” –Matthew 23.37


Back now to this other Alexandrian, Matt Schlapp and his family. This was from a 2016 story:

“Matt Schlapp, the pro-Trump chairman of the American Conservative Union, … and his wife, Mercedes Schlapp, the director of strategic communications at the White House, are the most visible in the city’s cadre of conservative Republicans who, faced with a populist Trump juggernaut, chose to scramble aboard,” the N.Y. Times’ Elizabeth Williamson writes. Sign of the times: “[T]hey’re symbolic of a deep rift within their party. … ‘I don’t have that many friends left,’ Mr. Schlapp said.”

Schlapp is an obvious German-American and Roman Catholic (RC high school and university) from Kansas.  He once worked for the Dubya  WH, she for Trump.

Epoch Times:

Republican lobbyist and Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) organizer Matt Schlapp said his young daughters and wife were “accosted by one of our neighbors” over their politics.

“My wonderful wife and my two youngest girls, 9 and 10, were accosted by one of our neighbors, a few doors away,” Schlapp wrote on Twitter on Jan. 30. “When either side turns their politics into intimidation it is wrong. In this case it may well be a crime. Disagree w me all you want but leave my girls alone. I mean it.”

Schlapp added that he would not disclose the name of the person who allegedly accosted his family.

“If this ‘neighbor’ apologizes in person to my wife and two young girls it would be accepted. No one should tell a 9 year old to [expetive] off,” he wrote. “No one. Especially over politics. If Democrats of stature act like this, I really don’t want to hear about [Joe Biden’s call for] unity, not one second more.”

Schlapp said he wishes him “no harm.”

“I won’t disclose who the person is. Strange thing I met him once and he seemed decent. Maybe he had a bad day. Maybe he has TDS,” he wrote, referring to “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” a term Trump supporters use for those they consider to be irrationally opposed to the former president.

“We wish him no harm and no one else should either. I just want my kids to feel safe and welcome again @greta. Maybe it’s time to move away.”

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and his wife were surrounded and confronted after the Republican National Convention last summer. Meanwhile, former Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai said his family was harassed several years ago. Paul’s wife, Kelley Paul, wrote in a Washington Examiner article after Black Lives Matter protesters confronted them, “At first, I attempted to meet the eyes of one of the protesters and tried to explain that Rand authored the Justice for Breonna Taylor Act, but it seemed to just infuriate them more.”

Separately, Schlapp told The Associated Press that he has spoken with former President Donald Trump’s team about the future and suggested in a Fox News interview that he will push for fixing voter irregularities across the United States following months of voter-fraud claims by Trump and his legal team.

“POTUS told me after the election that he’s going to be very involved,” said Schlapp, who also chairs the American Conservative Union. “I think he’s going to stay engaged. He’s going to keep communicating. He’s going to keep expressing his opinions. I, for one, think that’s great, and I encouraged him to do that.”


…..My dream

Anyway, my dream was my site was shut down — all WN sites were SUDDENLY down –and a SWAT team came to the house. Obviously, I did not surrender.

Not when a Texas donor just gave me this nifty new holster of molded neoprene or whatever for my .40 Smith & Wesson. 😉 (I’m wearing shorts in January in the UP because Margi, at just 90 pounds, is always cold, esp. in the wintertime, and so she has the heat cranked up to 74F (24C). If the wind is not  blowing, I also literally go outside with the trash or start the car in my shorts at 10 F ( – 12C). 😉


Margi’s cute little house (I have my own, with two bedrooms, with one available for an employee/volunteer )

Look —  Only a complete fool would turn his body over to known psychopathic monsters to do with him as they pleased.


But anyway, after just 3.5 hours of sleep, I was mentally up, I gave Margi a kiss, and was ready for my strong coffee and to continue my white mission of a new Aryan religionthat is credibe, powerful and integrates the best from the religions of the past.




I pity those who fear death, which is only leaving your body behind on this hell world, and moving up to a jew-free afterlife under a loving God.

The Christians are off — heaven is gorgeous but temporary, then most of you come back here  to apply what you learned in real-people circumstances.

What people should fear is LIFE as a miserable, disarmed, vaccinated, sterilized, biochipped coward under the jews’ boot — once their power to commit savage acts on you has become unlimited.

This sweet girl has it right, but it will take men without smiles to end it.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote about his eleven years in the bolshevik gulag. (A Red Army artillery captain, he had been arrested for writing a letter back to a friend in Russia, decrying Soviet atrocities against the Germans in East Prussia. “We are as bad as they say the Germans are.” He got 11 years for that.)

It was he (or someone else I read ?.. anyway), who said,

“No, I never got used to it.  It was terrible every day for eleven years!”


You will hate yourself if you do not fight to the death.



…..The Jesuits (the elite of the Catholic priesthood) in 1890 sure ripped into the jews and with no blinders on

Nota bene,  I studied at Georgetown, a jesuit university, though I had no courses with any priests in my four years there, except one with a Columban father, a handsome young blond fellow, on the political philosophy of Plato, whic hwas, in fact, a kind of national socialism.

“Democracy,” which Plato had ocme to reject, had become mob rule in Athens, and led to 1) the oppression of the other Greeks, and then 2) a catastrophic, lost war with Sparta that, in decades of idiotic fratricide, wiped out the Aryan blood on both sides.

The “Greeks,” once mostly blond and nordic, have been swarthy and Arab-looking ever since. Every war kills off the best.

Yanis Varoufakis  Finance Minister in 2014

Anyway, as you can see, the  elite of the RC Church saw the jews accurately back then as irreconcilably wicked.

……RC Church got it right — until it too was taken over

In 1890, the Jesuit magazine La civilta Cattolica (“Catholic Civilization”) “let the Jews have it.” As Wikipedia points out, this magazine has been personally approved by the popes for 150 years. The OLD Catholic Church saw the Jews very clearly.

Under Pope Leo XIII, who reigned 1878-1903, the Church took p0sitions on many modern issues, such as the growing misery of the working class in the factories and big cities (which was being exploited by communist movements), and also on the Jewish problem, which then was becoming acute.


Part I: The Causes [of Antisemitism]
La Civiltà  Cattolica, Series XIV, Vol. VII, Fascicule 961, 23 October 1890


The nineteenth century will close upon Europe, leaving it in the grips of a very sad question, from which, in the twentieth century, there will possibly be such calamitous consequences that they will cause Europe to bring it to an end by a definitive resolution. (i.)

We mean the unhappy so-called Semitic question, which is better called the Jewish question, and intimately linked to the economic, moral, political, and religious conditions of Europe’’s Christianity.

How urgent it is at present and how much it is upsetting the major nations becomes evident from the collective outcry against the invasion of the Israelites into every sector of public and social life; from the associations having formed in France, Austria, Germany, England, Russia, Romania, and elsewhere in order to stop it; from the outcries which are beginning to make themselves heard within the parliaments; finally, from the great number of newspapers, books, and pamphlets continuously appearing in order to point out the necessity of stopping and combating the spread of this plague, and stressing its most pernicious consequences.

For some time here in this review, we also have been dealing with the specific question, which is the social one, under more critical, historical, and scientific viewpoints, and have indicated the true causes of the lamentable effects that are now increasingly deplored. But the great number of publications which lately have come to our attention, among them some quite important ones, invites us to revert it by summarizing in a few pages the many aspects involved;

….and we think that it fully deserves to be considered in Italy, where Judaism rules as lord, but where, in spite of the rich material available, still no one has emerged to write a treatise that could compete with the one by Edouard Drumont [a fierce antisemite!!!] and, as we believe, it would be devoured with great profit.1

1 Here, a list of the main works, published, in the past few years, especially in France: La France juive [Jewish France], 2 vols;

La fin d’un monde [The End of a World]; La dernière bataille [The Last Battle], by Edouard Drumont, Marpon and Denta, Paris; Le juif [The Jew], by G. des Mousseaux, Watelier; Études historiques [Historical
Studies], by Van der Haeghen, Palmé; L’entrée des Israélites dans la société française [The Entry of the Israelites into French Society], Lecoffre; Les juifs nos maïtres [The Jews, Our Masters], by Abbé Chabautey; Rome et les juifs [Rome and the Jews], by Lémann; La question juive [The Jewish Question], by Rev. Fr. Ratisbonne, Douniol;

Les juifs, rois de l’époque [The Jews, Kings of the Epoch], by Toussenel, 2 volumes, Marpon; La France n’est pas juive [France Is Not Jewish], by Reynaud, Marpon; Le juif [The Jew], by Kraszewki, Dentu; Pauvre Moschko [Poor Moschko], by Franzos, Floro; Il sangue christiano nei riti ebraici della moderna Sinagoga [Christian Blood in the Hebraic Rites of the Modern Synagogue], Prato, Toscana, Giachetti & Co.; La juiverie [Jewry], by G. de Pascal, Blériot; La piaga ebrea [The Hebraic Plague], by Dr. Giov. De Stampa, Treviso; Le juif, voilà  l’ennemi [The Jew: Here’s the Enemy], by Martinez, Savine; La prépondérance juive [The Jewish Preponderance], by Abbé Joseph Lémann, Lecoffre; La politique israélite [Israelite Politics], by Kimon, Savine; Socialismo, discussioni [Socialism: Discussions], by Dr. Don Sebastiano Nicotra, Rome, Tip. Della Pace; La Haute Banque et les Révolutions [The High Finance and the Revolutions], by Auguste Chirac, Savine; La Russie juive [Jewish Russia], by Kalixt Wolski, Savine; L’Algérie juive [Jewish Algeria], by Georges Meynié, Savine; Le mystère du sang chez les juifs [The Mystery of Blood Among the Jews], by Desportes, Savine.

The Vatican, RC headquarters


We would like to suggest to any qualified Italian writer who wishes to render a great service to Italy that he choose, among these and other similar ones, the above-mentioned fine volume of Dr. Martinez, Le Juif, voilà  l’ennemi, appel aux Catholiques [The Jew: Here’s the Enemy. An Appeal to Catholics], for it contains the essence of what the most recent and most famous authors set forth, and it argues with rare logic and [coprrect] doctrine.

If it is amplified with notes that are useful for Italy, we are convinced that it will have a wide circulation and will be a very great help in opening the eyes for the revolution that is undermining, subverting and perturbing our unfortunate peninsula. Thus we urge that this brave Italian stand up and courageously set out on the sacred work.

Fiat lux! [Let there be light!]


Judaism turns its back on the Mosaic Law

The Jewish question of our time doesn’t differ greatly from the one which affected the Christian peoples of the Middle Ages.

In a foolish way it is said to arise from “hatred” towards the Jewish tribe. Mosaism in itself couldn’t become an object of hate for Christians, since, until the coming of Christ, it was [sic] the only true religion, a prefiguration of and preparation for Christianity, which, according to God’s Will, was to be its successor.

But the Judaism of the centuries [after Christ] turned its back on the Mosaic law, replacing it with the Talmud (ii.), the very quintessence of that Pharisaism which, in so many ways, has been shattered through its rejection by Christ, the Messiah and Redeemer.

And although Talmudism is an important element of the Jewish question, it cannot be said, strictly speaking, to give that question a religious character, because what the Christian nations despise in Talmudism is not so much its virtually non-existent theological element, but rather, its morals, which are at variance with the most elementary principles of natural ethics.

Defining Semitism

Nor does the question originate in aversion for a race [sic], as apparently expressed by the improper adjective “Semitic” that is attached to it.

In the first place, the Israelite tribe is not the only one in the world springing from Sem’s most noble blood [sic].

*** Sorry, guys, ALL neo-neanderthals (jews, arabs, armenains, chechens, georgians, etc.) are trouble.

Neanderthals & Semites


Nor can any reason be found why the Aryans, who derive from Japheth,

…should harbor an inherited hatred for Sem’s offspring, in whose tabernacles, according to Noah’s solemn prophecy,(iii.) they even were to live in fraternal harmony.

Thus we take the designation Semitic whenever applied to the Jewish question, and Semitism, whenever applied to Judaism, to be inappropriate — because in exceeding the scope of their meaning, substituting the whole for a part, they produce a false [if not inflammatory] concept.

Nevertheless, aversion to the tribe adds to it and constitutes one of the chapters of the question, the religious codex of the Talmud being another one.

Moreover, the Jewish race, inasfar as it is a nation at all, though as such one without a fixed fatherland and without a political organism [Jdn: this was before Israel], lives dispersed among the nations, perhaps not without getting mixed with them here and there, but keeping aloof from them in all things which might develop into social union, and regarding them as enemies or even as victims to fall to their greed.

Thus it is that the great Israelite family, dispersed among the peoples of the world, forms a foreign nation within the nations in which it resides, and the sworn enemy of their prosperity, since the cardinal point of Talmudism is the oppression and spoliation of the very peoples who extend hospitality to its disciples.

Because of which St. Paul [sic– this man was a disaster], at the end of his days, characterized the Jews as “displeasing God and hostile to all men”:

Deo non placent, et omnibus hominibus adversantur.

As he wrote:

[the jews] killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and have persecuted us, displeasing God and hostile to all men.]


At the Vatican, Michelangelo’s statue group of Mary and Jesus, murdered by Jews. Though  Christianity started Jewish, it became a fierce enemy of the Jews after Poppea, Nero’s pro-Jewish wife, caused him to outlaw and persecute the new sect. It had originally been legally recognized by Rome as part of Judaism, a legally permitted religion, until that time.



And that the sinister codex of the Talmud, even beyond the rules of an execrable morality,

…commands hatred of all men who don’t have Jewish blood, and especially Christians, and makes it licit to spoliate and ill-treat them like noxious beasts, isn’t any longer one of its doctrinal points that can be denied.

It is not the work of Rohling which we recommend, whom we too must acknowledge to be a writer who in part indulges in fancies and invents arbitrary quotations.

We speak based on the most careful and most serious study of the Mishna, which is the Talmud’s text, and the Gemara, which is its annotation, besides the study of several rabbis, including the most notable ones of past and present times (iv.), and this does away with any doubt whatsoever.

It would be enough to consult the work of Achille Laurent, which the Hebrews have taken nearly out of circulation because it masterfully reveals the secrets of Talmudism regarding the extermination of Christian civilization and which is thus able to persuade even the most unwilling and the most doubtful.3


Icelandic children’s Sunday School book — transgender Jesus 

Joe Biden seizing a boy by the face and kissing him on the lips

Pizzagate pedophile artwork of the Podesta brothers, Killary, and their network



We have, for the rest, adduced incontestable proof of all that already in the past, which to repeat would be superfluous here.

Portalis: Religious Tolerance vs. Civil Status

Besides, it will be of use to refer to two documents which very clearly establish the true condition of the Israelites in the countries extending them refuge, as well as the main reason for the problems they create there, and thus for the aversion they incur there.

The first one stems from the famous legal consultant Portalis, written at the beginning of this century, when Napoleon I intended to legally acknowledge full civil equality of the Jews with the French.

***  Napoleon, like Trump, thought helping the jews would help HIM. He gave them French citizenship, but later, seeing their rip-offs of the people, he banned their money-lending!

Naturellement, the jewish ingrates turned on him after he had done so much for them, and Rothschild financed war after war after war against him until he was finally defeated. Then the jew Deep State in England slowly, painfully poisoned him to death with arsenic in his food.

Death mask on St. Helena

They may do this to Trump as well. Being overweight and 74, maybe teh jews will decide it is time for Trump to have a “heart attack.” Just bribe the cook, or even Melania.

Bats his hand away


An erudite man drew up a good memorandum, of which the day will still come when meminisse iuvabit [it will help to remember], observed that the giving the Hebrews religious tolerance should not be confused with granting them civil status [citizenship rights].

He said:

For the Jews are not simply a religious sect, but a people.

This people, who in antiquity had their own land and government, were dispersed, but not destroyed.They roam about the earth in order to look for a refuge, but not a homeland; they are to be found within all the nations but meld with none of them; they settle as strangers in a strange land. This is due to the nature of Jewish institutions.

Conquest was the very goal of Rome’s power, war the goal of the republic of Sparta, culture the goal of the state of Athens, commerce the goal of the dominion of the Carthaginians, and religion [basedon self-glorification]is that of the Hebraic tribe — for whom religion is everything, the basis and law of its society. 

Hence follows the evident fact that the Jews everywhere form a nation within a nation; and although they live in France, in Germany, in England, they never become French, German, or English.

Rather, they remain Jews and nothing but Jews.  

*** This is exactly what American Founding Father Thomas Jefferson said.



A truth later being harshly confirmed by Crémieux, the great vassal of the reigning Judaism, and by the Jewish review L’Alliance israélite universelle, that defined the Hebrew as the man of an inexorable universalism.


*** Adolphe [lol] Crémieux, operating out of Paris, was the public Big Cheese of the jews in the 19th century

The hideous Big Cheese of Jewry 150 years ago — Adolphe Crémieux; Ryssen explains Jewish incest and the real Jewish agenda

(in French)

FRENCH Le terrible Adolphe JUIF; Marguie intervioue Hervé Ryssen sur les Juifs («machines infernales qui ne s’arrêteront que lorsqu’elles seront brisées»), sur l’inceste juif et le véritable objectif des Hébreux

Like many jews, born often of incest, he was hideous.


Whence Portalis concludes aptly that it is perfectly in accord with justice that this kind of foreign body, which, by virtue of its institutions, its principles, and its customs, yet always remains aloof from the common society, must  remain subject to the long-standing laws of having an exceptional, not a normal status.

The Romanian experience

The other document is the manifesto of thirty-one members of the legislative chamber of Romania, addressed to the powers who, in 1868, arrogated somehow to themselves the right to impose on their nation the law of civil equality of the Hebrews.

In substance, these members of that parliament say:

The Jews, obedient to necessity, ostensibly comply with the authority of the non-Jewish state; but they are never able to consent to become an integral part of it, because they are unable to shed the idea of their own state.

They not only form a religious sect, but also a complex of indelible uniqueness of birth and of resolute belief in an always exclusively Jewish nationality, which all of them without exception maintain amidst other peoples.

Because of this, it is impossible for them to unite in blood with other peoples, and impossible to partake with them their sentiments, which are directly opposed in all things to those of Christians.

And the biggest obstacle lies in their religion, which is their religious and civil law alike, thus constituting the political and social cult and organism.

Hence Judaism, wherever it gains a footing, necessarily establishes a state within a state.

Concerning gratitude towards the peoples who shelter them, the Israelites regard themselves as absolved, since they believe the Gentiles to be usurpers.

*** In other words, Yahweh gave the planet earth to the jews, because their supposed ancestor Abraham was willing to human-sacrifice his own son, Isaac.

The original delirium: Abraham, the first semite to slit throats for “God” and the role model for three desert religions

So all non-jewish “governments” are simply an outrage to them.

Smirking closet jew Prince Salman, theAudi who had that critic chopped up alive; a delusional goy; and the elite superhuman Kushner.

Gentiles exist only to be the slaves of the jews, not to rule over them.

Every Gentile who does not obey the jews is a rebel against God.

Just to the contrary, they use every sort of means in order to gain supremacy over them, of which they believe they were assured by the Old Testament.

The time they pass within the bosom of other people is for them, so to speak, a (3 Rélation des affaires de Syrie [Report of the Affairs of Syria], Paris, 1846) a time spent with enemies who, as soon as the promised hour of universal Jewish dominion over the world will have come, are to be subjugated.


The question of patriotism

The corollary of this situation is that the Jew nowhere has his own fatherland, i.e., the land of his fathers, and therefore that corollary is the fakeness of that patriotism of which he permanently boasts….

*** Springsteen is all “born in the USA,” but so are cockroaches


…and for the apostle of which he passes himself off.

But he does this only in order to reach his goal of ruining and devouring the nations which have accorded him the right of citizenship — a bold imposture.

That is also the reason why the most hateful trade of being a traitor and spy is one of their classic characteristics.

Well known is Bismarck’’s dictum:

”God created the Hebrew to serve the man who needs a spy.”


The other good observation in this regard was by Count Cavour, who used to say of a certain Hebrew, his confidant:

“He is most useful to me in order to let the public know what I wish it to know. The very moment I have finished speaking with him, he has already betrayed me.”

In July, the Kreuz-Zeitung [Journal of the Cross] of Berlin published this account of an army officer:

During the 1870 war [the Franco-Prussian War, won by the Germans], I was assigned to the 10th Corps, commanded by General Voigts-Rhetz. He was granted 100,000 thalers to pay spies. He returned to Berlin, that sum not having been touched, because he hadn’t succeeded in recruiting any Frenchmen [to sell out their country].

However, in 1866, in the war against Austria, things went differently. The Jews showed up in great numbers and sold us for a small price all news concerning the movements of the Austrian imperial army. These Jews were Austrian citizens — and so, voluntary spies.


History is replete with treason committed by Hebrews to the detriment of the state as well as of public or private persons.

A few years ago, the Jew Goldsmit stole and sold the top secret documents of the Great-Prussian state. The Jew Klotz betrayed the English general Hicks and his troops, who then were killed by the Mahdi’’s barbarians in the Sudan.

The Jew Adler abused the trust Krajewski had put in him and handed him over to the Prussians.

The Jew Deutz betrayed the Duchess of Berry for 500,000 francs.

And so has it been already in past centuries, beginning with the Jew Sedecia, who poisoned Charles the Callow, up to the Jewess Pavlova, who of late was busy to acquire the battle plans of the French army in Paris, in order to sell them.

Talmudic and Jewish racial superiority 

The other element making this organism of the Hebrews within our Christian countries extremely dangerous and multiplying a hundred-fold the abhorrence of them, there is the superstition, taken from the Talmud, which holds that the Israelites not only form the highest race of mankind, which is totally comprised of races inferior to them, but also are solely, by full divine right, entitled to the possession of the entire universe, which they will one day enjoy.

Because of this insane belief, Judaism has insinuated itself everywhere; moreover it can be said to be the central dogma of what the Jews call their religion.

Therein lies the depraved doctrine of messianism that they profess from the third century of the Christian era, when the Babylonian Talmud was compiled, until today, and whoever, following the course of time, traces the commentaries of the greatest rabbis, will find it to be unwavering and always identical, as in our time is revealed by the Jew Disraeli, who became Lord Beaconsfield and head of Great Britain’s government.

He, who assumed the Anglican [Church of England religion] color in order to rise to power, wrote in his famous novel, Coningsby:

No penal law, no physical torment will ever cause a superior race to be devoured by an inferior race. The bastardized and persecuting one (our Christian one) disappears, but the pure-bred and persecuted one (the Jewish one) reigns and endures.

It is thus in vain that they rush upon us Jews, contaminating and humiliating us, while they dissolve through centuries and decades of centuries.But the Jew’s soul rises up and takes up its way again, getting ahead, and in our days it already exercises an influence over Europe’s affairs that is thoroughly miraculous.

He added this after having assured that

“the modern world is governed by persons far different than is imagined by those who cannot see what is going on behind the scenes”; 

By this he intended to say that the Jews manipulate everything from the shadows.

If it were necessary, we could accumulate proofs of this proud belief, culling them throughout the centuries.

But doing so would be superfluous. The falsification of the prophetic tradition regarding the Messiah and His kingdom among the people, which is the Church, already began with the destruction of Jerusalem and the dispersion or enslavement of the Jewish people by the victorious Romans.

*** In their megalomania the jews actually thought twice they could defeat the Aryan-run Roman Empire

Their Temple was burned in AD 70, then, after the second failed revolt, the whole city in 135. (No revolt by civilians against a powerful government with a big military and secret police ever succeeds unless a foreign power massively aids the rebels, an example being the French king aiding George Washington with cash, troops and ships, or the Germans reluctantly aiding the bolsheviks in Russia in 1917).

The jews then plotted to bring Rome down by subversion, and by bribing the Germans and Persians (Iranians) to attack.


Suetonius handed down its memory in his Lives of the Twelve Caesars:

Percrebuerat Oriente toto vetus et constans opinio, esse in fatis, ut eo tempore Judei profecti rerum potirentur.

[In the entire East the old and consistent opinion had spread that it had been prophesied that at that time the Jews would step fiorward and have the power.]

And, in his historiography, Tacitus corroborated this:

Pluribus persuasio inerat, antiquis sacerdotum literis contineri eo ipso tempore fore ut valesceret Oriens, profectique Judei rerum potirentur. [Many held the opinion that it was contained in the ancient writings of the priests that this was the time when the East would become strong and the Jews would come forth and possess the power.]

Similarly speaks St. Jerome, who was most competent as to the true and false opinions of the Jews. Drach, a convert to Christianity and a profound expert on the Talmud and the Jewish mysteries, explains the doctrine of the ancient and modern teachers of Israel as follows:

Their Messiah has to become a great conqueror

who puts all nations

under the yoke of the Jews.


They will anew take possession of the Holy Land, victorious and loaded with the riches taken from the infidels.

The purpose of the coming of the Messiah will be to liberate the dispersed Israel, leading it back into the Holy Land, and establishing a temporal kingdom there that is to last until the end of the world.

Then all peoples will be subject to the Jews, who will treat the persons and their goods at their discretion. The scholars and rabbis of the Synagogue routinely end their discourse by invoking this triumph and all of the blessings which they expect from the coming of a Messiah of such a nature.

But one of these blessings is the greatly desired moment of the slaughter of the Christians and of the complete extermination of the Nazarene’s sect.4

For modern jews, the Messiah concept is seen as a nice myth that really means a messianic people will rule the world.

The same concept, although slightly changed, is cherished by these modernized Jews who no longer give great weight to the rancid legends of the Talmud. 

The actual Messiah is replaced by a messianic people, (v.) i.e., the Israelites, predestined (but they don’’t know how or why) to rule over all mankind.

Such a concept, among others of recent times, comes from Adolphe Crémieux, the apostle of such a concept [the jwas as a collective Messiah]  and a main founder of current Jewish power. He commented on this notion as follows:

Israel will never have an end. Its little family is the greatness of God. A messianism of the new ages will be born and unfold. A Jerusalem of a new order, sacredly situated between the East and the West, will succeed the double-faced city [Rome] of the Caesars and the Popes.



Universal liberty promised

Stamm, a German Hebrew, has published a book in order to announce to the world that “the reign of universal liberty on earth will be established by the Jews”….

And we have seen the beautiful liberty which these insane ones dream of for the Christians.



……Young souls and the new religion

A lefty nordic female wrotes me a pathetic barb after reading my Normans essay (on them, and whom they brought into England and intermarried with):

Author : Jennifer Gustason (IP: … )
E-mail :
Whois :
I might have enjoyed your page ( and I was in fact) up until the point I felt assaulted by your racism and prejudice.

Categorizing and typecasting are the hallmarks of a lazy mind, it’s a shame you over-indulged and became addicted to vitriol

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  • John D. Nugent “Racism and prejudice”….  Zombie girl… a young soul.  If I had said only the Normans were evil, that would have been okay because they’re white and blond. 😉
  • 1 hr · Edited · Like
  • John D. Nugent I wrote her:

    “Dear Jennifer,

    The races ARE different, just as Golden Retrievers,  poodles, beagles and chihuahuas are all dogs and can interbreed, but are also truly different…

    And it is not prejudice because I am not “pre-judging.” I have had vast personal experience with other races and especially with Jews.

    Stop being a young soul, a victim of brainwashing, and repeating what someone told you – and think for yourself! Every essay I write is full of hard facts.

    If the truth is sacred to you, you will find it.


    jdn-ontonagon- lake-superior-dunes-sea-grass-surf-oct-14

    1 hr · Like
  • Jeff Smith You’ve been shamed and scolded. John. 😉
    It’s mean to be mean. You’re just soooo mean.  You’re not supposed to use facts and refferenced information, you’re supposed to be emotional, and “feel their pain”…
    1 hr · Edited · Unlike · 1
  • Paul Lovett I reached the point of accepting the reality of ignorance and brainwashing in people. What they say will not hinder me from seeking and sharing the truth. And I see that is the case with you John.
    1 hr · Unlike · 2
  • John D. Nugent Actually, some leftists are very sincere, and if you remain likable and show the the facts, inwardly they were already wavering and they come around.  I know a Canadian comrade who converted THREE Antifas to our cause.
  • 59 mins · Like · 1
  • John D. Nugent In fact, the J-Team complains constantly and correctly that the left is full of “antisemites.” The Rebel of Oz ( was a liberal who read Noam Chomsky on the brutal abuse of the Palestinians and the hard facts, plus the fact that Chomsky was an MIT professor (one of the world’s top scientific universities), a Jew himself, and the son of committed Zionists, moved him our way….
    This is his new and excellent article, which I carried on MY blogsite:
  • 54 mins · Edited · Like
  • John D. Nugent I remember when I was losing all faith in the Jehovah’s Witnesses (into which my mother had sort of forced me at 15), I actually got more fanatic at the end, because I was experiencing a “crisis of faith.”  Outwardly I seemed more hard-core than ever, especially when I worked at their world HQ in NYC, but inwardly I was fighting doubts on a daily basis.
    JWs go house-to-house and preach up a storm. They know their Bible inside and out, too, via constant course and meetings.  They have almost no rituals or ceremonies, no ornate churches, and no paid clergy.
    I worked here at their world HQ in 1975, when this photo was taken, as the WTC was being finished. The JWs own all the buildings with black dots on them.
  • wtc-1975-watchtower-black-dots
    They print their own books, make their own ink, and grow their own food.
    When I was there, they had 1,600 full-time workers who received about $25 a week in “pay.”
    Every president of the highly disciplined and trained JWs from the 1940s to 2002 had a German last name: Knorr, Franz, Henschel, etc.

A comrade wrote me:

Hello John! I’m really impressed by the articles you post and the detail of your web page.

I replied:  Great…. I wish I also got some donations in! 😉

–Do you still live near Boston? I left there in 2003…. Cute kids you have!


I shudder when I think of their future, though, comrade, and that of my two granddaughters.

–Any advice on teaching children about choices regarding dating? As in the ethnicity?

–The only solution, to be brutally frank, is mine:

a firm Aryan religion, just like Traditional Catholicism in its time, a religion which I am creating right now.

Otherwise they drift, comrade, you lose financial, moral and intellectual control over them, they fall into the jews’net, and I saw, in my own two daughters that your own kids will stab you in the back and ostracize you totally in order to please their new overlords and money masters, the Jews.

The thousands of hours I spent on them were “für die Katze.”

–Thank you.

You are welcome. We cannot come to power legally by the ballot box; we must form a religion that puts us on an equal footing with Judaism and Islam, and makes us as militant, fanatic and united as they are against us!

….Spiritual reading

February 1

Bringing the celestial to the earth is the work of the moment. It is being done in hundreds of thousands
of ways and on more levels than you can imagine by many, many of you.

It is, in essence, the work that most of you have chosen. There are variations, and diferent ways of manifesting this mission, but this is the nature of it—to bring light into density, joy into impermanence and detachment into survival. Does this make sense to you?

From our persective, there is absolutely no sense in the human experience if it is without light, joy and

(To clarify–by detachment we are referring to a state of not holding on to the phyiscal forms of our body or this universe.)

And it is possible, though not simple and far from easy.

So this is why we have been speaking of dualities the last couple of days. Because the very heart of the work to be done to transform yourselves and your world has to do with transcending—not the physical reality–but rather the duality which appears in the physical reality.

*** Duality means the pairs,the duos, of seeming opposites:

male/female, hot/cold, life/death, victory/defeat, black/white

We must take strength from both sides.

The defeat in 1945, processed with total honesty, as in “what did we do wrong?”, can lead to victory in OUR time.



To bring the celestial to the earth, and to see that they are actually now and always will be one.

Today, you may have some incredible opportunities to share with or assist others. These are not
to be missed. But this is not a day to take on the impossibly daunting. It is unlikely that you will be
presented with anything huge to do, but if you are, think ten times before agreeing.

Herculean tasks need strong underpinnings in order to be completed successfully. The energies you want to access today support kindness, thoughtfulness, happiness, satisfacion, simple contemplation and moderate worldly accomplishment.

Enjoy relative quiet and peace today and if you can, make a point of tending to some need of yourown amidst your other work. Sleep well, eat warm food, and do your best to avoid that which you find disturbing (such as the “news” or particular topics of discussion, etc.).


All the while, keep in consciousness that light, joy and detachment are always available, and that it is
possible in every moment to anchor awareness of them in yourself. This is not a crusade, especially today.
Just a reality we ask you to consider and hold near the surface.

As always, we marvel at your courage, fortitude and inner nature, which remain so loving even in the face
of so many challenges.

We send you all the love, light, joy and detachment we are able, and ask you to bless
us with their receipt.– E. West


  1. A lefturd hurls abuse at Mr Schlapp’s two young daughters! It would be justice if the dad went around to the lefturd’s house and squeezed HIS until he passed out. Isn’t that what we’re fighting for, the basic right to live in peace, free from lefturd abuse because of a man’s opinions? I’m all for freedom of speech; clearly, not everyone is.

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